Miss Mollie JARVIS was one of Diagonal's first town school teachers. Later, she went into the millinery business.
Mollie was the daughter of Civil War Veteran [63rd OH Infantry] Simon JARVIS (1846-1928) and Eleanor "Ellen" (LEWIS) JARVIS (1842-1932). The family
resided near LeRoy, Decatur County, Iowa, and came to Ringgold County in the year 1870, residing in the Goshen
Community. Simon served as the clerk for the first Diagonal City Council, and was later the town's mayor. He also
served as the Justice of the Peace. Mollie was born in 1870, near LeRoy, Decatur County, Iowa, and died in 1963. Simon,
Eleanor, and Mollie were interred at Diagonal Cemetery.
Diagonal, Iowa: Centennial History Pp. 201, 344. 1998.
Diagonal Cemetery Transcriptions
Compilation by Sharon R. Becker, April of 2010
