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Mount Ayr Record-News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
Thursday, August 20, 1992

Jessica Graham, Mount Ayr

Diagonal Community School has a new superintendent -- Ray AUCKER. AUCKER began work this week as the head of the school district following the resignation of Dennis TASSELL, Prior to coming to Diagonal, AUCKER was superintendent and elementary principal in the Glenville, MN school district.

Discussion on the final disposition of the Grand River school building and several open enrollment requests were topics discussed by the Grand Valley school board.

A new management team is in place at the Mount Ayr Place's Store. The new manager is Bill BJERRUM, who has worked for Place's for six years in Corning, Red Oak and Kansas City MO. The new assistant manager is James BRADFORD who is a 1992 graduate of Graceland College in Lamoni.

Two families were welcomed to Mount Ayr recently by Mary WIESE, chairperson of the Mount Ayr Chamber of Commerce welcoming committe. One is Bill SCOTT of 306 South Lincoln Street, Mount Ayr, who moved here from Marshalltown. He has two daughters, Judy and Terri, and two sons, Gary and Sandy. He is retired from employment at Fischer Control Company in Marshalltown. Cory and Suzann HIATT of 500 South Taylor Street, Mount Ayr, moved here from Des Moines. They have a seven-week-old son, Dylan. Suzann is a homemaker and Cory is employed by Mount Ayr Products.

There is a new view of Diagonal to travelers coming into the community from the south on Highway 66. The hillside has been cut down giving a better view around the corner where the highway turns north into town. The banks along the highway have been widened and shoulders expanded. Work was also done to stabilize the river bank near the bridge as part of the project this summer.

Brian TERRELL of Maloy was elected to fill an unexpired term on the Maloy city council in a special election August 11. TERRELL, the only candidate on the ballott, received 11 votes. Carol DAVIDSON received 10 write-in votes and Roger TODD received one write-in. Transciption by Sharon R. Becker, August of 2012

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