Ellston's first high school was built in 1886 at the cost of $2,000. In 1886, E. R. PORTER
and Louie CAMPBELL were the teachers for an enrollment of 60 students.
A fine two-story frame school house was finished in January, 1886,
at a cost of about $2,000. School is taught for nine months, and two teachers are employed. These are, for 1886-87, F. R.
PORTER and Louis CAMPBELL. The enrollment of the school is about sixty. The present school board is composed of W. H. WALLER,
President; J. M. HUGHEY and James BAKER is Secretary, and Abner GOODELL, Treasurer. - 1887
During the second decade of the 1900's, several school districts in Ringgold County considered consolidation. Although
the citizens of Redding School District voted in favor of consolidation in 1913, the vote was cast out on a technicality.
The following year, a new school was erected in Redding. In 1915, another election was held in Redding and the citizens
again voted to consolidate. In 1917, a large addition was constructed to accomondate an increase in pupils attending the
Redding School. In 1915, the residents of Delphos voted to consolidate; Maloy residents voted for consolidation in 1917;
and the Beaconsfield residents cast their vote for consolidation in 1920. Although the residents of Ellston voted to
consolidate, it was annulled on a technicality when the bonding company realized that the election notice had been
advertised solely by public notices and not published in the newspaper. A second vote was called which resulted in a
vote against consolidation.

Ellston School, 1914 - 1915~ ~ ~ ~
Mount Ayr Record-News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
Thursday, February 02 & February 05, 1915
ELLSTON SCHOOL NEWS -- The Ellston school has adopted a new system for the purpose of encoraging
punctuality. Each half day the perfect attendance in each room is designated by a star. When 20 consecutive stars are
earned a quarter holiday is given to the room earning them.
Commercial law, economics and botany have been added
to the cirriculum this semester.
~ ~ ~ ~
Mount Ayr Record-News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
Thursday, February 09 & February 12, 1915
ELLSTON - The state school inspector was here last week and the Ellston school was judged as being an accredited school. He stated that the school was far above average for this size town.
~ ~ ~ ~
Mount Ayr Record-News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
Thursday, September 06, 1916
ELLSTON - School teachers for the ensuing year are: Superintendent, John G. Parisho; principal, Miss Curray; domestic science, Miss Zaner; grammar room, Miss Campbell; intermediate, Miss Duell; and, primary, Miss Manley.
~ ~ ~ ~
Ellston School, 1917 - 1918 Nellie (BUELL) JOHNSTON, teacher
Goldie JACKSON, Jennie SMITH, Aldah WAGGONER, Grace WHITE, Effie Mae THOMAS
Ellston School, year unknown
BACK ROW, left to right: Clarence MOORE, Leonard CLARK, Benton KNIGHT, May BUELL, Gladys DUKES, Harvey LAMB,
teacher - Effie CAMPBELL, teacher - Miss PARISHO, Tom FOUSER, Rebecca LAMB, Bill PARISHO, Darell McNUTT, Lloyd ADAMS, Merle MAXWELL,
Clarence TRISLER, Rolla WEST
SECOND ROW, left to right: Wanda JOHNSTON, Inez GILLETTE, Irma FOUSER, Louise Siple, Mildred GLASGOW, Frances TRISLER,
FRONT ROW, left to right: Ted JACKSON, Ray JACKSON, Vaughn JOHNSTON, Leland WALTERS, Vaughn KNIGHT,
Ellston's Second School Building
A petition is being circulated this week asking the school board to call an election to vote $40,000 bonds to erect and equip a new school building at Ellston. Our present school building is old and not properly lighted or heated to comply with the present school laws.
-Tingley Vindicator, January 2, 1930
~ ~ ~ ~
Especial Notice!
The Ellston Public School will open Monday, Sept. 8th, in their new and up-to-date building, which, with the 4-year High School is fully approved by Miss Agnes SAMUELSON, Superintendent of Public Instruction. Those who desire to send their children to one of the best schools in this vicinity, ought to get in touch with Supt. L.J. WILSON at once. By order of the Board of Education,
-Tingley Vindicator, September 4, 1930

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The first Ringgold County Boys' Basketball Tournament was held February 28 - March 1st, 1919, at the Mount Ayr high
school gymnasium. Ellston High School won the first championship game, defeating Diagonal 62-19. Player Harley WILHELM
was the star of the game. Ellston's team captain George ANDERSON accepted the trophy.
Ellston High School Basketball Team, 1921-22
Left to Right: Earl BROWN, Vaughn JOHNSTON, Lloyd ADAMS, Ray JACKSON, Benton KNIGHT, Bill PARISHO
The 1922 Ringgold County
Tournament was played at Arispe due to severe winter weather, bad roads, and a small pox
epidemic which has swept
through western Ringgold County. Ellston lost the champsionship game to Diagonal, 38-35.
Ellston's center Bill PERISHO was
named to the all-county first team. Ellston's forward Vaughn JOHNSTON and guard
Ray JACKSON were named to the all-county first
team during the 1923 tournament. Ellston's LENT was selected for
the all-tournament first team during the
1934 Ringgold County Tournament. During the 1941 Ringgold County Tournament, Ellston defeated Delphos 43-36 in the
consolation game. Ellston lost the consolation game to Benton during the 1950 Ringgold County Tournament.
Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, March 27, 1958
The Beaconsfield Consolidated school district and the Ellston Independent school district are no longer included in the Grand Valley Community school district, according to findings of fact, conclusions of law and decree issued by Judge H. J. KITTLEMAN following a hearing held Friday in the district court in Mount Ayr. The status of the two school districts remains the same as before the filing of the certificates that included them within the Grand Valley Community school district.
Ellston High School, 2009 Photograph by Sharon R. Becker
Mount Ayr Record-News, Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa, February 10, 2007
Ringgold County History Compiled and written by the Iowa Writers' Program of the Work Projects Administration in the
State of Iowa, Sponsored by Ringgold County Superintendent of Schools, Mount Ayr, Iowa. 1942.
AVITT, Mike. Pages and Pictures from the Past. . .Ringgold County, Iowa 1855-2005 Pp. 60-4. Paragon Publications, Inc. Mount Ayr. 2009.
"Ellston" Biographical & Historical Record of Ringgold County, Iowa Lewis Publishing Co. Chicago. 1887.
Compilation by Sharon R. Becker, June of 2009; updated April of 2010

Ellston Boys High School Basketball, 1911 - 1918
Ellston High School Graduates, 1895 - 1959
History of Ellston
