Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, April 12, 1956
Lisa Wilson, Mount Ayr Record-News

Stanley E. HORNE of Mount Ayr announced his candidacy for the Republican nomination for county recorder of Ringgold County
at the primary election, June 4. Mr. HORNE, a son of Mrs. J. O. HORNE and the late Mr. HORNE, was born and reared in
Ringgold County, where he has spent most of his life. He is 47 years of age. He graduated from the Mount Ayr high school
with the class of 1927.

Harold AKERS, Kellerton farmer, will be interviewed Saturday, April 14, at 11:30 a.m. on the "Rural Electric Reporter"
program over station KMA, 960, Shenandoah. "Adequate Water Systems Pays" will be discussed during the interview which is
sponsored by the six rural electric cooperatives of southwestern Iowa. Mr. AKERS is a member of Rideta Electric with
headquarters in Mount Ayr.

In observance of the 59th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. W. I. OVERHOLSER of Jefferson township, a cooperative dinner
was enjoyed by 50 relatives Sunday at the American Legion hall in Mount Ayr.

Mr. and Mrs. Rex MISKIMINS have tendered their resignations from their positions as teachers in the Mount Ayr schools. Mr.
MISKIMINS, a former highway patrolman, has taught two years in the junior high and has also served as a bus driver. Mrs.
MISKIMINS has taught for three years in the lower grades. Their decision to leave the local school was made following the
adoption of a rule that instructors will not be permitted to drive school buses. Their plans for the future are

Melvin INGRAM, formerly of Mount Ayr, has been named manager of the P. M. Place Company Store at Knoxville. He succeeds
Morris FORBES, who will manage the new Place store recently established at Rockport, MO. Melvin received he early traning
under the direction of Joe PLACE, manager. In recent months, he has been identified with the store at Albany, MO.

A shelter house is the latest improvement in the Lions Club sponsored recreation area north of Mount Ayr. This 18 x 32' structure,
which is nearing completion, will add much to the facilities at the park. This shelter house is being built with funds
raised at a box supper sponsored by the Business and Professional Women February of last year. The Lions Club assisted the
B.P.W.C. in sponsoring this box supper, the profits from which had been held in reserve with the idea of building the
shelter house.

Approximately 50 acres of wheat were seeded to clover and 65 acres of ground were plowed April 9 on the Lester WASHBURN
farm by neighbors and friends for Mr. WASHBURN who is hospitalized. Thirty-nine men with 32 tractors and plows and two
seeders shared in the "good neighbor" deed.

April 7, a son Stanley Bryan to Mr. and Mrs. John C. COOK, Diagonal
April 7, a son Kelly Joseph to Mr. and Mrs. Robert MONAGHAN, Mount Ayr
April 8, a son Don E. to Mr. and Mrs. Donald SNYDER, Diagonal
April 9, a son Robert Charles to Mrs. Marilyn STRINGFIELD, Kellerton
April 9, a daughter Susan Carole to Mr. and Mrs. William C. HAROVER, Mount Ayr

OBITUARIES in April 12, 1956 Mount Ayr Record-News:
William Bryan ROOD Pauline Kathryn ROSS EURITT
Transciption by Sharon R. Becker, March of 2010

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