Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, October 06, 1983
Lisa Wilson, Mount Ayr

The youngest hiker to cover all eight miles of the CROP walk for world hunger held in Ringgold county Sunday
afternoon was Karen ELMER, five-years-old, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard ELMER of rural Mount Ayr. Some
246 people from all over the county participated in the annual event.

Two Ringgold county school students were elected to district offices for the coming year at the annual district
Future Homemakers of America meeting held at Southwestern Community College in Creston last week. Beth STILL, a
junior at Grand Valley Community high school in Kellerton, was named district president, and Donna POORE, a junior
at Mount Ayr Community high school, was named district vice-president. STILL is the daughter of Eldon and Ann STILL,
and POORE is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Duane POORE of Beaconsfield.

A Ringgold county farm was honored as a Centry Farm at ceremonies held during the Iowa State Fair. The farm of
Gene SISSEL family of rural Kellerton received the honor from Robert LOUNSBERRY, secretary of agriculture, and Dean
KLECKNER, Iowa Farm Bureau.

Joan WALTERS, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Francis WALTERS of Beaconsfield, was selected as queen of the 28th annual
Southwest Iowa Band Jamoree at Clarinda Saturday. Joan is a senior member of the Mount Ayr Community high school
Raider marching band and is currently the assistant drum major.

Lisa CREVELING has accepted a position as tax attorney for Foster, DIckinson and Company in Oklahoma City, OK. In the
11 years tha Mount Ayr Coummunity high school guidance counsellor Dan DAY has been here, this is the first woman
from the local high school to earn a law degree and she is thought to be the only one.

A Mount Ayr Community high school senior has been named as one of 15,000 young men and women across the country as semi-finalists
in the National Merit Scholarship Corporation's current merit program. Joe FELL, son of Mr. and Mrs. John FELL of
Mount Ayr, will have an opportunity to advance in the competition for about 5,300 merit scholarships to be awarded
in the spring of 1984.

OBITUARIES in October 06, 1983 Mount Ayr Record-News:
Elvis Leonard MAUDLIN
Transciption by Sharon R. Becker, May of 2012

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