Ringgold County Copyright Statement

All materials contained on these pages are furnished for the free use of those engaged in researching their family origins. Any commercial use, without the consent of the host/author of these pages is prohibited. All images used on these pages were obtained from sources permitting free distribution, or generated by the author, and are subject to the same restrictions/permissions. All persons contributing material for posting on these pages does so in recognition of their free, non-commercial distribution, and further, is responsible to assure that no copyright is violated by their submission.

Usage of genealogical material posted on IAGenWeb sites.
  Ringgold County IA GenWeb Pages
 All right are reserved for the images and HTML codes. They were exclusively designed
for Ringgold County, IAGenWeb Project by Matthew D. Friend. Permission is needed to use any or part
of these pages. Revisons and edits by Sharon R. Becker and Mathew Owens, 2008.
To obtain permission for duplication of materials contained within this website, or, to submit material
for this website, contact the county coordinator
Sharon R. Becker. Be sure to note "Ringgold County" in the subject line if submitting materials
by e-mail. Thank you!
