By all means this is not an inclusive list of Ringgold County's teachers
and educators. This page is a tribute to those who dedicated their lives to educate our
minds, discipline our bodies, and mold us into young adults, ready to enter into the world and become the
people we are today. ~ SRB
NOTE: To search for a specific surname on this webpage
press "Ctrl" key and the "F" key together on your keyboard
(Command + "F" for Mac users)
then type the surname in the dialog box which pops up.
Cindy ALLEN, Angi DODGE, Marilyn HAWKINS, Pam HUDSON, James SMITH, Donna YOUNG
A ABARR, Anna, teacher at Badger SchoolABARR, Della, teacher at Empire School
ABBOTT, John, Teacher at Lesanville School, 1873.
ABERNATHY, Miss Hattie, Teacher at Lesanville School.
ADAIR, Miss, Elementary teacher at Redding, 1929
ADAMS, "Mother" (TALLEY)
Teacher in Grant Township, 1850's, at a salary of $10 a month
ALDRICH, Martin "Marty" instrumental music instructor, Mount Ayr Community School until 1991
English, typing, and shorthand teacher at Redding High School ALLEN, Cindy, Mount Ayr Elementary teacher ALLEN, Dale, Superintendent Redding School
ALLEN, Jackie, Diagonal Middle School math teacher, 2008
ALLEN, Morris L., Social Studies Teacher at Kellerton School, 1949AMICK, Charlie, teacher at Empire SchoolANDERSON, Marion, government & English teacher at Tingley Independent School
ANDERSON, Mary, Latin & History Teacher Mount Ayr High School, 1914-1915
ANDERSON, Ramona (FOSTER), country school teacher, Ellston area, 1930'sANDREWS, Laura, teacher at Badger School ANGLUM, Mayme, Teacher at MaloyANGUS, Ruth (MOFFATT), Teacher at Mount Ayr Community Schools, 17 years ANGUS, Suzi, Mount Ayr Community School special education teacher, 1995ARNDE, Maurice, Teacher at Mount AyrARNEAL, Bessie, teacher at Badger SchoolARNETT, Claudia, teacher at Badger SchoolARNETT, George, teacher at Empire SchoolARNETT, Nan, teacher at Badger School and Empire SchoolASHENHURST, Eva, teacher at Cozy Corner School No. 3 Tingley TownshipASHENHURST, Mary, teacher at Tingley Independent School, 1947-1961
ASKREN, Mr. J. C., Teacher at Mount Ayr School, 1870's
ASKREN, Louise, Teacher at Marshalltown School, County Superintendent of Schools, 1915
ASKREN, Capt. Robert F.
County Superintendent of Schools, 1870's;
organized 1st County Institute for Teachers
AUCKER, Ray Diagonal Community School superintendent, 1990'sAUSTIN, Jane, Teacher at Mount Ayr School
Return to Top
BAILEY, Clyde E.
Teacher at
Grant Center Rural School No. 5, Grant Township
BAILEY, Julia (MERRILL), Teacher at Mount Ayr School, 1870's
BAILEY, Opal (LINK), Teacher at Dryden No. 6 School, Benton Township
BAIRD, Elder, Superintendent at Redding School, 1906
BALLATYNE, Madeline R., English teacher at Kellerton High School, 1956
BALLATYNE, Mr., 1st & 2nd Grade Teacher, Kellerton School, 1957
BARCHUS, Rachel, Teacher at Lone Star School, 1872
BARNES, William, Teacher at Caledonia School 1876 - 1877BARNETT, Mrs. Maxine, 1954-55 teacher at Grant Center School, No. 5
BARNHOUSE, V. R., Superintendent, Kellerton High School, 1956
BARRETT, J. Wyl, Teacher at Middle Fork School No. 6, 1899-1900
BARRETT, William Lee, Teacher in Ringgold County, 1890's
concluded a 35-year career as junior high & senior high principal, Mount Ayr Community School 2005
He was a 1970 graduate of University of Northern Iowa.BASSETT, Bernadine, Mount Ayr Community School Business Education teacher
Teacher at Mount Ayr School, 1850 & 60's
Deputy County Superintendent of Schools, early 1900's
BEALL, Charlotte (SWAN), Teacher at Mount Ayr School, 1850's
BEALL, Ithamar S. "Ith", Teacher at Mount Ayr School, 1850's
BEAMAN, Aileene Marjorie (DOWNIE), home ec & English teacher at Tingley School BEAR, Winfield Scott, Superintendent at Kellerton School
BEARD, Albert, Teacher at
John SCOTT School, New Chicago
BEDIER, Michelle Lynn (POMERENKE), teacher at Diagonal Community School
BELLAMY, John, teacher at Empire School BELLAMY, Laura, early Ringgold County schoolteacherBENNETT, Dora (SWIGART), Teacher in rural Ringgold County schools BENSON, Georgia (SIVERLY), Teacher at Harmony School, No. 6, Grant Twp.BENUKE, J. E., Superintendent Tingley School, 1920.
teacher at Willow Grove, No. 4, Jefferson Twp. BEYMER, Estella (SHAFER), Teacher at Harmony School,
No. 6, Grant Twp.
BETHARDS, Harry Fay, music teacher, Diagonal Schools, 1950's BILLINGSLEY, Miss, 8th Grade Teacher at Ellston SchoolBIRD, Mrs., teacher at Tingley Independent SchoolBISBEY, Mrs. Elgin, teacher at Liberty No. 4, Side Hill School, 1954-55BISHOP, Margaret, rural Ringgold County and 5th Grade teacher, Mount Ayr ElementaryBISSELL, Olie, teacher at Tingley Independent SchoolBLACK, Charles, track and field coach, Mount Ayr High School, 1960'sBLANDON, Vera Mabel (GREEN), Speech & Drama Teacher, Kellerton & Grand RiverBLISS, Floy, Teacher at Mount Ayr Schools
BLOOMSTRAND, Ada Mae, 5th & 6th grade teacher, Tingley SchoolBLUNK, Ethel, Primary Teacher, Maloy School, 1900BOARD, Judy, 6th grade teacher and coach, Mount Ayr Community, 2000-05BOHN, Irene Marie (TODD), Ringgold County country schoolteacherBOLTON, Norma, Tingley Community school teacher BONEBRAKE, Susan "Avis" (STEPHENS) teacher at Diagonal, Blockton & Clearfield Schools
BOWEN, Bill, Superintendent Redding SchoolBOYD, Russell, science teacher at Tingley Independent School BRADEN, Miss, Elementary teacher at Ellston School
BRADLEY, Mida E., Music Teacher, Kellerton High School, 1956
BRADLEY, Mildred, Teacher at Redding School, 1930'sBRADY, Mrs. Gertrude, teacher at Liberty No. 5, Liberty Center School, 1954-55BRINTON, Grace, English Teacher, Kellerton High School, 1957BRISBANE, Tracy, Domestic Science Teacher, Tingley High School, 1919 BROOKS, Rollie K. Civil War Veteran & Teacher at Clipper School No. 3, Middle Fork Township, post-Civil War Years
BROWN, Chad, Former Head Basketball Coach, Grand Valley Community School
BROWN, Iva S., (1893-1925) Teacher, Ringgold County
BROWN, Lavon (McMATH), rural Ringgold County teacher
BROWN, Miriam L. (WOOD), Rural school teacher, Diagonal
BROWN, Miss, First teacher at Mount Ayr School
BROWN, U. G., Principal of Kellerton High School, 1908
BRUNDAGE, Chip High School mathematics & football coach, Mount Ayr Community SchoolBRYAN, Bessie, Teacher at Badger School, Empire School, and Orchard Hill SchoolBRYAN, Grace, teacher at Badger SchoolBUCK, Belle, Teacher at Mount Ayr School, 1860'sBUCK, Fannie (BALDWIN), teacher at Rice Center School #5
teacher at Harmony School, No. 6, Grant Twp.BUCK, Mr. R. M., teacher at Rice Center School #5BUCK, Sue, Teacher, Mount Ayr Community School
BUCK, William J., Teacher at Mount Ayr School, late 1860's
BUCY, Avis "Maxine" (GROVES)
Teacher at Lincoln #1 rural school, intermediate teacher at Benton School, remedial math teacher at Clarke Community Schools, Osceola IA
BUELL, Evelyn, Teacher at Mount Ayr School
BUELL, Mrs. W. B.
vocal music instructor at Tingley, Ellston, Beaconsfield, Delphos, Maloy, & Redding elementary schools, 1950's -1960
BULLOCK, Mrs., Teacher at Lesanville School.BURCH, Elmer R., Superintendent, Kellerton School, 1949 BURCHETT, Ida Maude (GREENMAN), Ringgold County teacher, early 1900's
BURDETTE, Mildred P. (McMAHILL), Teacher at Tingley School
BURNETT, Lottie, Teacher at Bethel School No. 1, Grant Township
BUSBY, Bette, Teacher at Harmony School, No. 6, Grant Twp.BUSCHING, Miss Marilyn Mount Ayr Community School, physical education teacher, 1977
BUTCHER, Mary, Elementary teacher at Ellston School
BUTLER, C. J., Superintendent at Redding School, 1919
BUTT, Esther (JOHNSTON), Teacher at Willow Grove, No. 4, Jefferson Twp.
BYERS, Raymond E., Teacher at Mount Ayr School and elementary principal 1958-1960Return to Top
CALFEE, Fannie, teacher at Tingley Township Center School, 1879CALFEE, Mercy, Teacher at Mogul School No. 3, Tingley Township
CALFEE, Minnie May, Teacher at Boggs School
CAMP, Laura, married Richard EMERSON
teacher at
John SCOTT School, New Chicago
CAMPBELL, Effie, Teacher at Ellston School
CAMPBELL, Fern, Diagonal High School Teacher
CAMPBELL, G. Glenn, Teacher at Mount Ayr Community School
CAMPBELL, Louie, Teacher at Ellston School, 1886 CAMPBELL, Orr, Teacher at Maloy School, 1881
CAMPBELL, Teri, Spanish teacher, Mount Ayr Community School
CAMPBELL, Thomas "Tom"
teacher in Lotts Creek Township; later Ringgold County Treasurer 1886-1895; co-owner of CAMPBELL & McSNIGG Implement, Mount AyrCANNON, Mrs. Mildred Teacher at Poe No. 6, Saltzman School, 1954-55; Grand Valley Junior High Teacher
CAREY, Kay, High School English & Spanish teacher, Diagonal Community School
teacher at Willow Grove, No. 4, Jefferson Twp. & Lincoln School No 4, Washington Township CARR, Gladys (CLARK) STEELE, Elementary teacher at Maloy and Mount Ayr
CARR, Maurice
Basketball Coach at Maloy, 1930's. Inducted to Iowa High School Basketball
Hall of Fame in 1981
teacher at Redding School, 1957;
superintendant at Redding School, 1958
CARR, Maxine, English teacher, Mount Ayr Community High School
CARR, Miss, High school teacher at Redding School, 1920's
CARSON, Ethel (SIVERLY), Teacher at Harmony School, No. 6, Grant Twp.CARSON, Evelyn Lucille (EURITT) PRATT, country school teacherCARSON, Vera Deloris (HAIDSIAK) [Obituary], Brush College Country School, Diagonal, Maloy, Benton & Mount Ayr grade school teacherCARTER, Mrs., 3rd & 46th Grade Teacher, Kellerton School, 1957CASON, Carol, junior high and high school vocal music, Mount Ayr Community School
CHAMBERS, J.E.M., High School teacher at Redding School, 1940's
CHAMPLIN, John, Mount Ayr football coach, 1945.
CHAVANNES, Elsie (McFARLAND), High School teacher at Mount Ayr Community school
CHERRYHOLMES, Professor J. D., Teacher at Kellerton School
CHICKEN, Harriet (PIKE), Mount Ayr School teacherCLARK, Lena Pearl (ROBERTS), Teacher at Pleasant Valley and Zwick Schools
CLARK, Stella (HESS), Teacher at Harmony School, No. 6, Grant Twp.CLEMENT, Dale, typing teacher at Tingley Independent School CLYMER, Mabel Voilet (BRADSHAW)
teacher in Beaconsfield vicinity & cook at Tingley SchoolCOBB, Anna, Teacher at Brush College
COFFEE, Ray, Technology coordinator, Mount Ayr Community SchoolCOIE, Mae F., Bookkeeping Teacher and Superintendent Tingley School, 1920. COLE, Mabel Aldah, Ringgold County Home Economics teacher
COLE, Ty, Boys Basketball Coach at Redding High School, 1930'sCOLLINS, James, Mount Ayr Community School Vocational Agriculture Instructor, 1977
COLLINS, Mr., Superintendent Redding School
COMBS, Nora Lorene (WIMER), Mount Ayr teacher, 1940's
COMER, Coach, coach at Ellston High School
COMER, Ruby (HIGGINS), Teacher at Willow Grove, No. 4, Jefferson Twp.COOK, Jack Mount Ayr Community School Vocational Instructor & Future Farmers of America Advisor COOK, Sadie, Teacher at Knowlton School
COOL, Jim, Ellston and Mount Ayr Teacher
CRAIN, Sue, Sixth Grade teacher, Mount Ayr Community School
CRAWFORD, Mrs., Teacher at Willow Grove, No. 4, Jefferson Twp.CRAWFORD, Leonard, Mount Ayr Community School Elementary Principal, 1962-63CROSS, Pam Junior High Social Studies Teacher, Mount Ayr Community School, 2000CROUCH, Jessie, teacher at Empire SchoolCROUCH, Miss, Tingley School Teacher, 1916-1917 CULVER, Richard, Teacher and coach at Maloy
CUMMINS, Miss Lizzie, Teacher at Lesanville School. CUNNINGHAM, Peter J. "Jim", Teacher at Mount Ayr Community School CUNNINGHAM, John, Teacher at rural school near Missouri Border, 1850'sReturn to Top D
Teacher at Foland School and Tingley and Ringgold County Schools
and primary teacher at Tingley Independent SchoolDALBEY, Margaret Esther (BEARD), Diagonal's Home Economics & English teacherDAUGHTON, Mrs. Vera, teacher at Poe No. 1, Leasanville School, 1954-55DAVENPORT, R. E., Superintendent Tingley School, 1909. DAY, Bertha (RICKER), Teacher at Harmony School, No. 6, Grant Twp. DAY, Dan, Mount Ayr Commmunity High school guidance counselor, 1970's & 1980's
DAZELL, Prof., Coach at Ellston High School
DELAY, Mr., Teacher at Mount Ayr School, 1870'sDeLONG, Miss, teacher at Hackberry No. 2 Rural School, Tingley TownshipDeNELSKY, Minnie, Mount Ayr Community High School librarian and Spanish teacher DENHART, Mary, Teacher at Jefferson Center School, Jefferson TownshipDENNIS, W. J., Superintendent Tingley School, 1918 - 1919. DeVRIES, Jane (ANDERSON) DUFFIELD
Teacher at Side Hill School & country schools, Athens & Liberty Townships,
late 1930's& early 1940's DeWITT, Ruth, Junior High Teacher, Tingley School, 1919 DICKENS, Vera
Ringgold County superintendant of schools,
serving 33 years.
DICKEY, Mabel, Teacher at Kellerton, 1911 - 1912
DICKINSON, Mabel, Teacher at
Harmony School, No. 6, Grant Twp.
DILLEN, Isaac, teacher at Badger School
DINKEL, Nora (SHAFER), Teacher at
Harmony School, No. 6, Grant Twp. DODGE, Angi, Mount Ayr Elementary teacher
DODGE, Darrell alternative school instruction & administration, Mount Ayr Community School
DOLECHECK, Sylva, Ringgold County School Superintendent
DOSER, Ethel (BIGLEY), Teacher at Jackson Hill No. 8, Monroe Township
DOUGLASS, Ruby (NEILL), country school teacher
DOULET, Margaret, Teacher at Harmony School, No. 6, Grant Twp.
DRAKE, Andrew, associate Middle School special education, Mount Ayr Community School, 2013-14 DRAKE, John, Teacher at John SCOTT School, New Chicago
DRAKE, Mary Marguerite (FERBER), Teacher at Ringgol County rural schools
DRISKELL, Margaret, Teacher at Cottonwood School No. 7, Jefferson Township
DuBOIS, Miss, Intermediate School Teacher, Mount Ayr, 1888
DuBOIS, Mr., Superintendent Ringgold County Schools, 1920 DUKES, Lela Ione (PERSHIN), Teacher at Dickson Country School north of Ellston DUNCAN, Robert, Mount Ayr High School industrial arts & world history teacher, 1955-57DUNHAM, Paul Preston, Superintendent at Diagonal School DURHAM, Mr., Teacher at Redding School, 1940's
DUSE, Earl C., Boys Basketball Coach at Redding High School, 1920's
DUTH, Mr., Teacher at Mount Ayr School, 1850's
DWIRE, Stephen, Teacher at Lesanville School.Return to Top E
EASON, Beth (BEYMER), Ringgold County country school teacherEASON, Clair, superintendent Diagonal Community School
EASON, JoAnn, Fifth Grade teacher, Diagonal Community School
EASON, Marie, Teacher at Shiloh School, Benton Township
EASTMAN, Mr. E. H., Principal & Teacher at Mount Ayr School, 1880'sEASTWOOD, Miss, teacher at Tingley Independent SchoolECKELS, Gertrude Clara (HALM), Ellston School teacher
EDWARDS, Maggie, Teacher at Willow Grove, No. 4, Jefferson Twp.
EGLY, Mrs. Bessie, teacher at Tingley Independent School
teacher at Cornith School No. 8, Jefferson Township, 1946-1952 EHLEN, Eric, Mount Ayr Community School Junior High Health, Asst. High School wrestling coach, 1995EIGHME, Jo, teacher at Tingley Independent School, 1926 - 1944EIGHME, Marietta, primary teacher at Tingley Independent School ELLINGTON, Miss, first teacher at Maloy, 1895
High School & Grammar School Teacher, Mount Ayr, 1870 & 80's
1879 in charge of entire Mount Ayr School
Ellston High School Teachers, 1918 - 1919ELMORE, Arthur, Music Teacher, Beaconsfield SchoolELWOOD, Chris, Mount Ayr Elementary principalENGLE, E. J., Superintendent Tingley School, 1911 - 1912.
ESCH, Madison, 2nd Grade Teacher, Mount Ayr Community School, 2013-14 EVANS, W. L., Superintendent Redding School,
1949-50Return to Top F
FARROW, Seth, Vocal music instructor, Mount Ayr Community SchoolFASOLD, Prof. Wilford H., teacher at Mount Ayr High School
FAULKNER, Lizzie, Teacher of John SCOTT School, New Chicago
FENN, Carl, Teacher at Mount Ayr Schools
FERGUSON, Bill, Middle School teacher at Redding School, 1937FINDLEY, Mr., teacher at Tingley Independent SchoolFINDLEY, Mrs., teacher at Tingley Independent SchoolFINDLEY, Mrs.
Rose, teacher at Middle Forck No. 5, Hickory Grove School, 1954-55 FISHER, Florence, 5th & 6th Grade teacher at Redding School, 1928
FISK, Rosalia, Teacher at Grand Valley SchoolsFITZWATER, Mrs. Lillie, teacher at Athens No. 2 School, 1954-55 FLAGGARD, Ruth, Teacher at Grand Valley School FLANERY, John, Vocal Music Teacher, Mount Ayr & Grand Valley Schools, 1995 FLEMING, Eugene, Teacher at Willow Grove, No. 4, Jefferson Twp.
FOGLEMAN, Winnie, early Ringgold County schoolteacher
FOLTZ, Edna, Teacher at Pleasant Valley School No. 7, Monroe Township, 1930's
FOSTER, A., Teacher in Lotts Creek Township, 1850's
FOSTER, Grace Arlene (JACKSON), rural Ringgold County school teacher, Zion, Tingley & AthenFREDRICKSEN, Doris Marie (CARSON), Teacher in Ringgold County rural schoolsFREED, Mrs. Kathleen, Elementary Teacher at Redding Consolidated SchoolFREEL, Herman, Diagonal Community School superintendent, 1962-62
FREEMAN, Ina, primary teacher at Tingley Independent School
FRENCH, Bart, Freshman science teacher, 1962-1970, Mount Ayr Community School
FRENCH, Ed, Teacher at John SCOTT School, New Chicago
FROST, Anna, early Ringgold County schoolteacher
FUGATE, Rev. Cela Imo (ATWOOD)
5th & 6th grade teacher, Kellerton & Grand Valley Community Schools, 1940's
FULLERTON, Dr. C. A., Organizer of Ringgold County's grade school chorus, 1930'sReturn to Top G
GAINES, Mr., teacher at Badger School GALLOWAY, Mrs. Elsie, High School teacher at Redding School, 1950'sGALLOWAY, Julia, teacher at Pleasant View School, 1879GALLOWAY, Nellie, teacher at Empire School GARNES, J. Frank, Principal of Ellston High School, 1908GARRETT, Mrs. Roberta, teacher at Lotts Creek No. 7, Shady Grove School, 1954-55 GEIGER, Vance
A graduate of Redding High School and NorthWest Missouri College; Veteran principal of
Mount Ayr High School, 1960's.
GEISE, Dale, Mount Ayr physical education teacher
GEIST, Jodie, Special education teacher, Mount Ayr Community School GERINGER, Vince, Mount Ayr Community High School chemistry & physics teacher, 1962-1976
GETTS, Clarice, Teacher at Harmony School, No. 6, Grant Twp.GILES, Larry, Mount Ayr Elementary principal, 1980'sGLEASON, Gladys, 1914-15 Redding School teacherGODFREY, Jessie, First teacher at Tingley Independent School
GODFREY, Dr. Roger, Diagonal superintendent, 1990's
GOLDNER, Maggie (SHERWOOD) Teacher at Ames School No. 1, Tingley Township, 1916
GOODALE, Phylis (MOREY), Teacher at Harmony School, No. 6, Grant Twp.
GORDON, Miss, teacher at Tingley School, 1913-1914GRAHAM, Gladys (BROWN), Ringgold County teacherGRAY, Harriet, Teacher at Tingley School, 1893
GRAY, Ila (TAYLOR), School teacher at Blockton and Mount Ayr, IowaGRAY, J. R., teacher at Tingley School, 1893GRAY, Mary, teacher at Tingley School, 1896
GREENE, Susan, Vocal music instructor, Mount Ayr Community School
GRIFFITH, Miss Velma, Teacher at Redding School, 1938
GROSS, Helen Lois (HAMMANS), Teacher at Mount Ayr Community Schools, 29 yearsGROSSER, Miss Alice M., Grand Valley music teacher GUILD, Flora, Teacher at John SCOTT School, New Chicago
GUSTIN, Jeremiah C., (1846-1919), Ringgold County Schools directorReturn to Top H
HAGANS, Jane E. (TARDY), Teacher at Hickory Grove School, early 1900's
HAGGLUND, Anne Louise (HALL)
English and music teacher, Mount Ayr Community Schools
HAILEY, Lola A. (WILLEY), County School Teacher at Jefferson #6 School
HAMILTON, Garry Lee, High School teacher at Mount Ayr Community School
HAMMOND, Mr., Principal & teacher at Mount Ayr School, 1876
HANSEN, C. Arthur, Supertendent of Schools, Mount Ayr, 1959 - 1961
HARRINGTON, Dale, Basketball coach, Mount Ayr High School, 1960's
HARRISON, Miss Retta Teacher at Badger School & Intermediate Teacher at Kellerton School
HARTLEY, Bernice, Teacher at Harmony School, No. 6, Grant Twp.
HARVEY, Harlan
High School teacher at Redding School, 1950's
Boys High School Basketball Coach, Redding High School
HASCALL, Edwin A., Science teacher, Kellerton High School, late 1950'sHASS, Maud, teacher at Badger School HATCH, Estella, Teacher at John SCOTT School, New Chicago
HATFIELD, Kenneth Lee "Ken"
teacher at Grand Valley Community School and Diagonal School
Mount Ayr Voc-Ag instructor and F.F.A. advisor,
1950's - 1960's
Leadership Award, November, 1960.HAWN, Mrs. June, teacher at Monroe No. 3 (Zwick?) School, 1954-55HEATON, Barbara W., Kellerton school teacher
HEATON, Miss Velma, Teacher at Eighme School, 1935
HENDERSON, E. Claire, Superintendent Redding SchoolHENDERSON, Lola, teacher at Tingley School, 1893
Diagonal basketball coach, 1940-50's; Mount Ayr basketball coach, 1960's.
HIGGINS, Allen, District School Director, Middle Fork Township circa early 1900's
HIGGINS, Ruby, Teacher at Willow Grove School No. 4, Jefferson Township
HILESBECK, Mr. J. A., Principal at Mount Ayr School, 1880HILLHOUSE, Rosa, teacher at Badger SchoolHINES, Addie, Teacher at Mount Ayr Schools, 1870'sHOFFMAN, Mrs. Althea, 1954-55 teacher at country school, Jefferson No. 5 HOFFMAN, Florence, Primary teacher at Redding School, 1915,
1919, 1920's
HOFFMAN, Gaile, Primary teacher Redding School, 1902'sHOFFMAN, Florence, teacher at Badger SchoolHOFFMAN, John, teacher at Badger School
HOFFMAN, Maurisca, Remedial reading, Diagonal Community School
HOFFMAN, Rowena, 5th & 6th Grade teacher at Redding School, 1927HOFFMAN, Silas, teacher at Badger SchoolHOHLFELD, William "Bill", Mount Ayr Community High School teacher for 31 years HOLMAN, Pearl (BROWN), teacher at Rice Center School #5HOOD, Mrs. Irene, teacher at Poe No. 9, Urbana School, 1954-55HORNE, Mrs. Barbara, teacher at Liberty No. 1 Brubaker School, 1954-55 HOSFIELD, Dorothy "Nadine" (WOOD), rural country school teacher
HOUDEK, Michelle, 5th grade teacher, Mount Ayr Community SchoolHOWE, Jack, Mount Ayr Junior High teacher & Boy Scout Master, 1950's HOWE, Mrs. Jack, 6th Grade teacher, Benton School, 1960's HUDSON, Pam, Mount Ayr Elementary teacherHUNT, Mr., Junior High Teacher, Kellerton School, 1956
HUNT, Mrs., 5th & 6th Grade Teacher, Kellerton School, 1956
HUNSICKER, Evert C., Voc-Ag teacher, Kellerton and Grand Valley High School
HURST, Allan M., Music teacher, Mount Ayr Community school, 1960-61HURWIT, J. J., Superintendent Tingley School, 1925 - 1933.HUTCHINSON, Eddie Joe "Ed", Coach at Mount Ayr Community SchoolReturn to Top I
IRVING, Miss, Teacher at Cornith School near Diagonal, circa 1947J JACKSON, Donella, Mount Ayr Elementary School Teacher
JACKSON, Hazel (WAUGH), Teacher rural Ringgold County Schools.JACKSON, Miss, teacher at Tingley School, 1914-1915 JACKSON, Ruby Rosa Lee (GOLDNER), Ringgold County school teacher JACKSON, Miss Sally, Grade School teacher at Redding School, 1950's JACOBY, Flo (OSBORN), Teacher at Willow Grove, No. 4, Jefferson Twp. JAMES, Mrs. Evelyn, ast teacher at Oak Ridge No. 5 school; teacher at Redding School 1950's
JAMISON, Jennie Marie, Latin & History Teacher Mount Ayr High School, 1915-1916
JAMISON, Miss, teacher at Tingley School, 1914-1915
JARVIS, Mollie E., Diagonal's 1st town school teacher
JENKINS, Hazel (NICHOLS), Teacher at Bridge Academy School No. 4, Tingley TownshipJENKS, Ethel, Teacher at Willow Shade School No. 6, Tingley Township
JENNINGS, Clark, Teacher at Jefferson Center School, Jefferson TownshipJENNINGS, Marian, Special Education Teacher, Mount Ayr Community SchoolJESSUP, Florence (WILEY), Rural country school teacher
JOHNSON, Amanda, Teacher at Mount Ayr School, 1870's
JOHNSON, Olive (BEYMER), Teacher at Harmony School, No. 6, Grant Twp.
JOHNSTON, Estes (BAKER), Teacher at Willow Grove, No. 4, Jefferson Twp.
JOHNSTON, Georgia (SPELLMAN), Teacher at Willow Grove, No. 4, Jefferson Twp.
JOHNSTON, Merna, Teacher at Harmony School, No. 6, Grant Twp.
JOHNSTON, Nellie (BUELL), Teacher at Ellston School
JONES, Wilma, English teacher, Mount Ayr Community school, 1950's JORDAN, Anna, Teacher at Bozaris No. 4 school, 1899 JORGENSON, Grace E., English teacher, Mount Ayr Community High School, Teacher, 1960Return to Top K
KAISER, C. D., Superintendent Redding SchoolKARN, Charles E., Superintendent Tingley School, 1921 - 1924.
KEENAN, Shirley Virginia (HENDERSON, Mount Ayr Community School teacher
KELLER, Miss Barbara, Teacher at Grant No. 7 West Point School, 1954-55 KELLER, Hettie (HANNLEY), Teacher at Harmony School, No. 6, Grant Twp. KEMERY, Donna, Elementary Chapter I teacher, 1995 KESSLER, Louise, teacher at Lincoln School, No. 7, Jefferson Twp.KESSLER, Rebecca (LAMB), Rural school teacher, Ringgold and Union County and Tingley School KESTER, Mrs., Teacher at Ellston High School, 1948 & Tingley Independent SchoolKIBURZ, Gladys, Superintendent Tingley School, 1946 - 1948.KIMBALL, Velma (WIMER), Ringgold County country schoolteacher, 37 years
KIMBLE, Mrs. Larry, Mount Ayr Community Schoolteacher, 1961
KINCH, Walter, Mount Ayr football coach, 1946
KING, Joe N., Superintendent at Redding School, 1940's
KINSELL, Mrs. Z. T., Assistant teacher at Mount Ayr School, 1870's KIRKHAM, Alta, Teacher at Willow Grove, No. 4, Jefferson Twp. KIRKHAM, Miss Orecelia, Teacher at Ringgold County's first school in Jefferson Township, 1854
teacher at Fairview (a.k.a. Campbell) School, Washington Township Ringgold County School Superintendent
KNAPP, Coach Harry, Boys basketball coach, Mount Ayr High School, 1931 KOUSTON, Mrs. J., Maloy School Principal, 1900 KURTH, Dale Mount Ayr Community Junior High language arts & High School speech, drama & drama club sponsor, 1995Return to Top L LAMB, Rebecca, Elementary Teacher at Tingley Independent School LAMBERT, Mrs. Ferne, Teacher at Redding School 1945,
LAMBERT, Kathryn "Kate", Dryden No. 6 School Teacher, Benton Twp.LAMBERT, Nellie, Rural School Teacher near MaloyLAMBSON, Curtis, Diagonal Middle & High School English & journalism teacher, 2008LANDPHAIR, Martha, Retired teacher, Mount Ayr Community Schools, June of 2010LANDPHAIR, Nola Marjory (CORLL) Ringgold County Rural Schoolteacher, including Mount Brush & Poe No. 9 Schools
LARSEN, Drew High School Special Education teacher and coach, Mount Ayr Community School, 2000
LARSEN, John Mount Ayr Community High School Mathematics teacher, 1990'sLARSEN, Mark, Mount Ayr Community High School coach and athletic directorLARSON, Diana, Teacher at Diagonal School LATTIMOR, Mr., Teacher at Ellston High School, 1948
LAUGHLIN, L. B., Grammar School Teacher, Mount Ayr, 1888LEE, Hannah, teacher at Empire School LEE, Minnie, early Ringgold County schoolteacher
LEKMKUHL, Bernice, Teacher at Mount Ayr Schools LEMLEY, Ida, teacher at Empire School LEMLEY, Jim, early Ringgold County schoolteacher
LEPLEY, Emma, Teacher at Maloy
LESAN, Arthur L., Teacher at Jackson School, 1875-76; Woodland School, 1880-81; Mountain Brush School, 1883-84; John SCOTT School at New Chicago
LESAN, George M., Teacher at Lesanville School and John SCOTT School, New Chicago.
LESAN, George W., Teacher at Lesanville School.
LESAN, Hazel, Teacher at Mount Ayr schools
LESAN, J. A., Teacher at Lesanville School.
LESAN, J. P., Teacher at Lesanville School.LESAN, Jennie, teacher at Badger School LESAN, Joseph E., Teacher at Lesanville School.
LESAN, John A., Teacher at Lesanville School.
LESAN, L. P., Teacher at Saltzman School.
LESAN, Mrs. M. M., Teacher at Lesanville School.
LESAN, Madge, Teacher at Redding School, 1910 - 1911
LIGGETT, Thomas, Teacher in Ringgold County district schools
LININGER, Darleen, Diagonal High School Teacher
LINK, Miss, High School teacher at Tingley Independent School
LINK, Mrs. Edith W., Teacher at Pleasant Hill School, Poe No. 7
Carrol School, 1954-55; 1st & 2nd Grade Teacher, Kellerton School, 1957
LINTON, H. H., Grammar Teacher at Kellerton School
LITTLE, Miss Elmira, Teacher at Lesanville School.
LITTLE, L. J., Superintendent Tingley School, 1899 - 1900.LONG, J. W., Principal at Maloy School, 1899 LONG, Mildred (BASTOW), Teacher at Willow Grove, No. 4, Jefferson Twp.
LONG, Wilson, Teacher at Oak Grove No. 6, 1896-96LORIMOR, Edna (McKEE), teacher at Ames School No. 1, Tingley TownshipLOUDER, Elmer, teacher at Badger SchoolLOUTZENHIZER, Laura, teacher at Badger School LOVELACE, Miss Erma I., Ellston Elementary teacher
LUCAS, Mr., Teacher at Redding School, 1937
LUTH, Miss Blanche, High School teacher at Redding School, 1925
Miss LUTZ'S Birthday Surprise
Contribution by Delbert SpencerLYMAN, Ronald, High School teacher at Tingley Independent School LYNN, Bernice (ADAMS), Teacher at Willow Grove, No. 4, Jefferson Twp.LYON, Virginia, teacher at Kellerton & Mount AyrReturn to Top M
MACKEY, Vera, Teacher at
teacher at Maloy and Redding High School, 1919MAIN, Floyd, teacher at Empire School MAIN, Maxine, Last teacher at Eighme School which closed January 20, 1941.
MALTBY, Mayme, Teacher at Badger School & early teacher at Benton, IowaMAPEL, Mrs. B. Pearl, Vocal Music Instructor, Mount Ayr School, 1920's
MARKLEY, Kenneth "Ken", Mount Ayr Community School
MARLER, Helen (O'GRADY), Teacher at Maloy and Ellston schools
MARPLE, C. H., Teacher at Redding School, 1920'sMARTIN, Clarence L. Mount Ayr High School drivers education instructor and guidance director, late 1950's
MATHEWS, Dorothy, High School teacher at Redding School, 1940's
Principal at Mount Ayr School, 1880-81
later was head of Biological Department, Harvard UniversityMAY, Miss, High School teacher at Tingley Independent School
McALEXANDER, Kerri, Remedial reading, Third Grade teacher, Diagonal Community SchoolMcCABE, Bryant, 6th Grade Teacher & Middle School Coach, Mount Ayr Community School, 2013-14McCAHON, Edna (COE), Teacher at Tingley School
McCLEAVE, Jessica, Teacher at Baumann School No. 2, Lincoln Township, 1897 - 1898McCLINTIC, Miss, teacher at Tingley Independent School McCLUNG, Nadine, Diagonal High School TeacherMcCRORY, James L., Superintendent Tingley School, 1913 - 1916.McCULLOUGH, Robert L., Mount Ayr Community high school social studies teacher, 1959McDOWELL, Arla Maude (JACKSON) 3rd & 4th Grade Teacher, Kellerton Elementary SchoolMcFARLAND, Kathy, Mount Ayr Community School, 4th Grade Teacher, 1977
McFARLAND, Mrs. Marjorie Pauline "Marge" (FISHER), Mount Ayr 3rd grade teacher, 1957- 1987, also taught at Benton and Tingley; recognized in Who's Who Among America's Techers
McFARLAND, W. H., Superintendent of Mount Ayr School, Mount Ayr, 1941.McGEHEE, Rosetta "Gigi" (RUSH), Ringgold County country schoolteacher
McGILL, Samuelm Teacher at Mount Ayr School, 1870's
McGILLIGAN, John elementary instrumental music instructor; 4th-6th Grade computer instructor, Mount Ayr Community SchoolMcGINNESS, Gayland, Superintendent Tingley School, 1948 - 1950. McGINTY, Myrtle, Teacher at Willow Grove, No. 4, Jefferson Twp.McGREGOR, Lue, Teacher in Tingley Township, 1896
McKEE, Myrtle, Kindergarten teacher, Mount Ayr Public School
McKEE, Mr., Superintendent Redding School
McKERN, Doug driver's ed instructor; elementary phys. ed; junior high football coach; varsity girls basketball coach, Mount Ayr Community School
McKINLEY, Hazel Mae (BURGHER) TOYNE, Country schoolteacher
McLAUGHLIN, Floy, Teacher at Star Center School No. 5, Washington Township
McMASTER, Ezra C., Ringgold County teacher, 1870's
McMURRAY, Miss, Elementary teacher at Ellston SchoolMcNAUGHT, Mrs., Teacher at Diagonal SchoolMcNEILL, Bette J. (DOBEY), Elementary teacher, Mount Ayr Community School
McNEILL, Joseph Edward "Joe"
Basketball, baseball, and football coach, Mount Ayr, 1953-1960's.
Inducted to Iowa High School Basketball Hall of Fame.
Named The Des Moines Register prep football coach of the year, 1963.
MEINDL, Dr. Ellen "CARMELITA" (O'CONNER), Teacher at Maloy
MELOY, F. E., Diagonal High School Teacher
MELOY, Lucille, Diagonal High School Teacher MEKEMSON, Edna, Teacher at Baird School
MEREDITH, Mr., Junior High teacher at Redding School, 1938MERRITT, Cora (LONG), Teacher at Rice Center School #5 MEYER, Clayton, Benton basketball coach, 1950's
MEYERS, Miss, High School Teacher, Redding, 1935
MICKAEL, Alberta May "Bertie" (CAMPBELL) Teacher at Liberty No. 3, Eureka School, 1954-55 Ringgold County schoolteacher; taught Special Education for 20 yearsMICKAEL, Lucille Vivian (REED), Country schoolteacher
MIDDLETON, Mary H., (1860-1885), teacher at Lesanville MIDGORDEN, Bertha Isabelle, Mount Ayr Community elementary & vocal music teacher
MILLARD, Norman, Music Teacher, Kellerton High School, 1957MILLER, Addie, Teacher at Badger SchoolMILLER, Dr. B. H., teacher at Badger SchoolMILLER, Cora, teacher at Badger School MILLER, Miss Deane
High School teacher at Redding Consolidated School 1940's, 1950's
MILLER, Eleanor Louise (CAMPBELL)
Teacher in Ringgold County and Mount Ayr Community SchoolMILLER, Etta, Teacher at Badger School MILLER, Fern (OSHEL), Teacher at Willow Grove School No. 4, Jefferson TownshipMILLER, Gertrude, Teacher at Tingley School, 1896MILLER, Katie, Teacher at Badger School MILLER, Maude (FORD), Teacher at Willow Grove, No. 4, Jefferson Twp.MILLER, Max, Elementary music teacher, Mount Ayr Community SchoolMILLER, Mrs., Elementary Teacher at Tingley Independent SchoolMILLER, Sadie, Teacher at Badger SchoolMILLER, Sophia H., Teacher at Badger SchoolMILLER, Valeria, Teacher at Badger School MILLER, Wilbur Peter "Bill", Diagonal High School TeacherMILLIGAN, Clara, Teacher in Tingley Township, 1896
MILLIGAN, Mr., Director of Lonesome Hollow School, 1917
MILLION, Miss, 5th & 6th Grade Teacher, Kellerton School, 1957
MISKIMINS, Mrs., Mount Ayr Junior High teacher
MISKIMINS, Rex, Mount Ayr elementary teacher
MOFFATT, Fay, married Rev. C. TILBURY in 1873
teacher 1860's at John SCOTT School near where Kellerton was later locatedMONACHINO, Onofrio mathematics teacher and coach, Mount Ayr High School, 1950's
MOFFETT, Laura, Early Ringgold County schoolteacher
MOORE, Don, Diagonal High School TeacherMOORE, Mrs., Junior High Teacher, Kellerton School, 1940's, 1950's MOORE, Vina, Teacher 1860's at Baird School near Redding
MORGAN, Joe, Basketball coach, Mount Ayr High School, 1960's
MOSER, Grace (McCAUSLIN), Home Econmoics teacher, Mount Ayr High School for 14 years
MOTSINGER, Mrs., Teacher at Fairview (a.k.a. Campbell) School, Washington Twp.
MOUNT, Mr. J. F., Teacher at Mount Ayr School, 1860's
MULLENAX, Roy, Mount Ayr teacher; died 1964.
MURPHY, C. T., Basketball coach at Maloy High School, 1930's.
MURRAY, Professor Charles. Superintendent of Tingley High School, 1900 - 1908
MURRAY, Miss Inez, Eighth Grade teacher at Redding Consolidated SchoolMURRAY, Mrs., Elementary Teacher, Kellerton School, 1940Return to Top N NAHKUNST, Dana Arlene (BROWN), Mount Ayr Community School teacher NAPIER, Ina Priscilla
Teacher at Diagonal and Creston Schools; Creston High School vice-principal Instructor at Creston Junior College.NAPIER, T. W., teacher at Rice Center School #5 NELSON, Helen Margie (JOHNSTON), Ringgold County country schoolteacher
NEWTON, John, Art instructor, Mount Ayr Community School, 1986-2005NEWTON, Miss, teacher at Badger School NICHOLS, Lorraine (LILES), Ringgold County rural school teacherNICHOLS, Maxine, teacher at Tingley Independent School NICHOLS, Wilma "Charlene" (BORRUSCH) Teacher at Concord, Cozy Corner, & Ames Academy
Country Schools in Tingley Township.
NIMMO, Howard, Instructor at Mount Ayr Schools, 1956
NOBLE, Mr., Teacher at Redding High School, 1919
NORRIS, Carrie, Teacher at Caledonia School
NORRIS, Eunice Ferne (SHAFER), Ringgold County schoolteacherNORRIS, George W., Teacher at Badger SchoolNORRIS, James, Teacher at Badger School
NORRIS, Maxine, Sixth Grade teacher, Diagonal Community SchoolReturn to Top O OBERMIER, Editha A., English & music teacher at Tingley High School OBERMEIER, Coach H. M. "Obie"
Superintendent Tingley School, 1942 - 1944, 1951 - 1960 Basketball coach at Tingley High School, 1950's; coach at Mount Ayr, 1960's. Coach OBERMEIER
passed away during the 1965 school year and the 1965 Ayrian yearbook had a two-page memoriam to him. Coach
OBERMEIER served Mount Ayr School as a guidance counselor, girls basketball coach, track and field judge, head
senior class sponsor, and program director for Homecoming. O'CONNOR, Ellen, Maloy School teacher, 1899OSWALD, Patrick, Diagonal instrumental music teacher, 2008OVERHOLTZER, Cleone, teacher at Tingley Independent SchoolOVERHOLTZER, Mary, teacher at Tingley High School School OWENS, Joan (WILEY)
taught in one-roomed schools in Kellerton area before marriage to Walter OWENS in 1937
OXFORD, Millard F.
Teacher at Turkey Grove School near Ringgold City, Ringgold County, Iowa, circa 1868Return to Top P
PALMER, Claud Teacher at John SCOTT School and Ringgold County, 1870 - 1880's
Teacher & coach at Ellston High School; Superintendent Redding & Ellston
PARISHO, Miss, Teacher at Ellston SchoolPARKER, A. F., Teacher at Badger School PARKER, Inez, Teacher at Prairie Gem SchoolPARKER, Lizzie, Teacher at Badger SchoolPARKER, Sarah, Teacher at Badger School PARKS, Irene (SHAY), 4th & 5th Grade teacher, Maloy Consolidated School
PARSLOW, Iva Ruth (MOREY), Country school teacher, Ringgold County
PATTERSON, J. Q. of Caledonia, taught at Lesanville log schoolhouse, 1860.PAYNE, Jerry, Mount Ayr High School Science teacher, 1962-63 PERKINS, Viola, Teacher at Knowlton School
PERRY, Merrill Vernon, Mount Ayr band director, 1960's.
PICKETT, Adam, Mount Ayr school principal, 1900 - 1908PIDGEON, Delbert, Superintendent Tingley School, 1934 - 1938. PIERCE, J. M., Principal of Mount Ayr High School, 1908PISTOLE, R. A., Commercial teacher at Tingley Independent SchoolPITKIN, Mrs., Elementary Teacher, Kellerton School, 1940PITLO, Vivian, Mount Ayr Community High School English teacher, 1977POLLOCK, Miss, High School Teacher, Redding, 1935
POORE, Mrs., 1st & 2nd Grade Teacher, Kellerton School, 1956
PORTER, E. R., Teacher at Ellston School, 1886POTTER, Mr., Teacher at Badger School POTTER, Myrtle (AYERS), Teacher at Willow Grove, No. 4, Jefferson Twp.
PRICE, Mary, 8th Grade Teacher at Ellston School
PRENTIS, Gladys (TENNANT), Teacher circa 1917 at Silver Point and Lonesome Hollow SchoolsPRITCHARD, Charles William "Bill"
Mount Ayr Junior High School mathematics teacher & boys' athletics coach, 1960's PRITCHARD, Cleo
Middle Grade School teacher at Mount Ayr Community School, 1970's
PRITCHARD, Cora (CAMPBELL), Teacher at Tingley Independent School Teacher at Hiawatha School No. 6, Jefferston Twp., 1940's; Mount Ayr School, 1950's
PUTNEY, Alice (DAVIS), Teacher at Harmony School, No. 6, Grant Twp.Return to Top
QUICK, Kris Preschool special education teacher, Mount Ayr Community School
RAINS, Etta, Early teacher at Benton, Iowa
Mr. RANDLES, First teacher at Lesanville School, 1861-62.READ, Mrs. Jean (POWELL), Kindergarten teacher, Mount Ayr Public SchoolREYNARD, Ella, teacher at Empire School REYNARD, John, early Ringgold County schoolteacherREYNOLDS, Angela, SFL Coordinator, Mount Ayr Community School, 2013-14RICE, Bessie, Teacher at Pleasant Valley School No. 9, Grant Township, 1920's
RICE, Ezra World history teacher and driver's education instructor, Mount Ayr High School, 1960'sRICE, Irene (CORNELISON), Ringgold County country schoolteacherRICHARDS, Mrs., 3rd & 4th Grade Teacher, Kellerton School, 1956
RICHARDS, Othel R., Agriculture Teacher at Kellerton High School, 1956
RICHARDSON, John, Assistant Principal at Mount Ayr School, 1880's
RICHARDSON, Lora E. (LAUGHLIN), Ringgold County's first female superintendent of schools
RICHARDSON, Stella (CLARK), Teacher in public schools, early 1900's RICHHART, Matt, Teacher at Mount Ayr Community Schools, 2011
RICKER, Darlene (SCHAEFER), Teacher at Edgewood School No. 6, Washington Twp.
RIEF, Geraldine (FOGLE), Teacher at Knowton IA for 10 yearsRIESKE, Franklin, High School Mathematics Teacher, Mount Ayr Community SchoolRIPPEY, Marilyn Elementary and Junior High instrumental music teacher, Mount Ayr Community School, 2000 RISSIE, Mr., Teacher & basketball
coach at Ellston High School, 1915 - 1916RIZZO, A. J., Coach at Kellerton School, 1949 ROBERTS, Blanche, Teacher at Redding School, 1920's
ROBERTS, Irolene, Teacher at Mount Ayr Schools
ROBERTS, Mrs. Walter E.
Instrumental music instructor at Tingley, Ellston, Beaconsfield, Delphos, Maloy, & Redding elementary schools, 1950's -1960
ROBINSON, Brian, Biology & health instructor, Mount Ayr Community School
ROBINSON, Geneniene, Teacher at Willow Grove, No. 4, Jefferson Twp.
ROBINSON, Sophia, Teacher in rural schools, Ringgold County, 1850's
ROED, Chet, Track coach, 1960's; football coach, Mount AyrROEGERS, Alice, teacher at Tingley Community SchoolROOD, James A., Coach and teacher Kellerton High School
ROONEY, Verda, Teacher at Platte River School and Shiloh School, Benton Township
ROONEY, Zita, Teacher at Maloy School and Bozaris School
ROSE, Mrs. S. M., Teacher at Mount Ayr School, 1860's
ROSS, Mr. H. H., Teacher at Mount Ayr School, 1860'sROTHWELL, J. T., Teacher at Badger School ROUDYBUSH, Maxine (GEBHARDT), Teacher at Harmony School, No. 6, Grant Twp.
Teacher at Lincoln rural school and special education teacher at Mount Ayr Community Schools
ROWE, Layton, Teacher at Maloy
RUNYON, J. K., Superintendent Redding School
RUSK, Thelma, Mount Ayr High School secretary, 1950's.
RUST, Maude, English teacher, Mount Ayr Community High SchoolRYAN, Kay, 6th Grade Teacher, Benton, 1962-63 RYCHNOVSKY, Maxine (GEBHART), Teacher at Harmony School, No. 6, Grant Twp.
RYCHANOVSKY, Ruth, Teacher at Harmony School, No. 6, Grant Twp.Return to Top S
SACKETT, Florence Modessa "Flossie" (HAMILTON)
Teacher at Eureka School
SALTZMAN, Leo Alfred, Ringgold County school teacher
SAMS, Garland, Teacher at Harmony School, No. 6, Grant Twp.
SAMS, Miss Ollie, Primary Teacher at Kellerton School
SANDEFER, Frank, Teacher at Maloy
SANDERS, Mr., Teacher at Redding Consolidated School, 1949-50
SANDERS, Professor E. F., Principal at Tingley School, 1893-1896.SANDERS, Emma Maude (OUDERKIRK), Ringgold county school teacher SAPP, Carol, Mount Ayr Community School teacher
SAVILLE, Mrs. J. H. (GALLOWAY), Teacher at Mount Ayr School, 1870'sSAVILLE, James, Mount Ayr Community School social studies teacher, 1969-2005 SAVILLE, Lloyd George
Mount Ayr School Teacher, 1961; Superintendent of Redding SchoolSAVILLE, Mamie Louise (WALLACE), Teacher at Miller Country School east of Reddng
Middle Grade School teacher at Mount Ayr Community School, 1970's
SAVILLE, Mrs. Mildred
Junior School teacher at Redding School, 1950'sSAVILLE, W. K., Superintendent Tingley School, 1939-1941. SAXTON, Sara Leone (ROBBINS)
Teacher at Kellerton's schoolSCHNEIDER, Naomi English & Music Teacher, Kellerton School, 1949
SCHRECK, Richard Junior-Senior High Assistant Principal, Mount Ayr Community School & Ellston Center
SCHRODT (CHUBICK) Verleta Diagonal Community School kindergarten teacher
SCHWALBE, Margaret "Irene" (BUELL)
Elementary Teacher, Grand Valley Community School
SCOTT, Ethelene (OGIER) Ringgold County country schoolteacher
SCOTT, John E., Ringgold County School Director
SCOTT, Lucinda, Teacher at John SCOTT School, 1860's
SCOTT, Ron, Physical Ed & Biology & Coach, Mount Ayr Community School
SCOTT, Rothmer Albert, Teacher, Kellerton High School
SEATON, Ferne, Primary teacher Redding School, 1920's
SEATON, Miss Florence, Teacher at Redding School 1934, 1937
SEATON, Merna M. (MORSS), Teacher, Ellston and Tingley country schools
SEATON, Ray, Principal of Knowlton High School, 1908 SEFRIT, Kathleen (GARRETT), Teacher's aide and secretary, Mount Ayr School District
SHAFER, Mable, Teacher at Bethel School No. 1, Grant Township SHAY, Rita Catherine, Rural Ringgold County school teacher; Maloy School Middle Grade teacher, Mount Ayr Community School, 1970's SHAY, Teresa Cecelia (EASON) teacher in Ringgold County country schools; Shiloh SchoolSHEIL, Agnez "Hazel", Maloy Consolidated School teacher SHEIL, Florence, early Ringgold County schoolteacherSHEIL, John, Science Teacher, Mount Ayr High School, 1950'sSHEIL, Marea (GROGAN), Ringgold County school teacher SHEPHERD, Genevieve, Teacher at Red Brush School
SHERRILL, Addie, Teacher at Knowlton SchoolSHEWYOD, R. F., teacher at Badger SchoolSHIDLER, Elgin Pauline (MERCER) BISBEY
Teacher in rural Ringgold County schools and 5th Grade Teacher, Diagonal School
Mrs. SHIDLER'S retirement
SHIELDS, Mrs. Junior, 6th Grade teacher, Benton School, 1960
SHIELDS, Amy, Mount Ayr Community School
SHINDER, William, Basketball Coach at Kellerton, 1930's. SHISLER, Robbie, Mount Ayr Community School Teacher, 1962 SHORT, Lillian (HANNLEY), Teacher at Harmony School, No. 6, Grant Twp.
SHUEMAKER, Eunice, Teacher at Rose Hill School No. 2, Middle Fork SchoolSICKELS, Mrs. Dorothy, teacher at Liberty No. 6, Oak Grove School, 1954-55 SICKELS, Ethan
Alumni of Grand Valley Community Schools; Nodaway-Holt School Elementary PrincipalSICKELS, Mrs. Maxine, teacher at Liberty No. 7, Mountain Brush School, 1954-55SIMPSON, Gladys, primary teacher at Tingley Independent School SKINNER, Mollie, early Ringgold County schoolteacher
SKINNER, Ralph P., Ringgold County rural schoolteacher
SLENTZ, George A., Teacher Mount Ayr School, late 1870's & rural country schoolsSLEZAK, Imogene Florence (VIRDEN) Teacher at Shady Grove (Lotts Creek No. 6) Country SchoolSMITH, Mrs., Elementary Teacher, Kellerton School, 1940SMITH, Mrs. Francis, Mount Ayr 2nd grade teacher, 1955SMITH, Jim, 7th-12th Math Teacher, Coach, Bus Driver, Mount Ayr Community SchoolSMITH, Neva (BAILEY), Ringgold County teacher
SMITH, Susan, Business and High School English teacher, Mount Ayr Community School
SNEDEKER, Maxine F. (TERWILLIGER), Ringgold County rural schoolteacher
SNOOK, Loring, Beaconsfield School basketball coach, 1954.SOBOTKA, Darla, Teacher at Diagonal SchoolSOBOTKA, Mrs. Margaret, Teacher at Wasington No. 7 Walnut Valley School, 1954-55SOBOTKA, Mrs. Thelma, 1954-55 country school teacher, Lincoln No. 2 schoolSOLOMON, Mr., Teacher at Tingley Independent SchoolSPENCER, Eva (LONG), Teacher at Rice Center School #5SPRINGSTEEN, Maud, Teacher at Badger SchoolSTANLEY, Bert A., Mount Ayr instrumental and high school vocal music instructor, 1955 STANTON, W. S., Principal of Diagonal High School, 1908
STAVER, Helen (CHICKEN), Teacher at Diagonal School
STEELE, Hugh Hartley, Teacher and Superintendent, Mount Ayr Community SchoolsSTEPHENS, Abby, Social Studies Teacher, Mount Ayr Community School, 2013-14 STEPHENS, Euphan, Teacher at Maloy
STEPHENS, George, Teacher at Mount Ayr School, 1870's
STEPHENS, Lela, Teacher at Miller School and Diagonal SchoolSTEPHENS, Lola (SPENCER), teacher at Rice Center School #5STEPHENS, Mable (ROBINSON), teacher at Rice Center School #5
STEPHENS, Roy (1891 - 1908), Teacher from Caledonia
Teacher at Eugene in 1869, later Ringgold County Supervisor and Eugene PostmasterSTEWART, Danielle, elementary special education teacher, Mount Ayr Community School, 2013-14STEWART, Julie, Elementary Special Education Teacher, Mount Ayr Community School, 2000STEWART, Mrs. Nellie, Teacher at Poe No. 8, Pleasant Valley School, 1954-55 STILL, Violet Viola (Van WINKLE), Teacher at Caledonia school
STINSON, Nell, Teacher at Willow Grove, No. 4, Jefferson Twp.
STOCK, John M., Teacher at Redding School, 1920's
STOKE, Professor John M., Redding High School teacher, 1927
STORHOFF, Greg, Mount Ayr Community School music instructor STREAM, Vera Lois (RAY), Teacher at Delphos, Ellston and Shannon CitySTRONG, Mabel, teacher at Tingley School, 1913-1914 STUCK, Gladys, Teacher at Caledonia SchoolSULLIVAN, Mr., Band Director, Mount Ayr Community School, 1950-60's SULLIVAN, Milton (1849-1891), Teacher at Lesanville School.
SULLIVAN, Vina A., Grammar School Teacher, Mount Ayr, 1888SUMMERS, Clyde,
Mount Ayr High School principal, 1974 - 1989SWAN, Miss Sally, Teacher at Mount Ayr School, 1860'sReturn to Top T
TALBERT, Mr.. Superintendent at Knowlton School
TAPSCOTT, Joe Francis Junior
High School teacher and coach, Grand Valley Community School, Kellerton
TASSEL, Dennis
Diagonal School coach; of only 11 Iowa coaches taking both a
boys and a girls basketball team to Iowa State TournamentTAYLOR, Carroll, Mount Ayr Community School principal, retired 1999 TAYLOR, Frances, Teacher at Harmony School, No. 6, Grant Twp. TAYLOR, Karen, Mount Ayr Community School elementary Chapter I teacher, 1995
TAYLOR, Sherry Lois Diann (GIBSON), Diagonal Community School 1st and 2nd grades teacher
TEMPLETON, Miss Imogene, Junior High teacher at Redding School, 1939
TENNANT, Florence, Teacher at Redding School, 1910 - 1911
THOMAS, D. E., Teacher at Mount Ayr School, 1860 & 70's
THOMAS, Doyle, Mount Ayr wrestling coach, 1965.
THOMPSON, Lou, Teacher at Harmony School, No. 6, Grant Twp.
THOMPSON, Miss Lenore, Teacher at Delphos School, circa 1921
THOMPSON, Myrtle (McGINTY), Teacher at Knowlton SchoolTHORNTON, Charissa, elementary special education teacher, Mount Ayr Community School, 2013-14THORPE, John, Mount Ayr Community High School mathematics teacher TIMBRELL, Meda, Teacher at Knowlton School & Willow Grove, No. 4, Jefferson Twp.
Tingley Township Rural Schools
TIPTON, Harriet, Teacher at John SCOTT School, New Chicago
TODD, Edith, Teacher at Harmony School, No. 6, Grant Twp.
TODD, Irene, Teacher at Cottonwood School No. 7, Jefferson Twp.TREICHLER, Ruth, Science & Math Teacher, Kellerton School, 1949TRIGGS, Loren, Mount Ayr Elementary School teacherTROYER, Albert R., Superintendant and Coach at Beaconsfield in the 1950's
elementary teacher at Mount Ayr School, president of Big Bird preschool and Ringgold County Child Care Center
TRULLINGER, Jessie Alma (SAVILLE), Teacher at Mount Ayr & Ringgold County Schools
TRULLINGER, Mabelle, Teacher at Harmony School, No. 6, Grant Twp.
TRULLINGER, Mildred, Teacher at Redding School, 1920's
TRUSKET, Emma, Teacher at Knowlton School
TURNER, Mr. E. J., Teacher at Mount Ayr School, 1870's TYRELL, Homer, teacher at Crown Point School No. 3, 1905Return to Top U
UHLENKAMP, James, Mount Ayr Community High School teacher, 1991 - 2002 UHLENKAMPOF, Jane Elementary art teacher, Mount Ayr Community & Grand Valley Schools, 1995 ULLERY, Bessie, Teacher at Fairview SchoolV Van ARKEL, Katie, 4th Grade Teacher, Diagonal Community School, 2008VANDERFLUGHT, Josh, Mount Ayr Community High School special education teacher VANDERPLUYM, Lucille, Teacher at Willow Grove, No. 4, Jefferson Twp.
VARNER, Clara "Galene" (STEPHENS), Rural country schoolteacher, late 1930's & early 1940's
VARNER, "Pop" Omar Clay
Diagonal High School Boys' Basketball Coach, Iowa State Champions, 1938, and runner-up state champions, 1939VARNER, Rose, Teacher at Badger School VAUGHN, Miss, Teacher at Lincoln School No 4, Washington Twp.VerPLOEGH, Howard, Teacher at Tingley Independent School VORHIES, Hiram, Teacher at Knowlton SchoolReturn to Top W
teacher at Maloy Consolidated School and in Ringgold County
WALL, Mabel (SHAFER), Teacher at Harmony School, No. 6, Grant Twp.
WALL, Sadie (SHAFER), Teacher at Harmony School, No. 6, Grant Twp.WALLACE, Lynne, Mount Ayr high school principal WALLING, James Wilson "Jim", Superintendent, Grand Valley Community School
WARIN, Mary Callista (SHAY)
Taylor County country school teacher and substitute teacher at Maloy Elementary School
WARIN, Pearl June (MATTHEWS), Teacher at Mount Ayr High School, 1930's
WARING, Dr. Benjamin, early Ringgold County schoolteacher, MaloyWARRICK, Evelyn, Fifth Grade Teacher, Tingley Community SchoolWAUGH, Flora Belle, Teacher at Diagonal Community School
WAUGH, Mark, Kindergarten teacher, Mount Ayr Community School
WAUGH, Sylvia, Teacher at Redding School, 1920's
7th & 8th Grade teacher at Redding School, 1927,
9th & 10 Grade teacher at Redding School, 1933
WEBER, Mr., Teacher at Ellston High School, 1948WEBB, Opal Marie (HILLEBRAN)
Secretary to Superintendent of School, Mount Ayr Community School System, over 25 years WEBSTER, Bernice Elizabeth (DENNEY), Ringgold County country school teacherWEEDA, Naomi, teacher at Tingley Independent SchoolWEEKS, Rev. Samuel, Teacher at Mount Ayr School, 1857-58 WEIDENTHALER, Brian Mount Ayr Community computer, technology & academic decathlon sponsor, 1995 WEIDENTHALER, Julie Mount Ayr Community School Junior High science teacher & co-junior high student council sponsor, 1995WELDIN, Miss, Teacher at Tingley Independent School WENDLAND, Miss, Teacher at Tingley Independent High School, 1933-34 WHITE, Dr., Teacher at Lesanville log schoolhouse, 1860-61
WHEELEN, Pauline (LONG), Ringgold country school teacherWHITENACK, Rev. Weldon A., Teacher at Mount Ayr Community School, 1955
WHITLATCH, Mrs. O. L., Teacher at Redding School, 1910 - 1911 WHITTER, Stella (BUSBY), Teacher at Harmony School, No. 6, Grant Twp.WHITTINGTON, Amy, Elementary Special Education Teacher, Mount Ayr Community Schools
WIGHT, Kate Olive (WILKERSON), Teacher at Mount Ayr school
Civil War Veteran of Co. G, 79th Ohio Infantry; Mount Ayr school principal, 1886-1895
Father of Judge James H. WILKERSON who convicted Al CAPONE
Reverend Merlin WILKINS Teacher at Mount Ayr Community High School
 minister of the Christian Church, Tingley & Redding, & Kellerton
Christian Church
WILKINSON, Gayle, Teacher at Redding School, 1920's
WILLIAMS, Caryl, 8th Grade teacher at Redding School, 1920's WILLIAMS, Miss Cindy, Mount Ayr Community School kindergarten teacher
WILLIAMS David, Superintendent of Redding School, 1922WILLIAMS, George, Mathematics teacher, Mount Ayr and Kellerton High Schools, 1957
WILLIAMS, Jan, Elementary special education teacher, Mount Ayr Community School
WILSON, Mrs. Ilene, Elementary Teacher at Redding Consolidated School
WILSON, Lizzie, Assistant teacher at Mount Ayr School, 1870's
WINEGAR, Dorothy, Teacher at Willow Grove, No. 4, Jefferson Twp.WISEMAN, H. C.., Superintendent Tingley School, 1945. WITHROW, Miss Nina, Physiology Teacher, Tingley High School, circa 1919 WOODS, Eunice, Teacher at Harmony School, No. 6, Grant Twp.
WOOLLUMS, Flossie, Teacher at Red Brush School
WOOLLUMS, Grace, Teacher at Beaconsfield School
WRIGHT, Elba Clyde, Teacher at Caledonia School
WRIGHT, John Linzy, Teacher at Empire School WRIGHT, Miss, Domestic Science Teacher at Ellston High SchoolWARMAN, Mrs. O. H., Teacher at Badger SchoolWRIGHT, Warren, Teacher at Empire School WYRICK, Mr., Superintendent of Redding SchoolReturn to Top Y
YEAROUS, G. B. Mount Ayr High School coach who formed the 1922 school football team.YEAROUS, Jean Mount Ayr Community School Business Education teacher, 1962-63 YOUNG, Marjorie (CRAIG)
Junior High Teacher, Kellerton School, 1957
High School English, Grand Valley Community School
ZARUBA, Louise (DORFF), Teacher at Harmony School, No. 6, Grant Twp.
ZILLMER, Mr., Teacher at Tingley Independent High School, 1933-34ZINN, Mrs. Pearl, teacher at Athens No. 4, Salem School, 1954-55 ZURICH, Gusta, teacher at Pleasant View School, 1880
Return to Top
Teachers, Administration and Staff, Delphos Schools
Teachers of Rice Center
2011-12 Administration, Faculty & Staff
Mount Ayr, Clearfield & Diagonal Schools

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