Ringgold County Lookups
Because not all reference materials can be available to everyone, volunteers who have access to these materials can provide a valuable service by reviewing or searching them for information about persons/families being researched by others. Please remember to show the volunteer your appreciation by saying, Thank You!
Please follow these guidelines when requesting a lookup:
- Put "RINGGOLD COUNTY LOOKUP" as the subject of your message. This will help ensure that your request is not accidentally overlooked.
- Limit your request to 1 or 2 specific names -- a request such as "anything you have about the SMITH family" will be ignored or rejected.
- Provide as much appropriate information as you know -- names, dates, places, relationships. Due to the copyright laws, lookup volunteers cannot provide copies or extensive information extracts from books unless permission has been obtained from the copyright holder or the copyright has expired. They can confirm that the publication appears to contain information pertinent to your request, and may be able to refer you to a place to review or acquire the reference work.
- Be patient, these people are volunteers and may not always be able to respond to your request immediately. And, please, don't forget to thank the volunteer for their time and effort.
The following persons have agreed to provide lookups; contact them directly to request the information.
Isabel DEFENBAUGH will do lookups in the following:
Ringgold Co. census-1870
Ringgold County burials
Ringgold County Marriages 1855-1900
Early History of Ringgold County
Christie JAY will do lookups in the following:
Biographical and Historical Record of Ringgold and Decatur Counties
1887: The Lewis Publishing Company
PLEASE be aware that the subject line states "Ringgold County Lookup", along with the surname being sought. Christy does research for more than one county and this will save both her and you a lot of time and confusion. Thank you!

Rick Wiley will do look ups from the Diagonal History Book.
Please include all known information for Rick when requesting a look up. Thank you.

Don and Scharmal Connley will do look ups from the book
Ringgold County, Iowa Marriage Records 1855 - 1900. Please include all known information for Don and Scharmal when requesting a look up. Thank you.
 Mona Knight will do look-ups from 1940's Who's Who
in Iowa: A Biographical Record of Iowa's Leaders in Business, Professional and Public Life, published by
the Iowa Press Association, Des Moines, Iowa. Typically, the individual's listing gives the name, where born,
occupation, who they married, parents' names, children, and description of community activities.
ANDERSON, Jesse M. |
BAILEY, Robert Lee |
BALDNER, George A. |
BEALL, Randolph S. |
BEHMER, Paul Alonzo |
BLISS, John Albert |
CARR, Eugene Emmett |
CREW, Ivan L. |
CUNNING, William Burl |
DALBEY, Jackson Young |
DENNIS, W. Jefferson |
DICKENS, Vera F. |
DIXON, O. Glen |
DOLECHECK, David Daniel |
DOWNIE, Everal Sumner |
EDDY, John Hinmam |
EDWARDS, Howard W. |
FARMER, Wallace W. |
FREELAND, John Edward |
FULLER, Homer A. |
FULLERTON, Oscar Lewis |
GOODALE, Earl L. |
HASH, Robert Lee |
HAYES, Grant L. |
HILL, James W. |
HOLLAND, Arthur |
HOLLOPETER, Clarence E. |
HOOVER, Earl T. |
HORNE, Charlie L. |
HORNE, John Earl |
HUTCHINSON, William Franklin |
IRVING, George Oliver |
JACKSON, Ralph W. |
JESSUP, Arthur Ernest |
JOHNSON, J. Clifford |
KING, Joe N. |
LAWHEAD, Carlton Cain |
LEAZENBY, Raymond Everett |
LEPLEY, Roy J. |
LESEN, Clyde |
LEWIS, Charles J. |
McGRATH, Peter S. |
MAIN, Ralph John |
MOFFATT, Alex Grant |
NEVILL, Boyd B. |
PIPER, J. Howard |
RHOADES, Clair Oliver |
RHOADES, Thomas S. |
RIDER, Etta Jane |
SAVILLE, Jacob Abraham |
SEAMAN, Charles LeRoy |
SENEY, Noel B. |
SHAFER, Day Jeremiah |
SPENCER, Percy L. |
SPURRIER, James Samuel |
STEWART, Forest L. |
TEDFORD, Howard |
TIMBY, William Thomas |
TODD, Guy L. |
TODD, Homer P. |
TURNBULL, Harold Watson |
VARNER, Omer Clay |
WALKER, Claude Martin |
WARIN, Emmet R. |
WATSON, Elbert J. |
WILLIAMS, Carson |
WILSON, Frank F. |

If you have any records that you could look up information and wish to volunteer, please contact Ringgold County's site coordinator (link at upper left). Your generosity will be greatly appreciated.

Surnames Page
Surnames and contacts with those who are
researching those families.

