Photograph by Sharon R. Becker, May of 2009
United Methodist Church
Kellerton, Ringgold County, Iowa

Prior to building a house of worship, the Methodist congregation met in the schoolhouse since 1879. Some of the early pastors
included Rev. W. W. DANNER from 1879-1880; Rev. J. L. JOHNSON in 1881; Rev. J. S. THROCKMORTON in 1882; Rev. D. S. MAIN
in 1883; Rev. C. D. FAWCETT from 1884-1885; Rev. E. E. WILLEY in 1886; and, Rev. W. F. MARK in 1887.
SOURCE: Kellerton, Iowa: A History to 1981 p. 23. 1981.

By Camille Jackson, June of 2012
In 1879 the first church services were held in Kellerton by people of the Methodist denomination. The services were held
in a schoolhouse east of town, under the ministry of W. W. Banner, a circuit rider. He held services every three weeks.
Sunday School was held every Sunday.
In 1885 the construction of a Methodist Church was started in the southeast part of Kellerton where the present building
now stands. The building was 36 feet by 42 feet in size and cost $1200. While the main structure was being completed,
church services were held in the schoolhouse just across the street. But the congregation was very anxious to get into
their own building, thus they overlooked the inconveniences of uncomfortable seats and no heating. In fact, one member,
a Mrs. Anna Goodell, remembers having shivered through services until she was able to purchase her first store bought
coat. This she wore buttoned to the neck regardless of how warm the temperature became.
The new building was dedicated in October 1886. The membership was now 30. Rev. E. E. Wiley was the first pastor of the
new church which continued to hold services every 3 weeks. J. H. Shotts was Sunday School superintendent at that time.
Other ministers who had served the church up until this time were the Rev. Johnson, one year; Rev. Throckmorton,
one year; Rev. Main, one year; and Rev. Faucet, two years.
In April of 1888, the church purchased its first pipe organ, a Chic Cottage organ, from Richardson and Keyes Company.
This organ served the church for many years.
In 1894, the United Brethren held services in the Methodist Church until they could erect a building of their own. Also
in May of that year, the fence was sold from around the church.
As the church membership continued to grow, more room was needed and in 1900 an addition was built onto the east side
of the church. This was called the League room and was used for Sunday School classrooms and a meeting place for the
Epworth League, or the Youth Fellowship as it is called today.
Also in 1900, the corner stone of the Methodist Church was laid. An excerpt from the July 12, 1900 edition of the
Kellerton Globe Newspaper best describes this ceremony.
The corner stone of the M. E. Church was laid with appropriate ceremonies last Thursday. The exercises began in the
park at eleven o'clock A. M., Rev. H. P. Dudley, of Mt. Ayr preaching from the text: "This Is None Other Than The House
Of God." It had been the intention to have a basket dinner in the park after the sermon, but this part of the program was
given up on account of the weather. At two o'clock the people again assembled at the church, where the ceremonies were
continued according to the ritual of the M. E. Church. At the conclusion of the exercises in the church the audience went
outside, where the corner stone was laid. Mayor Peasley assisted Rev. Dudley and Rev. Knoll in the work. The stone
came from Indiana and is 12 inches high, l6 inches wide and 20 inches long. On the north end is engraved, "1900" and on
the east side, "M. E. Church". The following articles were placed in the box: Bible, Discipline, Names of the Charter
Members, Original Trustees, Letterhead of Kellerton Bank, Roll of Methodist Episcopal Sunday School with Names of
Officers, Teachers and Pupils, Names of all Pastors, A copy of Central Christian Advocate, Kellerton Globe, Ringgold
Record, Twice-A-Week News, Mt. Ayr Journal, Names of Subscribers, to present addition and amount subscribed, also names
of those who donated work, name of carpenter in charge, and a copy of the program of the day's proceedings.
From the Kellerton Globe Newspaper Vol. 1, No. 23, Thursday, July 12, 1900 Kellerton, Iowa H. E. Perkins — Editor

Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
Thursday, June 01 & 04, 1915
KELLERTON - Children's Day will be observed at the Methodist Church June 6, and those who will appear on the program are Kenneth McCULLOUGH, Lyndell and Neola FOSTER, Louise BASSETT, the STEZLER Sisters, Clyde RUCKEL, Vada JOHNSON, Helen ERVIN, Ruth PEASLEY, Beatrice ERVIN, Dorothy TREICHLER, Faith WOODS and Kathaleen MOORE.
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, September of 2015

The Leon Journal-Reporter Leon, Decatur County, Iowa Thursday, July 14, 1938
Daily Vacation Bible School and evangelistic services are being held each day and evening of this week in the Kellerton
M. E. church. Rev. J. B. Johnson of Glidden, Iowa, and five members of that church with five teachers of Kellerton are
engaged in the work. The evening services begin at 7:30 with a young people's meeting led by the young people themselves.
The evangelistic service begins at 8:15. Leon people will be very welcome at any of these services.
1938 Photographs contributed by Kathy Gregg, August of 2009

Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, September 19, 1940
KELLERTON - Rev. and Mrs. O. L. JONES returned Saturday from Des Moines, where they had attended the Methodist Conference, and as he is retiring, they will move their household goods to Corydon, where they have purchased property.
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, September of 2015

Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, October 03, 1940
KELLERTON - Rev. Z. M. BRESSLER and family are now located in the Methodist parsonage and he held services Sunday.
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, September of 2015

Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, July 05, 1956
The Rev. M. J. NASH, who has been returned to the Kellerton and Beaconsfield Methodist Church pastorates for a second year, and his family will be honored at a program to be held Sunday evening, July 8, in the church at Beaconsfield.
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, September of 2012

Mount Ayr Record-News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, April 28, 1988
Rev. Doug HARDING, for the past two years pastor at the United Methodist churches at Kellerton, Beaconsfield and Grand River, succeeding the late Rev. Walter ZARR, has agreed to take a new church appointment. On June 15 he will be on assignment at Blairstown-Norway charges as their pastor. These communities are some 15 miles west of Cedar Rapids. At Kellerton HARDING is on the city council and is president of the Ringgold county Ministerial Association.
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, April of 2013

Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, June 14, 2012
Saturday evening several people attended the farewell party in Kellerton for Pastor Rick and Marilyn HAWKINS.
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, April of 2015
