rural Kellerton, Athens Township, Ringgold County, Iowa
Photographs courtesy of Tony Mercer, 2015
Lewis Cemetery is located south of Kellerton, Athens Township, Ringgold County, Iowa, approximately 400 yards east of 330th Avenue, 1/2 mile south of 260th Street in the middle of a pasture. It is believed that approximately thirty interments were made at the Lewis Cemetery. All that remains are markers of five interments.
The cemetery was canvassed and photographed by Tony Mercer in January of 2015.
Name |
Birth |
Death |
Comments |
DICKEY, Minnie May |
10 Mar 1887
aged 3y _m 4d |
daughter of John H. & Elsa Ann (LEWIS)
LEWIS, Caroline |
13 Jun 1854 |
28 Dec 1865
aged 11y 6m 15d |
daughter of
Enoch & Caroline
LEWIS, Caroline Ellen (MOULTON) |
04 Jul 1821 |
12 Mar 1861
aged 39y 8m 8d |
daughter of Levi & Mary Elle (KING) MOULTON
married 18 Feb 1838
Enoch LEWIS |
LEWIS, Effie J. |
13 Sep 1872 |
27 Nov 1874
aged 2y 2m 14d |
daughter of Clark Henry & Martha (MERRITT) LEWIS |
LEWIS, Willie A. |
22 Feb 1864 |
24 Aug 1869
aged 6m 2d |
son of Clark Henry & Martha (MERRITT) LEWIS |
Feature Name: Lewis Cemetery
Feature Type: cemetery
State: Iowa
County: Ringgold
USGS 7.5' x 7.5' Map: Kellerton
Latitude: 403933N
Longitude: 0940137W
Map provided by google maps
Early Lewis Cemetery interments may be found on WPA’s searchable database for Ringgold County located at:
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