Middle names were first used as a status symbol by German nobility during the 15th Century. The use of a middle name
was not common in the United States until after the Revolutionary War when it was considered fashionable to use
the mother's maiden names as the child's middle name.
Where to find Ringgold County's town centennial books that are still in print, Ringgold County books,
town museums and contact information, local history books, genealogical materials, school yearbooks,
and other such
nuggets of information, materials, and resources.
Images of America: Ringgold County, pictorial history book about Ringgold County by Mike Avitt and
Sharon R. Becker, Arcadia Publications, 2011.
Bonnie and Clyde, the book by Sharon R. Becker,
Paragon Press, 2011
Newspaper Office
Mount Ayr Record-News
122 W. Madison St.
Mount Ayr, IA 50854
(641) 464-2440
(641) 464-2229 (fax)
Hours: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday through Friday
The Mount Ayr Record-News is available on-line.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Local Libriaries
Mount Ayr Public Library
121 W. Monroe St.
Mount Ayr, IA 50854
(641) 464-2159
NOTE: Photocopies are 25-cents/page. Donations are welcome
Mount Ayr Public Library Hours:
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday
1:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
10:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
9:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Closed on Sundays
Collections and Resources at the Mount Ayr Public Library
Local, county & other county histories
BANNER, Raymond V. Cemetery Gravestone Recordings of Ringgold County, Iowa A project of and published by Ringgold County Historical Society, 2003
LESAN, Mrs. B. M. Early History of Ringgold County:
Cetennial History of Mount Ayr, Iowa 1875-1975
KNUDSON, Ruth BLANCHARD. American Pilgrimage for LESANS, BLANCHADS, and SWEARINGEN, 1974
CORBIN, Bernard & HARDY, Joseph. Across Iowa on the Keokuk & Western and the Humeston & Shenandoah Railroads
not available for check out but available for reference at the library
Family histories
Ringgold county atlas, plat maps & plat maps of other counties
Ringgold Co. federal census 1860-1920
Oral history collections
Various county church records (1800-1924)
Bohemian settlers, 1856-1900
Zaruba family records 1864-1900
Ringgold Co. BEALL directories 1896 & 1899
Misc. cassette tapes of old-timer interviews
Newspapers (microfilm):
Ringgold Record (1872-1908)
Twice-a-Week News (1892-1907)
Mount Ayr Journal (1893-1920)
Kellerton Globe (1894-1907)
Mount Ayr Record News (1908-1989)
Redding Herald (1915-1919; 1926-1947)
Redding Rustler & Redding Register (1901 and 1906)
Shannon City Messenger (1915-1918)
Diagonal Reporter (1918-1972)
Tingley Vindicator (1903-1948)
Ringgold County "Old Timers" Bulletin (1930-1946)
Vital statistics resources at Mount Ayr Public Library:
Register of marriages 1855-1912
Birth records for Ringgold co. (index 1880-1897)
County death records (index 1880-1897)
Marriage records for county (index 1880-1913)
Index to wills (1858-1880)
Gravestone records (1800-1930)
Cemetery records for county
Obituary collection for county
~ ~ ~ ~
Mount Ayr Record-News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
Thursday, November 01, 2007, Pages 1 and 4
New book lines out land owner history of first county settlers
A new book that maps out the original homesteads settle in Ringgold county is now available.
"Family Maps of Ringgold
County, iowa: Deluxe Edition," by Gregory A. BOYD has recently been published by Arphax Publishing Co. of Norman. OK.
This title is a new addition to the historic family maps book series where original land-owners in counties throughout
the south, midwest and far western United States are being mapped.
For the first time, historians and genealogists
can quickly determine not only where early settlers lived, but who their neighbors were.
So far, over 200 counties
around the country and 12 counties in Iowa, including Ringgold county, have received treatment from Gregory A. BOYD, an
attorney, genealogist and software engineer.
BOYD spent two years developing the software that allows him to map
these pioneers' land-purchases. Arphax Publishing, a Norman, Oklahoma-based company, which BOYD co-founded with wife
Vicki, is putting these first-owner maps into book form.
The books that make up the "family maps" series are bing
published at a rate of about three new books each week. The project was first announced at the National Genealogical
Society's "Conference in the States" in June of 2005.
The real value to these maps for counties in Iowa, is that people
can find their ancestors' neighbors and therefore can figure out what families they most likely have married into.
The other value is that users can also easilty go and find the land. These maps make sense of townships and ranges and
meridans, and all the things that make up a legal description. Now users can cut through all that and actually go
and find ancestral land.
The book is 208 pages in length, and includes 53 total maps, including three maps for each
of the 16 Congressional townships that make up Ringgold County. Each township has a patent map (land of first-owners),
a patent index,
[Page 4] a road map, and a historical map which includes waterways, water bodies and railroads. The road and historical
maps also include the numerous city-centers and cemeteries.
There is also a separate surname/patent index and a surname
township indix to help readers find the right area of the book for details.
No research tool more quickly and adeptly
places the nation's pioneers into a meaningful context with their neighbors. To a genealogist, that means finding lots
of candidates for families which potentially married into families they are researching. These books are often called
"brickwall" busters by family historians who had all but given up on finding maiden names for their ancestors.
The web-page
can be reached by clicking on the "Book Store" like at www.arphax.com. A copy is also available at the Mount Ayr
Public Library.
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, June of 2012
photograph by Sharon R. Becker, August of 2009
Ringgold County Pioneer Library
Ringgold County Pioneer Musuem, Ellston, Iowa
"Memories of Ellston" by Mrs. H. H. CORNWALL
Story of first Ellston Commencement
Catalog of first Annual Tingley Fair, 1908
Oldest Ellston Newspaper, 1899
CORNWALL Collection
Tingley Vindicator, 1906
"Life of Emeline CORNWALL", Part 1
"Life of Emeline CORNWALL", Part 2
Post cards sent by Addie CORNWALL from Europe, 1910
CORNWALL Collection
Methodist classmate, 1891, CORNWALL Collection
"History of Benton Township and Maloy" by Maxine CARR
Historical Articles about Ellston, Iowa
Written by Clark JENNINGS, Harley WILHELM, Lloyd JONES, and Luci O'GRADY
Achievements of Frank JACKSON, Champion Horseshoe pitcher
Redding Rustle, 1900, published by Judge Charles LEWIS
Souvenir edition of Twice-A-Week News, in 12 parts, June 1896
donated by Mr. and Mrs. Flavel MALOY
Part 1 "Elements of Ringgold County Prosperity" by A. C. TALLEY
Part 2 "Prosperity of Kellerton" by Benjamin HARRIMAN
Part 3 "Tingley - An Up-To-Date City" by J. L. GALLOWAY
Part 4 "Faternal Orders in the County" by W. A. TODD
Part 5 "Delphos - A Desirable Place To Live" by Hon. P. L. PRENTIS
Part 6 A poem about Ringgold County by Miss Ollie BEARD
Part 11 "Extensive Religious Interest" by Rev. W. C. MARTIN
Part 12 "The Horticulturial Possibilities of Ringgold County" by Edwin BENNETT
Part 13 "Assorted Biographies and Buildings of Ringgold County" 1896
Part 14 "For Farmers - Mutual Benefits" by Hon. W. S. SHRIVER
Part 15 "The Fine Education and School Facilities of Ringgold County"
Part 16 "Ringgold County - The Home of Improved Livestock"
by Charles H. ROBINSON
Part 17 "The Advantages of the Town of Redding" by J. M. BAIRD
Part 18 "Assorted Biographies and Pictures of 1896"
Part 19 "Communication and Transportation in Ringgold County"
Part 20 "Assorted Pictures - Ringgold County Education"
Part 21 "History of Benton and Historic Pictures of Buildings in the County"
Part 22 "History of Diagonal and County Directory"
United Presbyterian Childrens' Sunday School papers, 1895
CORNWALL Collection
"History of Liberty Township" by Stewart L. THOMPSON, 1914
Holland FOSTER diorama of Caledonia, Iowa
Also on the grounds are the Hazel Glen School and the Pioneer Museum and National Old Thresherman's Hall of Fame, housed
in the former Ellston Telephone Manufacturing building.
Ringgold County Pioneer and Rural Life Museum is open on Sundays from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. from June through August.
It is also open by appointment. Phone: (641) 783-2155 Fax: (641) 464-2568.
There is an admission fee.
A free genealogy site with many records avaiable
Ringgold County Vital Records
transcribed from regional newspaper abstracts
Marriages, Anniversaries, and Divorces
Deaths, Surnames A - M
Deaths, Surnames N - Z
Death Certificate Index
Ringgold County, 1923 - 1933
Surnames Page
Surnames and contacts with those who are researching those families.
Don and Scharmal Connley will do look ups from the book Ringgold County, Iowa Marriage Records 1855 - 1900. Please include all known information for Don and Scharmal when requesting a look up. Thank you.
Ringgold County Look Up Volunteers
In the 1930’s the WPA canvassed and
recorded burials in most Iowa Counties. The link for Ringgold County's Surnames on this database may be found
Ringgold County WPA Surnames
Ringgold County Chapter Iowa Genealogical Society
204 W. Jefferson
Mount Ayr, IA 50854
Ringgold County Genealogical Society
Sadly, Betty Ruby has passed away.
At this time it is unknown if anyone has taken her place.
Betty will be sorely missed by all of the many people
she has helped over the years
and by those at Diagonal Printing Museum,
where she lovingly and tenderly devoted much of her free time.
Iowa Genealogical Society
P.O. Box 7735
Des Moines, IA 50322-7735
The IGS publishes an excellent quarterly journal, Hawkeye Heritage.
Dues are $20 per year per person.
600 E. Locust, Capitol Complex
Des Moines, IA 50319
They charge $5 per one half hour of work.
Information & Hours, State Historical Society of Iowa
Ringgold County Historical Society, Inc.
Mount Ayr, Iowa 50854
Phone: (515) 464-2615
Cemetery Gravestone Recordings of Ringgold County, Iowa
by Raymond V. BANNER
A project of and published by Ringgold County Historical Society, 2003
Genealogical Glossary