Ringgold Roots Ringgold County Genealogical Society Mount Ayr, Ringgold County
Vol. IV, Pp. 8-10.
January, 1983
ABSTRACT - summary of important points in documents such as in wills
ABT - about
ADMINISTRATOR - person who is appointed by the court to administer the estate of the deceased
ATTEST - to affirm or to bear witness
BANNS - published notice of intended marriage; frequently tacked on church doors or read three successive
Sundays by a minister
BOUNTY - payment by a city or town to volunteers when locality was asked by the government to furnish quota of
men to serve during a war
BLWT - Bounty Land Warrant
BUR - buried or burial
C - copyright
c. or ca. - circa, Latin for "about"
CADASTRAL SURVEY - a public land survey recording the location, value and ownership of real estate; used to set
taxation amounts
CERTIFIED COPY - an exact copy of any record that has been attested to by a notary public as being correct
cf. - compare
CODICIL - addition to a will which modifies the document in some respect
CONSANGUINITY - blood relationship of some degree. Two classifications:
1) Agnate - all relationship on parental side of the family
2) Cognate - all relationship on maternal side of the family
CONSORT - spouse, husband or wife
DECEDENT - deceased person
DENIZEN - an alien admitted to residence in a country who receives all or part of the rights of citizenship
DEPOSITION - written testimony of a witness of which has been authenticated
DEVISEE or LEGATEE - a person to whom property is given through a will
DEVISOR - a person who give property through a will
DOWER - legal right acquired to a husband's real estate by the wife through marriage
Desc. - descendant
DONEE - a person to whom a gift is made
doc - a document
d.s.p. - Latin: decessit sine prole, meaning died without issue
d.v.p. - Latin: decessit vita patris, meaning died in father's lifetime
d.y. - died young
ed. - edited, editor, edition
e.g. - from Lation "exempli gratia" meaning "for example"
emigrant - one who leaves a country to settle in another place
estate - real and personal property
et.ux - Latin for et uxer, meaning "and wife"
f., ff. - following page; following pages
Freeman - one who was given civil or political liberty after taking an oath to a government or a church
Freemen - in tax or other records, unmarried men aged 21 or free of family obligations; so taxed as single
Friend - member of the Society of Friends; Quaker
Gazeteer - geographical dictionary giving names and descriptions of locations
Grantee - person who receives a grant
Grantor - person who makes a grant
Great Valley Road - principal road starting in southwestern Pennsylvania, running through the Shenandoah
Valley to Knoxville, Tennesse, then on to Huntsville, Alabama
Holographic Will - a will made and signed by the testator in his/her own handwriting
h.s. - Latin: here is buried
ibid - Latin for "ifiden," meaning "in the same place"
i.c. - Latin for idest," meaning "that is"
Indenture - an agreement in writing between two or more parties which was then cut or torn in a ragged line,
each party receiving one section that could later be matched; frequently used when an apprentice was bound to service,
or, when money loans were involved
Inmate - descriptive term used in census records; denoted married persons, usually laborers or mechanics who
owned property
Immigrant - one who comes into a new country and settles there
Intestate - died without leaving a will
l., ll. - line; lines
Loc. cit. - Latin for "Loco Citate," meaning "in the place cited"
Liber - book in which public records are kept, such as will, mortgages, etc.
ma., mss. - manuscript; manuscripts
M.G. - Minister of the Gospel
N.B. - Latin for "Nota Bene," meaning "note well"
n.d. - no date
Necrology - register of deaths
nee - name born with; maiden name of a married woman
N.S. - new style (Gregorian) calendar
Nuncupative Will - oral declaration or statement made before a witness, usually in the testator's last illness,
the later put into writing
N.X.N. - no Christian name
op. cit - Latin for "loco citate," meaning "in the place cited"
o.s. - old style (Julian) calendar
Obit. - died; obituary
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, May of 2010
