The Honored Dead
Clearfield Enterprise Clearfield, Iowa, 1915
We publish below the list of Civil War veterans whose remains lie in
Clearfield Cemetery. The list was compiled from the stones above
their graves, which usually fail to show the conditions of service. It
is possible that some were overlooked. There are unmarked graves with flag standards.
Ranceford B. Baker.
Reuben M. Beamer.
Joseph Bennett.
Frederick Brice.
George A. Brown.
James M. Brown.
James Cornes.
W. A. Dickerson.
William Dodge.
S. F. Holman, Co. D., 9th Iowa Infantry.
J. W. Huss.
Charles Keys, Co. M, 3rd Iowa Cavalry.
John J. Knox.
Jacob F. Kopp.
Samuel McBride.
T. H. Miller.
Robert F. Mulnix.
Oliver P. Nickle.
R. M. Piner.
John Reynolds.
S. A. Springer, Co. K, 121st Ill. Infantry.
Irvin Stewart.
C. H. Waffle, Co. R, 11th Ill. Cavalry.
Smith M. Wax, Co. K, 84th Ill. Infantry.
John Wilkinson.
Wm. M. Winkley.
List of Soldiers' Wives Buried in Clearfield Cemetery.
Rachel F. Miller S. Clarissa Dickerson Emmeline Beadle Rachel Green Rebecca Parshall
Elizabeth Yaryan Lydia E. Huss Rebecca J. Beamer Etta Knox Mrs. Mulnix
Sarah Johnston Mrs. Wm. Winkley Mrs. Leonard. Mrs. Thos. Thornton Mrs. J. M. Brown
Mrs. Jackson Mrs. O. P. Nickel Mrs. Reynolds
