Clinton Township, Ringgold County, Iowa
9th and 10th Grades, 1933
BACK ROW, Left to Right: John William SHAFER, Lewis SHAW, teacher - Miss Leone WATSON, Elton COCHRAN, Doyle DERICKSON
MIDDLE ROW, Left to Right: Evelyn COCHRAN, Margaret ADAIR, Lavetta OVERMAN, Anna M. SACKETT, Donnell COMBS, Dixie MILLER
FRONT ROW, Left to Right: Taylor OSBORN, Elsworth "Junior" HIATT, Billie MILLER, James ARNEAL, Virgil NORRIS, Guy NORRIS,
Clifford SMITH
Submission by Friends of Old Redding, July of 2010

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The County Coordinator.
Please include the word "Ringgold" in the subject line. Thank you.
