Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, May 9, 2002
Lisa Wilson, Mount Ayr

Mount Ayr Community high school teacher James UHLENKAMPOF Mount Ayr was honored at a reception at Terrace Hill in Des
Moines recently to recognize Iowa's National Board Certified Teachers. He is the first teacher in the Mount Ayr Community
school district to receive the recognition.

Ringgold county continues to lead the state in the number of acres of farmland here which ispart of the Conservation
Reserve Program. As of January 15, 2002, the Conservation Reserve Program had 1,837,274.6 acres enrolled across the state.
These acres were enrolled in the traditional 10-year program, where the crop grown is idled from production of any crop.
In addition there were 329,030 acres enrolled in the continuous CRP program, with several other counties leading the way
in this program.

Wendell RAY tied for first place and the Mount Ayr Community elementary school sixth grade math bee team took third place
in state competition in Marshalltown Saturday. RAY tied for first in the individual competition among the 162 top sixth
graders. Team members included Wendell RAY, James WALKUP, Kirk FORD, Tyler WHITSON, Wesley KLEJCH and Cassie STILL.
WHITSON and WALKUP participated as alternates at the state contest.

A ribbon cutting was held during the open house for Forget-Me-Not Flowers and Gifts at their new location at 121 N.
Taylor Street in Mount Ayr. The owner is Cindy MITCHELL.

Mount Ayr Community FFA chapter members have been busy planting trees and shrubs which were part of the Iowa Farm Bureau
grant project they were awarded to put landscaping at the Ringgold County Supportive Services building.

OBITUARIES in May 9, 2002 Mount Ayr Record-News:
George Sidney ALLYN Margie Mae STEGGEL MUNYON
Transciption by Sharon R. Becker, May of 2012

To submit your Ringgold County items, contact the County Coordinator.
Please include the word "Ringgold" in the subject line. Thank you.

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