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Mount Ayr Record-News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
Thursday, June 22, 1995

Lisa Wilson, Mount Ayr

Margaret BISHOP of rural Mount Ayr began her own formal education in a Ringgold county country school. When she became a teacher she also began that profession in a Ringgold county country schoolhouse. She has experienced much joy and fulfillment in teaching in the county's schools but after 28 years she feels it is time to retire. She spent her last days in the fifth grade classroom in Mount Ayr Community elementary school.

Blimpie Heartland Development Ltd. Co. of Des Moines has announced the opening of a new Blimpie Subs & Salads restaurant in Mount Ayr in August. The location of the new restaurant is the former Smith Oil station at the intersection of Highways 2 and 169. Franchises of the new restaurant are Connie SMITH and her daughter, Christi. According to company spokesman John Beno, Christi, a senior-to-be at Mount Ayr Community high school, is the youngest franchisee in the 1,000-unit Blimpie national chain.

According to Athena SIMPSON, county extension education director, 65 Ringgold county youth learned how to identify and deal with hazards on the farm on June 19. County Extension farm safety day camp drew youth ages eight through 13 from throughout the county for a day long session on how to take responsibility for their own safety, respect parents' safety rules and share safety tips with their family and friends, said SIMPSON.

OBITUARIES in June 22, 1995 Mount Ayr Record-News:

Clarence Herman WEBB   Paul Eugene MUNYON
Margaret CARR HALEY   Joanna Marie HOUGE BOESE

Transciption by Sharon R. Becker, October of 2012

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