Last Tuesday evening pupils of Stony Point school planned and carried out a surprise party in honor of the teacher of the
past year, Miss Vera LUTZ. They with their parents gathered at the BLANCHARD home and went in a body to the LUTZ home. Miss
Vera was very much surprised and delighted that her little pupils had remembered her. At a late hour three freezers of ice
cream and several nice cakes were brought upon the scene to which we all did ample justice. The evening was spent in social
conversation and music. Miss LUTZ expects to leave for Kansas soon, where she will spend the summer visiting friends.
Those present were: Mr. and Sam DUFFIELD and children Verle and Vera, Mr. and Mrs. Fred BLANCHARD and children Manuel, Virgil
and Pearl, Mr. and Mrs. George ROSS and children Finnel, Clarence and Paul, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin POORE and children,
Marjorie, Dwight, Wesley and Alberta LEW, Mrs. Loren SCOTT and children, Reita and Perry, Rex, Hazel and Roy ROSS,
Albert, Mildred and Marjorie HOLLAND, Fern, Minerva, Anthony and Lloyd BLANCHARD, Mr. and Mrs. Court LUTZ and daughter,
Leland LUTZ, Merle JONES, Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus LUTZ and Vera.
Submitted by Delbert Spencer, April of 2009
