LAFE HILL, Representative from Floyd county, was born in Ringgold county, Iowa. At the age of fourteen years was
thrown on his own resources. He worked on a farm, in a brick yard and on railroad construction, attending school at odd
times until about the age of eighteen, when he had saved sufficient money to enable him to enter academic and college work.
During that time he read law for two years with C. W. MULLEN of Waterloo, afterwards state's attorney general. He then took
up teaching at Troy Mills and Walker in Linn county, and was later superintendent of schools at Seymour and other places
in southern Iowa. At the close of his school work he entered the newspaper business, and is now publisher of The
Advertiser at Nora Springs. His father was a veteran of the Civil war. He was married to Florence A. FAY of Troy Mills.
Their three children grew to manhood and womanhood, a daughter, Fausta, and sons, Brant and Lyle. Both sons served in the
World War, and Brant gave his life for his country. Throughout his life he has been an active republican and has attended
a large number of the state and district conventions or the past thirty years. He was elected a delegate from Iowa to the
National Yeoman Conclave held at Colorado Springs in 1904. He was appointed by Governor KENDALL a delegate from Iowa to
the National Laymen's Educational convention called by the United States commissioner of education in Des Moines in 1922.
He is a member of the Methodist church and of the Knights of Pythias lodge, having served as officer of the grand lodge.
Elected representative in 1924 and reelected in 1926.
SOURCE: Iowa Official Register 1927-1928; Biographies of State Representatives; pg. 245
Posted by Sharyl FERRALL, January 26, 2004

LAFE HILL, NORA SPRINGS. - Senator from the forty-fourth district, composed
of Chickasaw and Floyd counties,
born in Ringgold county, Iowa. At the age
of fourteen was thrown on his own resources, worked on a farm, in a brick yard
and railroad construction, attending school at odd times until about the age
of eighteen, when he had saved sufficient
money to enable him to enter
academic and college work. He then took up teaching at Troy Mills and Walker, in
Linn county,
and was later superintendent of schools at Seymour and other
places. At the close of his school work he entered the
newspaper business,
and is now publisher of The Advertiser at Nora Springs. His father was a
veteran of the Civil
War. He was married to Florence A. FAY of Troy Mills. Their
three children grew to manhood and womanhood, a daughter,
Fausta, and sons,
Brant and Lyle. Both sons served in the World war and Brant gave his life for
his country. [Lafe HILL]
was elected representative in 1924, 1926 and 1928. Elected
senator in 1930. [He is a] republican.
SOURCE: Iowa Official Register 1933-1934, Biographies, State Senators.