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A Bargain Jones Medicine Chest Kathryn Jones |

Joan Meyers, Kathleen Teal,Louise Green, Alice Meyers, Barbara &Sally |

Billy &Evelyn Jones, 1932 before they married |

Dr. Jones &Bess Elizabeth Corbit Jones downtown Kellerton |

Bob &Nellie McGinnis |

Hyatt &Russell Freshman year, 1938 Kellerton HS |

Martin O. Summer of 1938 |

Jack |

Jenkie &Bess |

Frank Jenkins |

Jenkie's Home |

Kathleen O'Connell |

Kathryn Jones |

Kay |

Windy |

Kellerton Friends Kathryn Jones far left Eileen (Jackson) Miller, far right |

Farrell |

Farrell |

Kellerton |

Kellerton Classmates |

Mr. &Mrs. C. Allen, A. J. Goodell, Mother Jones, Mrs. Bolby, Mr. &Mrs. Will Harris,
Anna &Sadie Goodell, Mr. &Mrs. Bert Ballou |

Katy |

unknown Kellerton Teacher |

unknown |

Kellerton HS Teachers J.P. Jones, Miss Huey, Miss Domke, Miss Wright,
Mr. Sheidler, 1937 |

Kellerton Kids Kathryn Jones in dark skirt |

Kathryn Jones & Elizabeth Corbit Jones |

Martin O. & Kathryn Jones |

unknown Kellerton High School Teacher |

unknown Kellerton High School Teacher |

unknown |

unknown |

Kathryn's Friends 1937 |

Kathryn Jones in her summer dress, 1937 |

Kathryn Jones 1938 |

Kathryn Jones Sophomore HS Year |

Kathryn Arabella Jones Graduation Photograph Class of 1937 |

Kathryn Jones 1937, Kellerton |

Millie &Joe |

Mildred |

unknown |

Uncle Andrew (far right) with in-laws |

unknown, Kellerton |

Kellerton School Mabel Dickey, teacher 1911 - 1912 |


jackson |

Louise |

Mabel |

Kathryn Jones in grandma's dress |

Joan N. Meyers 1937 |

Mr. &Mrs. Bobly |

Dr. J. D. Jones |
Kathy notes that the photograph of Billy and Evelyn Jones is of her uncle, Ameron Stanley "Billy" Jones and his
future wife Evelyn (Roof?). After their marriage, they lived in Red Oak, Iowa, and most of their lives in Weiser, Idaho.
Kathy believes that Kathleen Teal married a Mr. Workman and lived in California.
Sharon R. Becker believes that the lady to the far right holding the little girl (second to last row of
thumbnails, "unknown, Kellerton" is Eileen (Jackson) Miller and her oldest child Kathryn.
Kathy Gregg's submissions are from her mother's Kathryn Jones' photo albums. Thank you for sharing them with us, Kathy!
If you can identify some of these people, please let us know! Thank you!!
Submission by Kathy Gregg, November of 2009
