NOTE: Every attempt is being made to keep these transcriptions current
from obituaries and gravestone photograph submissions.
If an interment has been omitted, please let us know so we can update the records. Thank you!
Please know that findagrave.com has many inaccuracies. Since anyone can post anything on findagrave, many erroneous entries have been made there. Ringgold GenWeb is updated constantly and is the most accurate source for cemetery transcriptions in Ringgold County.
Veteran information updated May of 2015 courtesy of Cathy Kilgore,
Ringgold County Veteran Affairs.
Common Gravestone Symbols and Their Meanings
Pioneer Cemetery Tractor Ride, 2007
Ringgold County Pioneer Cemetery Commission
WPA Cemetery Survey Transciptions
Cremated Remains
Allen-Clark Cemetery, Middle Fork Township
Alloway Cemetery, Benton Township
Amish Cemetery, Redding, Clinton Township
Bear Cemetery, Monroe Township
Benton Cemetery, Waubonsie Township
Bethel Cemetery, near Diagonal, Grant Township
Bever Cemetery, Jefferson Township
Also refered to as Pleasant Ridge, Grimes, Stephenson or Bever-Grimes
Located on thesite of 1st Church Building in Ringgold County
Bohemian Cemetery, near Diagonal, Washington Township
Cabaret Cemetery, near Diagonal, Grant Township
Caledonia Cemetery, Lotts Creek Township
Centenary Cemetery, Knowlton, Jefferson Township
Also be referred to as Knowlton Cemetery
Clearfield Cemetery, near Clearfield, Grant Township
Clearfield Cemetery transcriptions for surnames:
A - G- H - L- M - R- S - Z
Clearfield Cemetery, Civil War Soldier & Wives Interments
Dead Man’s Cut, rural Diagonal, Washington Twp
Diagonal Cemetery, Diagonal, Washington Township
Ellston Cemetery, Ellston, Union Township
Eugene Cemetery near Tingley, Jefferson Township
Fairview Cemetery near Redding, Clinton Township
Also known as Abarr Cemetery or Brushey Cemetery
Forrest Home Cemetery, Benton Township
Hickory Grove Cemetery Middle Fork Township
Johnston Cemetery, Liberty Township
Keller Cemetery, Jefferson Township
Lewis Cemetery, Kellerton, Athens Township
Maple Row Cemetery, Kellerton, Athens Township
Maple Row Cemetery transcriptions for surnames:
A - E F - L M - R S - Z
Marshalltown Cemetery near Benton, Waubonsie Township
Merritt Cemetery near Kellerton, Athens Township
Middle Fork Cemetery near Redding, Middle Fork Township
Also known as Rose Hill (pre-1910)
Middle Fork Cemetery transcriptions for surnames:
A - L M - Z
Miscellaneous Ringgold County Interments
Mount Zion Cemetery, near Lamoni, Riley Township
Also known as Modock Cemetery
Oakdale Cemetery, Lotts Creek Township
Also known as Watterson Cemetery
Oakland Cemetery near Mount Ayr, Poe Township
Also knowns as Saltzman
or Egly Cemetery
Oakland Cemetery, Shannon City, Jefferson Township
Oakland Cemetery transcriptions surnames
A - L M - Z
Oak Ridge Cemetery, Mount Ayr, Liberty Township
Also referred to as North Cemetery or Fife's Cemetery
Oliver Cemetery, Monroe Township
Also referred to as Blackmore or High Point Cemetery
Patrick Cemetery, Riley Township
Platte River Cemetery (a.k.a. Maloy Baptist Church, a.k.a. Shay) Cemetery, Benton Township
Also referred to as Shay Cemetery or Maloy Baptist Cemetery
Pumptown Cemetery near Sun Valley Lake, Union Township
Also referred to as Anderson graveyard
or Union Cemetery (early Union Hill Post Office was nearby)
Quinn Cemetery, Jefferson Township
Redding Cemetery, Redding, Clinton Township
Redding Cemetey transcriptions for surnames:
A - L - M - Z
Ringgold Cemetery, Former site of Ringgold City, rural Lotts Creek Township
Rising Sun Cemetery, Lincoln Township
Also referred to as Grove Chapel or Lincoln Township Cemetery
Rose Hill Cemetery, Mount Ayr, Poe Township
Rose Hill Cemetery transcriptions surnames:
A-B - C - D - E-F - G - H-I - J-K-L - M
N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W-Y-Z
Shaha Cemetery near Mount Ayr, Poe Township
Also known as Prall Cemetery
St. Mary’s Cemetery near Maloy, Benton Township
Sweet Home Cemetery, Lesanville, Poe Township
Tedrow Cemetery, rural Kellerton, Athens Township
Tent Chapel Cemetery near Blockton, Clinton Township
Thompson Cemetery near Mount Ayr, Poe Township
Tindle Cemetery near Diagonal, Lincoln Township
Tingley Cemetery near Tingley, Tingley Township
Tingley Cemetery transcriptions surnames
A-B - C - D - E - F - G
H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - R
S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
Union Cemetery, Jefferson Township
Also known as Garland or Mortimer Cemetery
Woodland Cemetery - near Kellerton, Monroe Township

Ringgold County Vital Records which have been transcribed from
newspaper abstracts, are available for births, marriages, anniversaries, and divorces, and for deaths, surnames A - M surnames N - Z.
Death Certificate Index
Ringgold County, 1923 - 1933
The Iowa GenWeb Gravestone Project
serves as a photographic archive to honor our ancestors and preserve records of
gravestones that are deteriorating, some even disappearing, through the passage
of time. New contributions are posted as they come in. The link for this
searchable project can be found at:
In the 1930’s the WPA canvassed and
recorded burials in most Iowa Counties. The link for Ringgold County’s searchable database can be found
Or go to Ringgold County WPA Graves Surname Page at:
Ringgold County WPA Surnames

FindAGrave.com has a searchable
and may be located off this site at: