After being contacted by e-mail, and several consequential e-mails back and forth, I received the following
letter which accompanied a packet of photographs. - Sharon R. Becker
Delta County Historical Society Museum
251 Meeker Street
Delta, CO 81416
(970) 874-8721
February 16, 2009
Greetings Sharon,
The enclosed photographs were recently donated to our museum as part of a photo album. Since
they are unidentified, but present work form a photo studio in your area, I beleive they should be returned to
the Mt. Ayr area. They may be images of people you are familiar with.
The donor was Avery POLLOCK, and he believes they may be his ancestors, as he was originally
from the Nebraska area with links to Iowa, as well, but he has no idea who they are and has no interest in
pursuing the identification of the photos. The album has been in his possession for much of his life. At the
least, the photos represent excellent images of period clothing and the work of photo studios local to your area.
If the photos are not of value to your local historical organization, perhaps you can
forward them on to a local museum of historical archive. Thanks!
Jim WETZEL Museum Director/Curator
NOTE: The librarians at Mount Ayr Public Library have agreed to accept the photographs and place
them on display, with a hopeful goal of having them identified. I will hand-deliver
the photographs to the librarians the next time I go to Mount Ayr. - Sharon R. Becker
"MAXWELL - Artist - Mt. Ayr, Iowa." no other clues as to the identity of this family
"Shroyer &Barnhart - Mt. Ayr, Iowa." no other clues as to the identity of this couple
there are two of this photograph in the packet
on back of photograph "MAXWELL, Photographer, South Side Park, Mt. Ayr, Iowa."
no other clues as to the identity of this man
this was a photo post card with the following on the back:
Addressed to Jasper Price, Mount Ayr, Iowa
postal stamp "Diagonal, Iowa, March 9, 1911, 1 PM" and a penny stamp in place
"Mar 9-11 Uncle I happend to remember that the tenth is your birthday so I thought I would send you a
postal. Your nephew" no other clues as to the identity of this man
NOTE: Jasper W. PRICE was born March 10, 1858, and died July 20, 1928. He was interred at Rose Hill Cemetery,
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa. According to his obituary,
Jasper was the son of William and Catharine
PRICE and he had a daughter, Mrs. L. E. POLLOCK of Delta, Colorado. I believe
Mrs. L. E. POLLOCK was the mother of Jasper's nephew, the man in the photograph. - Sharon R. Becker
calling card of "A. O. INGRAM, Mount Ayr, Iowa
IDENTIFIED!! This is the calling card of Andrew O. INGRAM
"HARPER [photographer], Mt. Ayr, Iowa." no other clues as to the identity of this man
on back of photograph "RINARD [photographer], Tingley, Iowa." no other clues as to the identity of these ladies
"HAYES &SHROYER, Mount Ayr, Iowa." no other clues as to the identity of this child
"HAYES &SHROYER, Mount Ayr, Iowa." no other clues as to the identity of this child

To submit your Ringgold County photographs, contact
The County Coordinator.
Please include the word "Ringgold" in the subject line. Thank you.
