The Warden Family
circa 1899
Left to Right: George W. WARDEN, patriarch; Mr. FRICK holding his son, Frank D. FRICK, born circa 1898; daughter FRICK, seated on
ground; daughter FRICK, seated in chair;
Josie B. (WARDEN) FRICK (1876- ?);
Franklin WARDEN, (1881-1966); Ora M. WARDEN (1870-?), wife of Delbert; George A. WARDEN, son of Delbert and Ora (ca. 1890-?);
Clara J. WARDEN, daughter of Delbert and Ora (ca. 1891-?);
Delbert A. WARDEN (1862- ?)
The WARDEN Family genealogy is included on Ringgold County's Family

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