Jefferson Township
Photograph Courtesy of Mount Ayr Depot Museum

Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, February 26, 2015, Page 11
From "Snapshots of History" by Mike Avitt:
"When rural schoolhouses were first built in Ringgold County, they were built where the need was
the greatest. But eventually districts were formed and education became organized. It was decided to place a rural school every two miles
so a pupil would never have to walk more than a mile to school. My notes say
[July 1890. . . ] is the time frame when the schools were placed about every two miles. . . ."
Hiawatha School has been moved 1/4 a mile north of its original location, presently at the southeast corner of
section 14, Jefferson Township; west of Tingley to Highway 169, then two miles west on county road J-20.
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Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa May 30, 1946
Hiawatha School Closes.

Approximately seventy-five persons gathered Tuesday evening, May 21, at the Hiawatha school and enjoyed a covered dish dinner.
The event marked the closing of school and was also a courtesy to Mrs. Cora PRITCHARD who has served as teacher. Following
the dinner Mrs. PRITCHARD and her pupils presented a program in which each pupil took part. Bessie Ann OVERHOLSER and
Geraldine O'DELL put on black face and did a number. Mrs. PRITCHARD and her brother, Ira CAMPBELL, sang a duet. Other
recitations and dialogues were well presented by the pupils. Those present to enjoy the evening were Margaret and Hazel
RAUCH, of Grand River, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur PRITCHARD, Earl Lee and Mary Sue, Mr. and Mrs. Ira CAMPBELL, and Ronald and Howard
TULL, of Mount Ayr, Nina JOHNSTON, of Kellerton, Mr. and Mrs. Allen LONG and family, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar CAMPBELL, Mr. and
Mrs. Glen BENDER and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bert JOHNSTON, Mr. and Mrs. Albert O'DELL and family, Mrs. Veneta DUKES and Philip,
Mrs. Dale DUFFIELD and Kathryn, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. BAKER, Mr. and Mrs. Vern OSHEL and family, Mr. and Mrs. Guy JOHNSTON and
family, Albert JOHNSTON, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil ALLEN and family, Adella OVERHOLSER, Mr. and Mrs. Ted BERGALOFF and family, Mr.
and Mrs. A. L. ROGERS, Mr. and Mrs. Sam OVERHOLSER and family, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley OVERHOLSER and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Richard O'DELL and family, Mrs. E. C. ALLEN and Harry FREDRICKSON, of Diagonal.
Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, February 26, 2015, Page 11
From "Snapshots of History" by Mike Avitt:
"As gravel roads and school buses made rural
schools obsolete, they were sold. . . .Sales were common during the 1950s. Jefferson Township schools No.
3 [Mortimer/Nulph School],
4 [Brush Center/Cornith School],
6 [Hiawatha School],
7 [Grace/Lincoln/Woodbine/Taylor School], and
8 were all sold September 26, 1955 at public auction."
Five Rural Schoolhouses To Sell at Auction
The Jefferson Township School District will sell at public auction on Monday, September 26, [1949] five rural schoolhouses
in the Diagonal area. The schools, names of which will be familiar to most readers of [The Mount Ayr] Reporter
are Willow Grove, Mortimer, Hiawatha, Cottonwood and Cornith. Also to be sold are the schoolhouse sites, outbuildings, pumps,
and any other equipment remaining after the schools were closed. The sale will be conducted by Mrs. Lola HAILEY,
secretary, and Leland AHBURN, president, with Dennis OWEN of Tingley the auctioneer and Clark SIMPSON, clerk. An
advertisment in this issue of The Reporter gives the time when each building will be sold, and other information of
interest of prospective purchasers.
Photograph courtesy of Mike Avitt, taken November of 2006
Mount Ayr Record-News, Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa, February 10, 2007
Mount Ayr Record-News, Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa, May 30, 1946
Diagonal Progress, Diagonal, Ringgold County, Iowa, Sept. 24, 1981
AVITT, Mike. Pages and Pictures from the Past. . .Ringgold County, Iowa 1855-2005 p. 17. Paragon Publications, Inc. Mount Ayr. 2009.
Transcriptions by Sharon R. Becker, June of 2009; updated April of 2010; updated September of 2015
