Back Row, left to right: Ermal (MENDENHALL) BOLES standing in front of Russel BOLES who is leaning forward and in the
shadows, E. Ray MORRELL; Percy GILREATH; unknown lady; Norma G. (FOLAND) BECKER
standing behind Martha JOHNSTON; Homer FOLAND standing in the shadows; Pearl (BRAMON) FOLAND standing behind Dick JOHNSTON.
Middle Row, left to right: unknown lady; Carrie (YOUNG) MENDENHALL; Luella (YOUNG) BRAMON, Fred Manning YOUNG;
Martha Jane (YOUNG) JOHNSTON and her husband Horace JOHNSTON in front of her; Richard "Dick" JOHNSTON; Dwight M.
Front Row, left to right: either Suzi or Annie JOHNSTON; Lu JOHNSTON, Dick's wife; Karen JOHNSTON; Richard BOLES;
Alice Mae JOHNSTON; unknown girl; Billy JOHNSTON; William E. JOHNSTON kneeling behind Andy JOHNSTON.

Contribution by Mrs. Andy (Joyce) JOHNSTON, May of 2009

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