
Photographs of Ringgold County Residents
Unknown & Unidentified:
Iowa, 1919, believed to be Kellerton
Contribution by Delbert SPENCER
Mr. & Mrs. O. L. JONES
unknown family gathering, Corydon or Kellerton
Contribution by Kathy Gregg
Kellerton Folks, circa 1940, Harold, Doris, Clayton, & Wilma May (PATRICK) HADLEY
Contribution by Kathy Gregg
Mary Marie & Mary Alice, Kellerton circa 1940
Contribution by Kathy Gregg
Maxwell Photographic Studio Portraits
from FRIEND Family Album
surnames associated with FRIEND family:
Submitted by Kimble DaCOSTA
Maxwell Photographic Studio, Unknown family portrait
McCOY Sisters?, Mount Ayr
Unidentified Man, Delphos, Iowa
Photos of Unknowns
believed to be of POLLOCK/PRICE familes
Unknown Girl, Hummer Photographic Studio, Mount Ayr
Contribution by Sharon R. Becker
Melcena TRIMBLE Family, submission by Beth Nelson
TUTTLE Boot - Shoe Hospital, Mount Ayr, submission by Mike Avitt
Looking for any information regarding this photograph. Thank you!
~ ~ ~ ~
residence, Redding, Iowa ALLEN, Garold & Cecil V. LUTZ, Kellerton High School, 1920
Contribution by Delbert SPENCERALLYN, Nina Belle (MILLER)
Courtesy of Mount Ayr Depot Musuem ANDERSON, Rufus Henry and ANDERSON, Daniel McFarland
Civil War Veterans ASHENHURST, John Henry & Ida May (COLLINS) ASHENHURST, Oliver and Sarah Eva (SOUTHERN) of Tingley
Contribution by Michael Cooley AUGUSTINE, Frederick DeForest, Benton, Iowa
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Contribution by Mike Avitt BAILEY, Hon. M. J., Diagonal BAIRD, Absalom and Isabella
Contributuion by anonymous BAKER, Lyman H. and Helen Lucile (BACON) Family
Contribution by Ken Baker BAKER, Lyman H. and Helen Lucile (BACON)
Contribution by Ken Baker BAKER, Robert and Sharon
Contribution by Ken Baker BARGER, Florence Jessie (BURNS)
Daughter of John Denny & Betty (ROBBINS) BURNS, wife of James Henry BARGER
Contribution by anonymous 1936 Blizzard, The BRAMON and YOUNG Families
Contribution by Sharon R. BECKER BEAMAN, Aileen, in Mt. Ayr Pep Band
Contribution by Jeffery G. KLIEN BEAR Family and Allied Families Photograph Page
Contribution by Deloris (GRAVETT) and Ramon L. Bear BECK, Sherman T. Family BEEDE, A. J. residence BELLAMY, Robert residence, Kellerton BENT, Hamilton Karr Family of Riley Township BERKEY, W. S.
Contribution by Mike Avitt BIRD, Roy Ernest & Mary Ann (FORQUER) Blackmore Corner Dancers, 1955
LAY, LONGCOY, MATHANY, MONDAY, WILSON BLAUER, John D. farm, Tingley BLAUER, William F. farm, Tingley BLUNCK, Franklin F. Mr. & Mrs. BLUNCK, William residence, Redding, Iowa BLUMENSTEIN Sisters BOES, John Family The BOGGESS Family BOYD, Henry Russell farm, Tingley BRAMON, 4 Generations: Luella (YOUNG) BRAMON, Pearle V. (BRAMON) FOLAND,
Norma G. (FOLAND) & Sharon & Sheryl BECKER
Contribution by Sharon R. BECKER 4 Generations, BRAMON & YOUNG
William H. & Nervesta (EDWARDS) YOUNG, Luella (YOUNG) BRAMON,
Contribution by Sharon R. BECKERThe BRAMON Family of Delphos, Contributions by Norma G. (Foland) Becker & Sharon R. Becker
Homer FOLAND and mules Bill & Dave
BRAMON Children, Children of
Fred B. & Luella (YOUNG) - Pearle V., Cleo H, Gladys I., Otto W.
Cleo H. BRAMON, age 3, son of Fred B. and Luella (YOUNG) BRAMON
BRAMON Cleo H. BRAMON, Delphos High School basketball photograph
Cleo H. BRAMON Family, Cleo, Elva (SWETT), & Gerald
Dwight M. BRAMON, son of Fred B. and Luella (YOUNG) BRAMON
Dwight M. BRAMON, U.S. Army
Dwight M. & Nuel (FELDMAN) BRAMON wedding
BRAMONS and the new car, Fred B. & Luella (YOUNG)
BRAMON, Fred B. & his flock, rural Delphos, Iowa
Fred B., Luella, Donella, Gerald BRAMON & Norma G. FOLAND
Fred B. & Luella (YOUNG) BRAMON, anniversary photograph
Fred B. & Luella (YOUNG) BRAMON, wedding photograph
Fred B. BRAMON Farmhouse, rural Delphos, IA
Gerald BRAMON, son of Cleo H. & Elva (SWETT) BRAMON
Gerald BRAMON, & bottle goat
James Harvey BRAMON, husband of Mary Louise (BUCKLIN)
James Harvey BRAMON Farm, n.e. of Delphos
Luella (YOUNG) BRAMON, age 2
Luella (YOUNG) & son Dwight BRAMON, rural Delphos
Luella (YOUNG), wife of Fred B. BRAMON
Luella (YOUNG) BRAMON, 1950
Mary Louise (BUCKLIN) HAENTZE BRAMON, wife of James Harvey BRAMON, Delphos, IA
Mary Louise (BUCKLIN) HAENTZE BRAMON, wife of James Harvey BRAMON, Delphos, IA
BRAMONS on the FARM, Cleo H., Elva (SWETT), & Gerald Bramon, mules Bill & Dave
BRAMON Grandchildren, Delphos, Iowa
Otto W. BRAMON, Delphos High School basketball team member
Otto W. BRAMON Family, Otto W., Ruth (LUCAS), Donella, & Franklin
Otto & Gladys BRAMON, Children of Fred B. & Luella (YOUNG) BRAMON
Otto W. BRAMON & Percy GILREATH, cousins
Otto & Ruth (LUCAS) BRAMON, wedding photograph
Pearle V. BRAMON, age 6, daughter of Fred B. & Luella (YOUNG) BRAMON
BRAMON Siblings, Otto W., Gladys I., Dwight M., Cleo H., Pearle V., & mother Luella (YOUNG)
Former BRAMON Farm, Rural Delphos, Ringgold County, Iowa
Photograph by Sharon R. Becker, May of 2009
BRANDT, Carl, Diagonal IA BROWN, J. M. residence, Benton BROWN, Willis residence, Mount Ayr
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CAIN, David residence, rural Mount Ayr CALDWELL Family, Redding, Iowa, circa 1957
Contribution by Friends of Old Redding CAMPBELL, J. W. farm, Washington Township CARR, Edith, 8th grade teacher
Contribution by Joyce BROWN CHASTAIN, Frank and Maude, Farm Windmill
Contribution by Janice Lund
The CLANTON Family
Contributions by Jack W. Davis
The CLANTON Family
The CLANTON Children, Albert Jon, Robert Warren, June Marie, & the puppy
The CLANTON Children, Albert Jon, Robert Warren, Jackie Wayne, and June Marie
The CLANTON Children, Robert Warren, Albert Jon, and June Marie
The CLANTON Children, June Marie, Robert Warren, Albert Jon, and pony
Albert Jon CLANTON, childhood photograph
Albert Jon CLANTON
Albert Jon CLANTON and the Twins, Alvin and Albert
Jackie Wayne CLANTON
Jackie Wayne and Albert Jon CLANTON
June Marie (CLANTON) DAVIS, baby photograph
June Marie (CLANTON) DAVIS, childhood photograph
June Marie (CLANTON) DAVIS, childhood photograph
Mildred and her children June and Robert
Robert Warren CLANTON CLOUGH, John residence COBB, Charles S. residence COLLIER, Floyd & Sadie M. (LEE)
Contribution by Tammy Kay Thaller Collier COLLIER, Floyd & Sadie M. (LEE) Family
Contribution by Tammy Kay Thaller Collier COLLIER Grandchildren
Contribution by Tammy Kay Thaller Collier COLLINS, Amos F., Candy Merchant of Mount Ayr COMER, N. E. & wife Mabel CORNWALL, Emelina (LUCAS)
Contribution by Gene Dolson The COWELL Family
Contributions by Sharon Lafferty
COWELL, Elias and Mary (WILDMAN) Family
COWELL, Georgia Nell
COWELL, Jair and Nellie (THARP) CURRY Family, Kellerton, Iowa CURRY, Denmer residence, Kellerton, Iowa
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DAILEY, David Leroy Family, Mount Ayr Mildred Elizabeth (MOSBARGER) and Henry DAVENPORT
Contribution by Jack W. Davis DAVIS, Celesta Ellen (ENGELMAN)
Contribution by anonymous

The DAVIS Family
Contributions by Jack W. DAVIS
The Dale Leland
and June Marie (CLANTON) DAVIS Family
baby photograph
childhood photograph
June Marie (CLANTON) DAVIS, Wedding Day DAVIS, Margaret Lou (DAVIS)
Contribution by anonymous DAVIS, Robert Arthur
Contribution by anonymous The David William and Grace (MOSBARGER) Family
Contribution by Jack W. Davis Grace (MOSBARGER) DEAN
Contribution by Jack W. Davis Mildred DEAN
Contribution by Jack W. Davis Delphos Group, 4th of July, 1889
POOL, STEDMAN, VARNERDelphos Consolidated School Class Photographs:
1910's 1920's 1930's 1940's 1950's 1960's
Teachers, Administration and Staff
Teachers, Rice Center, 1920's
Basketball Teams and individual team members Residents of Delphos:
Delphos Kids, Easter Sunday, circa 1922. Probably BRAMONS & YOUNGS
Contribution by Sharon R. BECKER Delphos Family, Probably BRAMONS, circa 1919
Contribution by Sharon R. BECKER DEIBERT, A. Earl & Anna M. Family, Delphos, Iowa DOWNIE, Emma Barbara (LEISER) and her children:
Bernadine Barbara, Aileen Marjorie, Gerald, and Dale, circa 1913, Mt. Ayr
Contribution by Jeffrey G. KLEIN DOWNIE Emma Barbara (LEISER) (1878-1959), circa 1938, Mt. Ayr
Contribution by Jeffrey G. KLEIN DOLECHECK, John farm, Washington Township DOLECHECK, P. and Charles farm, Washington Township DOWNIE, Everal Sumner and Emma Barbara LEISER, wedding photograph, 1901, Mt. Ayr
Contribution by Jeffrey G. KLEIN Drilling for Oil, Ringgold County, Iowa DUFTY, Arthur W. and Florence (HIGDAY)
Contribution by anonymous DUKES, William residence, Ellston, Iowa DUNNING, Barton B. Family DUNNING, Day Family DUNNING, Lena and Esther, Mount Ayr, 1885
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Contribution by Joyce BROWN EIGHME, Alfred G. farm, rural Diagonal EIGHME, Lucius farm, rural Diagonal Ellston Depot, 1908 Ellston Depot, HAYDEN, C.N. & MELKER, W., 1911
Contribution by anonymous
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FERBER, Francis Edward "Ed" residence, Mount Ayr FIFE, William farm, Liberty Township FIFE, William residence, Liberty Township FOLAND, Pearle V. (BRAMON), daughter of Fred B. & Luella (YOUNG) BRAMON
Contribution by Sharon R. BECKER
FOLAND, Pearle V. (BRAMON) age 6,, daughter of Fred B. & Luella (YOUNG) BRAMON
Contribution by Sharon R. BECKER
FOLAND, Pearle V. (BRAMON), teacher
Contribution by Sharon R. BECKER FOLEY, T. W. and family of Kellerton FOSTER, James Franklin Family FOUSER, Cleo (ADAMS), Country School Classmates
Contribution by Bill Adams FOUSER, Thomas A. "Tom" and Forrest ROBINSON, late 1920's
Contribution by Bill Adams FOUSER, Thomas A. "Tom" & John, Harvey LAMB
Contribution by Bill Adams FULLER Brothers, sons of Leroy & Elizabeth A. FULLER
Burton Leroy, Homer Austin, Perry Ernest, Frank F., Ira Meville FULLER
Contribution by Burt FULLER
FULLER, Elizabeth, wife of Leroy FULLER
Contribution by Burt FULLER
FULLER, Leroy, husband of Elizabeth A. Fuller
Contribution by Burt FULLER
FULLER, Leroy and MATHANY, Aaron
Contribution by Burt Fuller
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GALLOWAY, James and Susannah (MEEK) GERLOFF, Deana (SANDVOSS) GERLOFF & ROMKEE Families GERINGER, George & William GERMAN, George W.
Contribution by anonymous GILLILAND, William Riley Family,
Kellerton, Iowa GILREATH, Percy & BRAMON, Otto W., cousins
Contribution by Sharon R. BECKER GRIEMANN, Henry W., Kellerton, Iowa GRIFFITH, J. J. Mr. & Mrs., Redding, Iowa GUSTIN, J. C. residence, Diagonal, Iowa
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The HACKER Family of Watterson, Contributions by Phillana Smelser
The HACKER Brothers, Vern, Jocko & Cleo
Vera and Vern HACKER, wedding photograph
Vernadean HACKER, childhood photograph
Vernadean (HACKER) and Phillip GODDEN, wedding photograph
Vern and Vera HACKER, with granddaughter Phillana
Pleasant Hill Church Group, includes Vera HACKER & Elmer DEBOLT HADLEY, Wilma May (PATRICK), Kellerton, Iowa circa 1939 - 1940
Contribution by Kathy Gregg HAENTZE, Dr. Charles
Contribution by Norma G. (FOLAND) BECKER Dinner With Jennie HALL, Sept. 1924
Contribution by Susan Hoit Vinala
VANDRIEL HALL, Robert residence HASS, Helen
daughter of George & Barbara (WIMER) HASS; wife of L. T. LAUGHLIN Haying on the BRAMON Farm, rural Delphos, IA
Contribution by Sharon R. BECKER Haying on the BRAMON Farm
Contribution by Sharon R. BECKER HAVELY, Dr. J. M. residence, Kellerton, Iowa HESTER, Nelson Burgess Family HILL, Lafe
Contribution by anonymous HOLLAND, Alexander Elliot "Alex", Ringgold County Sheriff, and Ellen Diana (BURRIS)
HOUGE Family of Tingley, Contribution by Michael Cooley
Billie HOUGE, baby photograph
Billie & Patsy HOUGE with kitten
Billie HOUGE and grandfather Will McDOWELL
Hugh HOUGE at Knott's Berry Farm
Robert Irwin and Nancy Joanna (FOSTER) HOUGE HOOVER, Jacob Chester and Cora (LONG) HUGHES, Amy (NEWTON) and the Twins
Contribution by Juanita Fields
HUGHES, Ellis Harry
Contribution by Juanita Fields
HUGHES, Ellis Harry
Contribution by Juanita Fields
HUGHES, Ellis Auction
Contribution by Juanita Fields
HUGHES, Ellis, Fair 1905
Contribution by Juanita Fields
HUGHES, Ellis and Martha (FRANCIS)
Contribution by Juanita Fields
HUGHES, Rev. Jeremiah T. and Amy (NEWTON) HUGHES
Contribution by Juanita Fields
HUGHES, Twins Ellis and Alice
Contribution by Juanita Fields The HULLINGER - HENDERSON Family
Contribution by Tammy Kay Thaller Collier HUNTER, W. G. farm
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IMUS, Lewis Burgess Family, Mount Ayr, Iowa IMUS, L. O. residence, Mount Ayr
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JACKSON, W. L. residence, Kellerton, Iowa JAGGERS, The
Lewis and Henry JENNINGS on Railroad Crew JERREMS, Charles H., Maple Grove Farm, Mount Ayr, Iowa JOHNSON, Alfred, circa 1915 Four Brothers, children of Horace A. & Martha Jane (YOUNG) JOHNSTON:
Robert "Bob", Tim, Ted, and Bill JOHNSTON
Contribution by Mrs. Andy (Joyce) JOHNSTON
JOHNSTON, Horace A. & Martha Jane (YOUNG) Family, 1943
Contribution by Sharon R. BECKER
JOHNSTON Girls, Kay and the twins, Annie & Suzi, circa 1949
Contribution by Mrs. Andy (Joyce) JOHNSTON
JOHNSTON Ford Dealership, Diagonal, IA, 1950
Contribution by Mrs. Andy (Joyce) JOHNSTON
JOHNSTON Ford Dealership, Diagonal, IA
First load of new 1950 Fords, JOHNSTON Ford Dealership
Contribution by Mrs. Andy (Joyce) JOHNSTON
Contribution by Mrs. Andy (Joyce) JOHNSTON
JOHNSTON, Horace A. and Martha Jane (YOUNG) Family
Contribution by Mrs. Andy (Joyce) JOHNSTON
JOHNSTON, Horace and Robert, fishermen
Contribution by Mrs. Andy (Joyce) JOHNSTON
JOHNSTON, Horace A. & twin granddaughters, Annie & Suzi
Outside of JOHNSTON Ford Dealership, Diagonal, IA
Contribution by Mrs. Andy (Joyce) JOHNSTON
JOHNSTON, Martha Jane (YOUNG), about age 16
Contribution by Mrs. Andy (Joyce) JOHNSTON
(JOHNSTON), Martha Jane (YOUNG) and Cleora ROBINSON, 1908
Contribution by Andy and Joyce Johnston
JOHNSTON, Martha Jane (YOUNG) on the YOUNG Farm
Contribution by Mrs. Andy (Joyce) JOHNSTON
JOHNSTON, Martha Jane (YOUNG) and her siblings,
Martha Jane (YOUNG) JOHNSTON, E. Ray & Gussie (FOLAND) MORRELL,
Fred Manning (YOUNG), Leona (YOUNG) MENDENHALL, & Nora (YOUNG) GILREATH, 1956
Contribution by Mrs. Andy (Joyce) JOHNSTON
JOHNSTON, Martha Jane (YOUNG) & Robert, circa 1916
Contribution by Mrs. Andy (Joyce) JOHNSTON
Contribution by Mrs. Andy (Joyce) JOHNSTON
JOHNSTON, Robert and new Ford Roadster, 1933 or 1934
Contribution by Mrs. Andy (Joyce) JOHNSTON
JOHNSTON, Robert driving new Ford Roadser, 1933 or 1934
Contribution by Mrs. Andy (Joyce) JOHNSTON
JOHNSTON, Robert "Bob" & Floretta, anniversary
Contribution by Mrs. Andy (Joyce) JOHNSTON
JOHNSTON, Robert L. "Bob"
Contribution by Norma G. (FOLAND) BECKER
JOHNSTON, Cpl. Tim, 1943
Contribution by Sharon R. BECKER
JOHNSTON Twins, Annie & Suzi, 1940
Contribution by Sharon R. BECKER
JOHNSTON - YOUNG Reunion, 1947
Contribution by Mrs. Andy (Joyce) JOHNSTON JOHNSTON, Raymond, Ellston IA
Contribution by Bill ADAMS
JONES Family Photographs
Contributions by Tammy Kay Thaller Collier
JONES, Hazel Irene (HULLINGER), Baby Photograph
JONES, Kendrick David Family of Tingley, Iowa
JONES, William, Baby Photograph
JONES William and Hazel (HULLINGER) Family JONES, Kathryn Arabella Photograph Album
Contribution by Kathy Gregg
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Kellerton Depot, circa 1918, Austin Harry SKINNER, agent Kellerton Folks
Contributions by Kathy Gregg
Bill & Ruth HOLMES, children Dary & Kathy
Mr. & Mrs. Z. M. BRESSLER and Mr. & Mrs. O. L. JONES, circa 1940
Maurice BRIMMER and Raymond REYNOLDS
Dean JACKSON and Howard FARMER
Mrs. Della JACKSON
Mrs. Della JACKSON and Mrs. Elizabeth JONES
Mr. and Mrs. Washington JACKSON
Jones Medicine Chest
Meet Me In Front of the Medicine Chest
Elizabeth & Kathryn JONES, Tom PATE, Doris KELLER, Wayne TEAL
James D. JONES
Kathryn Arabella JONES, 1935 & 1936
Kathryn Arabella JONES 1937 Senior Photograph
Kathryn JONES, Maryville, Missouri, 1940
Mr. & Mrs. O. L. JONES and unknown family gathering
Kellerton Folks, circa 1940, Harold, Doris, Clayton, & Wilma
Stormy KNIGHT, Mildred, Arlene, Wayne, 1940
Mary Marie & Mary Alice
1938 Methodist Church Group
Rebekah Ladies House Cleaners, 1940
Dorothy SLEZIK, Mildred and Ruby, 1940
Forest & Verna SMITH, Mr. and Mrs. Harold PETTIS, Elizabeth CORBETT MILLARD JONES
Summertime in Iowa
Wilma [Unknown], Kellerton, circa 1939-1940 Kellerton High School, Class of 1937 Picnics and Reunions, contributions by Kathy Gregg:
1936 Class Picnic 1937 Class Picnic 1938 Class Picnic 1939 Class Picnic
1940 Class Picnic I 1940 Class Picnic II 1966 Class Reunion Kellerton, Main Street, circa mid-1950's
Contribution by Ken L. Baker Sleigh Ride, Kellerton Iowa KINSELL, Z. T., Mount Ayr KIRBY, Zelma
Contribution by Mike Avitt Knowlton Baptist Church, 1910
Contribution by Delbert Spencer Knowlton Public Sale, 1910
Contribution by Delbert Spencer KUDER, David Rolandes residence, Kellerton, Iowa
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L LAIRD, David H. and Mary Eleanor (JORDAN)
Contribution by anonymous LAMB, George O., Maple Lawn Farm LAMB, Harvey, Vesta, and Georgia
Contribution by Bill Adams LAMB, Harvey, Thomas A. "Tom" FOUSER, and John FOUSER
Contribution by Bill Adams LAY, Luther Caleb Family of Mount Ayr, Iowa LAYTON, Ralph William & Nellie Bertha DOTY, wedding LAYTON, William H. and Elizabeth (CREEK) LAYTON
included in their biographial sketch
Contribution by Christy JAY LAYTON, William Harrison Family LESAN, Mary Ann (McCLAREN) LONG, J. W.
Contribution by Sharyl FERRALL The LUTZ Family
Contributions by Delbert K. SPENCER
LUTZ, Bonita, Janice & Justin
LUTZ, Bonita & Janice, circa 1940
LUTZ, Cecil V. & Garold ALLEN, Kellerton High School, 1920
LUTZ, Cecil & Vera, 1905
LUTZ, Cyrus Family
LUTZ, Cyrus Edgar and Laura Jane (KIMBALL), 1899
LUTZ, Donella (BALLOU)
LUTZ, Donella (BALLOU) and horse
LUTZ, Donella (BALLOU) & Vera LeElla (LUTZ) SPENCER & unknown
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M MALOY, C. L. residence, Redding, Iowa MALOY, Perry Dixon & Cynthia W. CRAIG, wedding day 1889 MATHANY, Aaron and FULLER, Leroy
Contribution by Bert Fuller MAULDIN, Harvey Franklin & Stella M. (MOLER) McPHERSON Brothers
Contribution by Sharon R. Becker McANINCH, Lydia
Contribution by Joyce BROWN McDOWELL Family, Contribution by Michael Cooley
Birdie McDOWELL, childhood photograph
William and Euphemia McDOWELL
Will McDOWELL and granddaughter Billie HOUGE MIDDLESWORTH Family:
Mr. & Mrs. Nar MIDDLESWORTH, children Ina & Floyd
Contribution by Joyce BROWN MILLER, Arthur and Annie
Contribution by Delbert SPENCER MILLER, Eileen (JACKSON), teacher at the FOLAND School, Decatur Co., IA
Contribution by Norma G. (FOLAND) BECKER MILLER, Eileen (JACKSON) & Homer L. FOLAND, Decatur County, IA
Contribution by Norma G. (FOLAND) BECKER MILLER, Sarah Margaret (SHAFFER)
Contribution by Amanda Grantham Goodman, great-granddaughter MILLS, Ruby Marie (SWEENEY)
Contribution by Mrs. Andy (Joyce) JOHNSTON MINNICK Siblings, Children of William Henry and Celina (WHITWORTH) MINNICK
Contribution by Julie Watts MORGAN, B. D. residence MORRISON, George W. Family, Diagonal, Iowa
Contributions by Jack W. Davis
The MOSBARGER Children
Elmer "Roscoe" MOSBARGER and Flora Bell VOGAN
Elmer "Roscoe" MOSBARGER
Elmer "Roscoe" MOSBARGER
Elmer "Roscoe" and Neva MOSBARGER
The MOSBARGER Family, Elmer "Roscoe", John, Sarah, and Neva
The John Solomon and Sarah Vienna (VOGAN) MOSBARGER Family
John Solomon, Sarah Vienna (VOGAN), and Elmer "Roscoe" MOSBARGER
John Solomon and Sarah Vienna (VOGAN) MOSBARGER Family Page
John & Sarah MOSBARGER and Albert John CLANTON, WWII
Mildred Elizabeth MOSBARGER, family page
Mildred Elizabeth MOSBARGER
Mildred MOSBARGER and her children June and Robert
Mildred MOSBARGER and Henry DAVENPORT Mount Ayr Drill Team, 1930
Contribution by Julie Watts MYERS, Lewis residence, Kellerton, Iowa
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N Neighbors GARITYS & BRAMONS, Delphos, Iowa
Contribution by Sharon R. BECKERNEVILL, Roth B. and Esther Ruth (COLE)
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O OAK RIDGE FARM, Mount Ayr, Iowa, Francis HUGHES, proprietor OSMOND, Sarah H. residence, Diagonal, Iowa OUDERKIRK, Richard Bond
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P PAINTER, B. F. residence, Kellerton, Iowa PARSONS, Henry Harvey PARSONS and Bernetta (ROGERS) PARTLOW, William, Enterprise Stock Farm, Ellston, Iowa Harmon PATRICK farmhouse, between Kellerton & Lamoni
Contribution by Patrick McDERMOTTPATTERSON Children, Delphos, Iowa
Contribution by Sharon R. BECKERPATTERSON Children, Delphos, Iowa
Contribution by Sharon R. BECKERPATTERSON, Myrtle (BRAMON) & TOMLINSON, Cora (BRAMON)
Daughters of James Harvey BRAMON & Mary Louise (BUCKLIN) HAENTZE BRAMON
Contribution by Norma G. (FOLAND) BECKERPATTERSON, Myrtle and Children with Mary Louise (BUCKLIN) BRAMAN, 1931
Contribution by Sharon R. BeckerPETERSON, Gertrude (PAYNE) Pleasant Hill Church Group
Contribution by
Phillana Smelser POORE, W. Ames, Kellerton, Iowa POORE, W. Ames residence, Kellerton, Iowa PRATT, Levi Clark Family, Lotts Creek Township PRICE, Joseph
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R RAMSEY, James and Will REASONER & REASONER Auto Garage, Beaconsfield, Iowa Ladies of Redding, Contribution by Friends of Old Redding
Floy McLAUGHLIN, Lola GRANT RICHARDS, Thomas Family RICHARDSON, Fred Lee and Elsie May (CALDWELL)
Contribution by Mrs. Andy (Joyce) JOHNSTONRinggold County Courthouse, circa 1900 Ringgold County Courthouse, circa 1915 ROBERTS, H. Guy
Contribution by Sharyl FERRALLROBERTS, Luther residence ROBINSON, Cleora and Martha Jane (YOUNG) JOHNSTON, 1908
Contribution by Andy and Joyce Johnston ROSE Family, Roy, Gary, Larry, Gladys (BRAMON)
Contribution by Norma G. (FOLAND) BECKERROSE, Gladys Irene (BRAMON), Daughter of Fred B. & Luella (YOUNG) BRAMON
Contribution by Norma G. (FOLAND) BECKERROSE, Gladys Irene (BRAMON), Daughter of Fred B. & Luella (YOUNG) BRAMON
Contribution by Norma G. (FOLAND) BECKERROBINSON, Forrest and Thomas A. "Tom" FOUSER, late 1920's
Contribution by Bill Adams RUBY, Valentine G. and Helen (CONLEY)
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S SAGE, Charles W. and Ida (SHAWLER)
Contribution by Carla Hall Ott SALTZMAN, Joe family, Mount Ayr, Iowa SHANER, John Family SHEIL, J. W. residence, Mount Ayr SHOWALTER, Catherine (HUFFMAN)
Contribution by Amanda Grantham Goodman, great-great-granddaughter SHOWALTER, Hugh Franklin SHOWALTER, Isaiah Jacob Family SKINNER, Austin William Family The William J. SLATTERY Family
Contribution by Betty VanMullem & Rena (Todd) Lee The SMITH Family
Contributions by Sharon LAFFERTY
The SMITH Homestead & Business, rural Mount Ayr
The SMITH Brothers, Franklin "Hank" and Kenneth D.
SMITH, Georgia Nell (COWELL), 1994
SMITH, James Francis, 1938
SMITH, James and Georgia Nell (COWELL) 50th Anniversary SPENCER, James Baird, Class of 1923, Mt. Ayr High School
Contribution by Delbert K. SPENCER SPENCER, Orin Gilbert residence, Mount Ayr, Iowa SPENCER, Owen and Hazel Etta (SWEENEY)
Contribution by Mrs. Andy (Joyce) JOHNSTONSPENCER, Vera LeElla (LUTZ) & Donella (BALLOU) LUTZ & unknown
Contribution by Delbert SPENCERSPICER, Carrie, Mount Ayr, Iowa
Contribution by Juanita FIELDSSPURRIER, Nell, Mabel and Josephine
Contribution by Mike Avitt STEPHENS, Martin Homestead, Caledonia STETZLER, W. F. residence STUCK, L. J. Family, Mount Ayr, Iowa The STUCK SISTERS, daughters of John STUCK
Contribution by Sue DeHAASSWEENEY, James A. and Adeline Francis (SCOTT)
Contribution by Mrs. Andy (Joyce) JOHNSTONSWEENEY, Russell James and Marilyn Marjorie "Marj" (BUTLER)
Contribution by Mrs. Andy (Joyce) JOHNSTON
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T TEDROW Farm, Threshing Crew TEDROW, James farm, near Kellerton, Iowa TEDROW, Rose, 1982, wife of Andrew MOSIER
Contribution by Joyce BROWNTENNANT, George Family THARP, Hiram
Contribution by Sharon LAFFERTY Threshing, Ringgold County, Iowa
Contribution by Sharon R. BECKERThe Harrison "Harry" Garfield TODD Family
Contribution by Betty VanMullem and Rena (Todd) Lee Children of Henry & Delilah Ann (JARVIS) TODD
Contribution by Betty VanMullem and Rena (Todd) Lee TOMLINSON, Cora (BRAMON) & PATTERSON, Myrtle (BRAMON)
Daughters of James Harvey BRAMON & Mary Louise (BUCKLIN) HAENTZE BRAMON
Contribution by Norma G. (FOLAND) BECKERTOMLINSON, Cora (BRAMON) & son Roscoe
Daughter & Grandson of James Harvey BRAMON
Contribution by Norma G. (FOLAND) BECKERTOMLINSON, Joe and Cora (BRAMON)
Contribution by Norma G. (FOLAND) BECKERTOMLINSON, Joe and Cora (BRAMON) family
Contribution by Norma G. (FOLAND) BECKERTOWNSLEY, John W. residence
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Contribution by Sharyl FERRALLThe VOGAN Family, George Wesley, Martha E. (McCARTNEY),
Sarah Vienna, Addie May, Ola Edward, Guy Otis and Flora Belle VOGAN
Contribution by Jack W. DavisFlora Bell VOGAN and Elmer "Roscoe" MOSBARGER
Contribution by Jack W. Davis
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W WALTERS, Bert, Beaconsfield, Iowa WALTERS, Opal (OVERHOLTZER), Tingley, Iowa The WARDEN Family
Contribution by anonymousThe WATSON Sisters, Ina & Vera WEEDA Family Album
Contribution by Dallas RIEDESEL WENZEL, John
Contribution by Tammy Kay Thaller CollierWHEELER Farm, near Tingley WHITHORN, H. A. residence WILEY, Frank Marion Family of Mount Ayr, Iowa WILLIAMSON, Rev. Samuel
Contribution by Sharon R. BECKERWOOD, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. "Johnny"
Contribution by Mike Avitt
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Y YOUNG, H. Howard, Diagonal YOUNG, Martha Jane and Cleora ROBINSON, 1908
Contribution by Andy and Joyce Johnston YOUNG - JOHNSTON Reunion, 1947
Contribution by Mrs. Andy (Joyce) JOHNSTONYOUNG WOMEN
Contribution by Sharon R. BECKER
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Isaac James, Addie May (VOGAN), and George W. ZIMMERMAN
Contribution by Jack W. Davis
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