Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, June 04, 1959
Lisa Wilson, Mount Ayr Record-News

Robert L. McCULLOUGH of Bethany, MO has accepted a contract to teach social studies in the Mount Ayr Community high school
during the 1959-60 school year. A veteran of two years of army service, Mr. McCULLOUGH is married and the father of one child.

Four members of the graduating class of the Mount Ayr Community high school received scholarships at Senior Class Day
exercises held May 25. The scholarships were offered by the Methodist Men, Mount Ayr Businessmen's Club, Parent-Teacher
Association and an anonymous donar. The recipients were Leland RAUCH, Norma HOHLFELD, Bill LANTZ and Edith OLNEY.

The Grand Valley Community school district of Ringgold and Decatur counties will be served by one high school to be
located at Kellerton when school opens this fall. The decision to close the high school at Grand River and to maintain the
one high school at Kellerton was made at a recent meeting of the board of education of the district with three directors,
Dean JACKSON, John GROSE and Norman ELSWICK, voting in favor of the proposal, and the other two directors, Roy JONES
and John Van LAAR, opposing the plan.

Jim SMITH, Ringgold county 4-H member, is one of six Iowa 4-H members from 55 counties selected to receive the Lew
Plager award. The award is presented by the Iowa County Extension Directors Association in memory of Lew Plager, a longtime
extension worker, to 4-H members who have high moral character and who exhibit outstanding 4-H leadership. Jim is the
son of Mr. and Mrs. Francis SMITH of Tingley and a member of the Tingley TOppers 4-H Club.

Connie SANDAGE, senior in the Mount Ayr Community high school, was elected head cheerleader for the 1959-60 school year
during a students' meeting held May 21. Others elected to assist Miss SANDAGE in providing "pep" for all football and
boys basketball games during the year are Karen RICKER, Jayne BEAMER, Marilyn SHEILDS and Joan LYNCH.

Ronald DEFENBAUGH, senior, has been elected president of the Mount Ayr Community high school student council for the
1959-60 school year. The son of Mr. and Mrs. Ted DEFENBAUGH of this city, Ronald has been prominently identified with many
school activities and during the past year served as a member of the student council from the junior class. Other
students elected to the council were Paul HANSEN, Steve DRAKE and Connie SANDAGE, seniors; Billie WIMER, Kay JARVIS
and Richard WAUGH, juniors; and Nieda EGLEY, Betty SACKETT and Paul RUCKMAN, sophomores.

Kay WATSON was elected president of the Ringgold county 4-H girls organization from a group of nine candidates.
Other officers are Lucille FARIS, vice-president; Roberta HINDES, secretary-treasurer; and Kay LANTZ, reporter-historian.

OBITUARIES in June 04, 1959 Mount Ayr Record-News:
Paul Melvin BAGLEY
Transciption by Sharon R. Becker, December of 2012

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