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Mount Ayr Record-News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
Thursday, March 27, 1958

Lisa Wilson, Mount Ayr

The Beaconsfield Consolidated school district and the Ellston Independent school district are no longer included in the Grand Valley Community school district, according to findings of fact, conclusions of law and decree issued by Judge H. J. KITTLEMAN following a hearing held Friday in the district court in Mount Ayr. The status of the two school districts remains the same as before the filing of the certificates that included them within the Grand Valley Community school district.

Mrs. B. Pearl MAPEL of Des Moines has been appointed the new state chairman of student Auditions and Young Artists Contests, which will be held in March 1959. Mrs. MAPEL served as vocal music instructor in the Mount Ayr school during the 1920's.

The Benton junior high girls won the county junior high basketball tournament, played March 8, 10 and 12 at Ellston, by defeating Ellston, 46 to 30.

Mr. and Mrs. Oren C. HULL observed the 67th anniversary of their wedding on March 18 in their home in Kellerton.

Albert L. DRAKE of Middle Fork township announced his candidacy for auditor of Ringgold county, subject to the will of the Republican voters at the primary election June 2.

W. T. TIMBY announced his candidacy for the Republican nomination for the office of state representative from Ringgold county at the June primary election.

Mr. and Mrs. John THOMAS, who reside in Middle Fork township, purchased Saturday from Raymond LINTHICUM of Atlantic, the Dairy Sweet, located in east Mount Ayr on Highways 2 and 169. The Dairy Sweet was opened and operated by Mr. LINTHICUM in 1956 and last year was leased to the THOMASES, who operated it during the spring and summer months.

Earl PICKENS, who for the past five years had been employed in a Hy-Vee store in Ames, went recently to Fort Madison, where he is serving as assistant manager of the new Hy-Vee Super Market. Manager of the new store, which held its formal opening Thursday, Friday and Saturday, is Charles SKINNER, former manager of the local Hy-Vee Store.

Formal announcement of the candidacy of Norma SEARLES SMITH for the office of treasurer of Ringgold county, subject to the will of the Republican voters, appears elsewhere in this issue of the Record-News.

D. H. (Mickey) SNEDEKER of Poe township announced his candidacy for member of the board of supervisors of Ringgold county, term commencing January 1960, subject to the will of the Republican voters at the primary election.

Eight local Boy Scouts joined other troops and Cub Packs from District 3 of the Southwest Iowa Council in a Scout Exposition Saturday in Creston. Scouts who participated were Joe BROWN, Michael BUTLER, Richard PALMER, Allen HUDSON, Gary MAIN, Michael SULLIVAN, John THOMPSON and Billy WILEY. They were accompanied by their leaders, the Rev. Clyde MOSHER and Doyle ANDREW.

Exceptional Civilan Service Awards were recently prsented to three employees of Directorate, Maintenance Engineering, Norton Air Force Base, San Bernadino, CA. Among the three men presented the highest civilian award was Chester A. MILLER, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur MILLER of Beaconsfield. The awards were presented in recognition of the voluntary acts of outstanding bravery, when escaping carbon-dioxide filled a building on July 12, 1957. With complete disregard for their own personal safety, the three men entered the building twice and rescued two trapped employees.


  • March 20, a daughter, Donna Rae, to Mr. and Mrs. Vincent DUKES, Ellston
  • March 20, a son, Robert Bradley, to Mr. and Mrs. Roland Robert SPEAKS, Lamoni

    OBITUARIES in March 27, 1958 Mount Ayr Record-News:


    Transciption by Sharon R. Becker, July of 2012

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