The Christian Church of Kellerton was organized by Milton REYNOLDS of Kellerton and Elder J. C. WHITE of Mount Ayr. Charter
members were Milton REYNOLDS, James MEADOWS, B. G. BROWN, and Mrs. Lucy HAUE. NOTE: Some accounts state that Kellerton's
Christian Church was organized in 1884 under the leadership of Pastor William GADD from Ottumwa.
The church
building was constructed in 1886 with a church membership of 50 parishioners. The church was located on the
southeast corner of Block 5. It was 34-feet by 44-feet in size. Elder H. S. LEMMON of Leon held
the first meetings in the new church. Elder B. A. WILKERSON was the first resident pastor.
The original church building was totally
destroyed by fire on Friday, March 2, 1906 [March 22nd by some accounts]. All of the church's records were consumed in the flames. Built at a cost of between
$1,500 to $1,700, the building had been insured for only $700.
Under the leadership of Elder J. S. COFFIN, funds
were raised and a new church, at a cost between $4,000 and $5,000, was erected. It was dedicated on November 22, 1906, with Brother
L. CARPENTER officiating.
The new church measured 30-feet by 48-feet. A Sunday School room adjoined the main building.

Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, September 17, 1915
KELLERTON - Members of the C.W.B.M. met recently and elected the following officers: President, Mrs. Frances LEWIS; vice-president, Mrs. Orpha SMITH; secretary, Mrs. J. W. MEADOWS; treasurer, Mrs. L. L. DADY; division leaders, the Mesdames Chas. HAMPTON, J. R. FRISBY and S. B. HEDGES.
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, September of 2015

In 1920, Brother E. E. LISTER served the church when the congregation purchased a parsonage.
The first parsonage had been lost when a new highway had been constructed. In 1938, the Christian Church became free of
debt with "Grandma" BROWN, the last living charter member, given the honor of burning the mortgage. Around this time,
Sister Miss Cela ATWOOD (later Mrs. FUGATE) served as the minister. When Brother J. G. MYERS was the minister in 1941,
the ladies of the congregation wrote a cookbook which contained a history of the Kellerton Christian Church. Also, during
this year, quite a bit of interior re-modeling had been completed. Transcriber's Note: Perhaps the
ladies created the cookbook to raise funds for the re-modeling project?
In 1955, the estate of Mrs. Frances (BAKER) LEWIS, daughter of charter member J. J. BARKER, donated funds to the Church
which was used to install a new baptistry. Reverend Vernon NORRIS arrived on September 27th of 1956, to assume pastorate

Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, November 12, 1959
The Kellerton Church of Christ will observe the 75th anniversary of its establishment with a special service on Sunday,
Nov. 15. A former minister, John HUNTINGTON of Carthage, MO, will bring the message.
Photograph courtesy of Gene Lutz, April of 2013

In 1969, Mrs. Pearl MICHAEL purchased the second parsonage. The church has not owned a parsonage since that time.
Kenneth MICHAEL, church treasurer, hired Lloyd DRAKE to build the wheelchair ramp and deck in 1993. A new furnace was installed
in 1990 and the church was re-shingled in 1999. 
Larry McATEE probably knows the outside of the church better than anyone,
having painted the church three times - in 1978, in 1989, and in 1998. A children's Sunday School classroom was added
on January 15, 2005.
Reverend Merlin WILKINS, former teacher at Mount Ayr Community High School for many years, assumed
the pulpit from 1967 to 1992. Pastor Terry ROBERTS served as minister from January of 1995 to March of 2000 when he
assumed the pulpit at Trinity Christian Church, Decatur County, Iowa. The red neon "Jesus" sign was placed by Kathy
(FIFER) JOHNSTON and Randy JOHNSTON, present pastors of the Church, now called Bank of Christ Church. (2009)
Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, November 29, 2012
Kellerton food pantry busy
Long lines formed outside the Kellerton food pantry located in the basement of the
Bank of Christ Outreach last Tuesday. Volunteers provided food items to over 135 families.

Long lines formed outside the Kellerton Bank of Christ Outreach last week in anticipation of Thanksgiving.
Pastor Kathy JOHNSTON reported the church food pantry provided food to over 135 families the Tuesday before Thanksgiving.
Each family received an average of 40 pounds of food. The food pantry is open the third Tuesday each month from noon to
5 p.m. and is available to anyone in need. The current location is in the basement of the church, but plans are underway
tomove the food bank to a building on main street. JOHNSTON said the new facility will be on one level with no stairs,
thereby providing easier access to food bank patrons. The pantry operates on donations from area businesses and
individuals, including Mount Ayr Hy-Vee, Bunn in Creston, and the Osceola Wal-Mart. Some items are purchased through
the Food Bankof Iowa. In 2011 the food pantry brought in 104,428 pounds of food goods and served 5,546 individuals
representing 2,427 households. Pastor JOHNSTON said she welcomes donations of food or money from area residents seeking
to help the food pantry. JOHNSTON also is seeking volunteers to help staff the facility.
For more information, contact Pastor Kathy JOHNSTON at 641-414-5243.
Photograph courtesy of Mount Ayr Record-News
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, November of 2012; updated September of 2015
The Mount Ayr Record-News, Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa. May 19, 2005.
AVITT, Mike. Pages and Pictures from the Past . . . Ringgold County, Iowa: 1885-2005 p. 30.
Paragon Publications, Inc. Mount Ayr, Iowa. 2009.
Top photograph courtesy of Sheryl K. Harrison, May of 2009
