The USGenWeb Project
Benton County, IAGenWeb Project
The IAGenWeb Project

Benton County, Iowa Obituaries


Deceased Date of Birth Date of Death Cemetery Submitter
Lacher, Mary Ann
(nee Schneider)
Sept. 1858 Dec. 23, 1935 Laurel Hill, Des Moines, IA Chris Petersen
Lacher, Mary Katherine
(mar. Hoyt)
April 26, 1852 Feb. 17, 1888 Mount Cementery, Watkins, IA Michelle C. Golightly
Lahamm, Dennis Jan. 1900 unknown John Shuck
Lahew, Alexander Apr. 13, 1849 July 31, 1895 Garrison cemetery John Shuck
Lahue, Giles June 26, 1840 Sept. 26, 1902 Garrison cemetery John Shuck
LaHue, Joanna
(nee Brody)
July 27, 1899 May 16, 1996 Cedar Memorial Cemetery, Cedar Rapids, IA Kathie Harrison
Lamb, Dennis Jan. 1, 1900 probably Pleasant Hill, Blairstown John Shuck
Lamos, Ella C.
(mar. Fletcher)
Nov. 30, 1865 May 31, 1936 Evergreen cemetery, Vinton John Shuck
Lampe, Evelyn F.
(mar. Beck)
(mar. Cadle)
July 4, 1931 Dec. 17, 2008 Oakwood Cemetry, Shellsburg, MHurren
Landgrebe, Elizabeth
(mar. Koch)
June 16, 1829 February 3, 1913 Houghton Pioneer Cemetery, Homer Township Martha Long
Landgrebe, Vernie Dec. 18, 1898 Feb. 28, 1899 Houghton Pioneer Cemetery, Homer Township Section 8 Martha Long
Lane, Laura
(nee Livermore)
Apr. 14, 1897 Mar. 23, 1974 Oakwood Cemetery, Shellsburg, Iowa Sheryl Mason Reynolds
Lane, Mattie
(nee Grant)
June 25, 1866 June 7, 1948 Oakwood Cemetery, Shellsburg, Iowa Sheryl Mason Reynolds
Lane, Minerva
(mar. Riggle)
July 5, 1836 Sept. 28, 1918 Mt. Pleasant Cemetery, Canton Twp, Benton Co, Iowa Martha Long
Lane, Onalee
(mar. Abernathy)
Sept. 25, 1916 Oct. 24, 2002 Oakwood Cemetery Shellsburg Iowa Sheryl Mason Reynolds
Lane, Roy Grant Oct. 7, 1896 Oakwood Cemetery Shellsburg Iowa Sheryl Mason reynolds
Lapham, Emma
(mar. Worthen)
Jan. 12, 1851 June 5, 1934 Evergreen Cemetery, Vinton, Benton Co., IA Connie Westcott
Lapham, William J. Dec. 8, 1876 March 17, 1965 Evergreen Cemetery, Vinton, IA John Shuck
Larson, Clara
(mar. Kimm)
Dec. 22, 1889 Dec. 6, 1965 Chapel of Memories, Cedar Memorial, Cedar Rapids, IA Nancy Montague
LaRue, Aaron Dec. 30, 1884 LaRue (Friends) Pioneer Cemetery, Big Grove Twp Martha Long
LaRue, Chambers C. Nov. 18, 1835 Oct. 6, 1899 LaRue (Friends) Pioneer cemetery, Big Grove twp Martha Long
LaRue, Isaac May 25, 1840 May4, 1898 LaRue Pioneer Cemetery in Big Grove Township Martha Long
LaRue, Olive
(nee Shutts)
Dec. 5, 1839 Feb. 14, 1918 LaRue (Friends) Quaker Pioneer Cemetery, Big Grove twp Martha Long
LaRue, Sarah Elizabeth
(mar. Beatty)
January 14, 1832 April 12, 1926 I.O.O.F. Cemetery, Marengo, Iowa Miriam Callaghan
Lash, Catherine
(nee Brown)
Sept. 16, 1853 March 27, 1908 Kisling Cemetery Volunteer
Lash, Mary Ann
(mar. Brody)
Feb. 28, 1845 1936 Kisling Cemetery Volunteer
Latham, Lucy
(nee Butterfield)
Feb. 26, 1826 Nov, 1901 Prairie United Brethren Cemetery Thom Carlson
Lawyer, William 1838 1898/9 John Shuck
Leamer, David Jan. 27, 1834 June 22, 1916 Prairie United Brethren Cemetery Thom Carlson
Lear, Eldon J. Jan. 3, 1916 Oct. 7, 2001 Oakwood Cemetery, Shellsburg, Iowa MHurren
Lehner, Katharine Jan. 1900 unknown John Shuck
Leibsch, Mary A. March 18, 1841 Feb. 20, 1891 Kisling Cemetery Volunteer
Lennon, Mary
(mar. See)
Mar. 16, 1836 Dec. 29, 1907 Mt. Auburn, IA Sara Stevens Patton
Leonard, Edna Nov. 20, 1907 Oct. 5, 1919 Pleasant Hill cemetery, Blairstown John Shuck
Leonard, Emma May
(mar. Mayhew)
August 14, 1870 April 25, 1925 Pleasant Hill cemetery John Shuck
Leonard, Wilbert A. Apr. 3, 1866 Oct. 18, 1947 John Shuck
Lewis, Blanche Irene Nov. 2, 1889 Nov. 29, 1892 Garrison Cemetery John Shuck
Lewis, Linda Lou Feb. 11, 1947 Dec. 20, 1961 Dysart Cemetery Rich Farmer
Likens, Carrie Viola
(nee Allerding)
July 26, 1888 Aug. 8, 1958 Bear Creek Cemetery, Harrison Twp. Martha Geater Long
Likens, Delmar Louis Aug. 18, 1882 Aug. 10, 1950 Bear Creek Cemetery, Harrison Twp. Martha Geater Long
Likens, Mary A.
(mar. Anderson)
March 17, 1871 March 1951 Bear Creek Cemetery in Harrison Twp, Benton Co, Ia Martha Long
Likens, Mary Rosette
(nee White)
April 16, 1855 Sept. 10, 1925 Bear Creek Cemetery, Harrison Twp. Martha Geater Long
Likens, Perry Feb. 10, 1864 Oct. 17, 1930 Bear Creek Cemetery, Harrison Twp. Martha Geater Long
Likens, Viola Belle
(mar. kaiser)
July 2, 1905 January 10, 1997 Evergreen Cemetery, Vinton, Benton Co, IA Stacey J Smith
Likens, William Sept. 20, 1907 Jan. 23, 1923 Bear Creek Cemetery, Harrison Twp. Martha Geater Long
Lilga, daughter 1896 Prairie U.B. Pioneer Cemetery Martha Long
Lilgy, Henry Jan. 1900 unknown John Shuck
Lillis, Edward George Nov. 29, 1886 Jan. 4, 1944 Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Blairstown John Shuck
Lincoln, John W. Feb. 23, 1922 Dec. 7, 1941 Cenotaph at Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Blairstown Dwayne Thoman
Lindeman, Christine Nov. 30, 1837 Jan. 28, 1921 Cox Cemetery Anonymous Volunteer
Lindeman, Ida Belle
(mar. Kellar)
June 30, 1875 April 7, 1910 Cox Cemetery Anonymous Volunteer
Lindeman, Lizzie Sept. 10, 1857 Dec. 18, 1890 Cox Cemetery Anonymous Volunteer
Lindeman, Michael Nov. 1, 1829 Jan. 20, 1922 Cox Cemetery Anonymous Volunteer
Linderman, Martha A.
(mar. Floyd)
Feb. 7, 1854 1940 Kisling Cemetery Volunteer
Lint, Beula
(mar. Neal)
Aug. 18, 1937 Dec. 5, 1994 Oakwood Cemetery Shellsburg Iowa Sheryl Mason Reynolds
Lint, Grace Evelyn
(mar. Kolsrud)
Aug. 8, 1923 Aug. 30, 2001 Oakwood Cemetery, Shellsburg, Iowa MHurren
Lint, Ida Bell
(mar. Meeks)
August 13, 1931 October 21, 1991 Oakwood Cemetery, Shellsburg, Iowa Sheryl Mason Reynolds
Lint, Judith Ann
(nee Maxson)
Jan. 6, 1941 Oct. 13, 2012 Rippey Cemetery, Rippey, IA Sheryl Mason Reynolds
Lint, Kaye Ellen
(mar. 1 Shaw)
(mar. 2 Dennis)
July 17, 1967 Feb. 13, 2010 Oakwood Cemetery, Shellsburg, Iowa Sheryl Mason Reynolds
Lint, Lucille
(mar. Bascom)
Jan. 16, 1922 June 5, 1990 Oakwood Cemetery Shellsburg Iowa Sheryl Mason Reynolds
Patrick , Marion
(nee Bremer)
(mar. 2 Patrick)
Dec. 29, 2004 Oakwood Cemetery, Shellsburg, Iowa SherylMason Reynolds
Lint, Mary A.
(nee Vogt)
Jan. 23, 1915 Nov. 23, 2005 Garrison Cemetery Sheryl Reynolds
Lint, Maxine
(mar. Easterday)
May 1, 1918 Nov. 8, 1997 Oakwood Cemetery, Shellsburg, Iowa MHurren
Lint, Nancy Mae
(nee Osborn)
Dec. 13, 1938 July 15, 2007, Dunkard Cemetery, Toddville Sheryl Reynolds
Lint, Pauline M.
(mar. Seiler)
April 8, 1918 Aug. 15, 1993 Cedar Memorial Park Cemetery Sheryl Reynolds
Livermore, Laura
(mar. Lane)
Apr. 14, 1897 Mar. 23, 1974 Oakwood Cemetery, Shellsburg, Iowa Sheryl Mason Reynolds
Lloyd, Bessie E.
(mar. Tupper)
Dec. 1, 1871 Dec, 1944 John Shuck
Lockhart, Malinda
(nee Wright)
June 7, 1815 Mar. 10, 1898 Davis Cemetery, Linn Co. IA Patricia Sheldon
Lockhart, Samuel May 17, 1812 Aug. 3, 1893 Davis Cemetery, Linn Co., IA Patricia Sheldon
Long, Anna Mae
(nee Beatty)
Nov. 23, 1912 May 7, 1989 Bear Creek Cemetery, Harrison Twp. Martha Geater Long
Long, Clara Belle
(nee Warriner)
Oct. 6, 1874 Oct. 16, 1957 Bear Creek Cemetery, Harrison Twp. Martha Geater Long
Long, Cornelius Pruett Jan. 9, 1847 March 7, 1905 Bear Creek Cemetery, Harrison Twp. Martha Geater Long
Long, Delia A.
(nee Snell)
Dec. 6, 1843 Nov. 28, 1928 Bear Creek Cemetery, Harrison Twp. Martha Geater Long
Long, James A. Aug. 15, 1865 May 6, 1940 Bear Creek Cemetery, Harrison Twp. Martha Geater Long
Long, Joel Jackson Nov. 10, 1828 Aug. 19, 1902 Bear Creek Cemetery, Harrison Twp. Martha Geater Long
Long, Morris Nov. 16, 1907 Oct. 10, 1989 Bear Creek Cemetery, Harrison Twp. Martha Geater Long
Long, Nancy abt 1798 Mar 23, 1880 Bear Creek Cemetery, Harrison Twp. Martha Geater Long
Long, Sam March 5, 1974 California Sheryl Mason Reynolds
Long, Susan Elizabeth
(nee Snell)
Nov. 27, 1831 June 4, 1911 Bear Creek Cemetery, Harrison Twp. Martha Geater Long
Lorenz, Anna
(nee Detlefs)
August 13, 1833 Jan. 23, 1927 Oak Hill cemetery, Belle Plaine John Shuck
Lubbock, Harriett M.
(mar. Beatty)
Jan. 12, 1912 Oct. 28, 2009 Evergreen Cemetery Vinton Iowa Sheryl Mason Reynolds
Lubbock, Helen
(mar. Maxwell)
June 13, 1920 Sept. 10, 2009 Oakwood Cemetery, Shellsburg, Iowa Sheryl Mason Reynolds
Luck, Greenberry Nov. 9, 1833 Feb, 1924 Beaver Grove Cemetery, New Hartford, IA John Shuck
Ludde, Lilian Grace Feb. 9, 1899 July 29, 1907 J. Jay Lash
Ludden , Sarah Florence
(mar. Lyons)
Feb. 15, 1885 Jan. 23, 1919 Shellsburg, IA J. Jay Lash
Lunger, Stella
(nee Tharp)
May 22, 1880 Dec. 7, 1945 Connie Westcott
Lusk, Mary A.
(mar. Barker)
Mar. 12, 1854 Feb. 5, 1920 River Side Cemetery Marshalltown IA Dale E Miller Jr
Lusk, Wealthy J.
(nee McCoy)
May 18, 1822 Sept. 23, 1907 Benton Co. IA Big Grove Cemetery Dale E Miller Jr
Lynch, Colleen
(mar. Parmeter)
Feb. 15, 1927 March 26, 2010 Vinton Kathy Kurth Holtry
Lynch, Tom C. May 17, 1932 July 7, 1991 Evergreen Cemetery, Vinton, IA Tierney Lynch Ratti
Lyons, Laura
(mar. Spangler)
Feb. 10, 1877 July 5, 1901 Pioneer Cemetery Pettit Martha Long
Lyons , Sarah Florence
(nee Ludden)
Feb. 15, 1885 Jan. 23, 1919 Shellsburg, IA J. Jay Lash

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Deceased Date of Birth Date of Death Cemetery Submitter
Maag, Gertrude
(nee Schmidt)
May 16, 1877 April 6, 1936 St. Michael's cemetery, Norway Dwayne Thoman
Mack, Susie Catherine Circa 1862 1945 John Shuck
Mack, Ralph October 6, 1882 October 18, 1945 John Shuck
Macy, Mary Louisa
(mar. Yocom)
Sept. 10, 1860 Mar. 9, 1923 Pleasant Hill cemetery, Blairstown John Shuck
Magill, John 1910 Oakwood Cemetery Shellsburg Iowa Sheryl Mason Reynolds
Magill, William C. Dec. 12, 1850 Oakwood Cemetery Shellsburg Iowa Sheryl Mason Reynolds
Mahoney, Irene
(mar. Zieser)
April 2, 1915 March 19, 2000 St. Mary Cemetery, Urbana, Iowa Dwayne Thoman
Malacek, Mildred
(nee McClintock)
March 23, 1908 Dec. 12, 1957 Oakwood Cemetery, Shellsburg, Iowa Sheryl Mason Reynolds
Manley, James Riley April 18, 1858 July 15, 1933 Urbana Cemetery
Manley, James Ross June 19, 1917 June, 1928 Urbana Cemetery
Manley, Lloyd Dale Nov. 18, 1915 June, 1928 Urbana Cemetery
Manley, Malinda Katherine
(nee Caldwell)
April 5, 1865 Mar. 21, 1935 Urbana Cemetery
Marine, Joanna B.
(mar. Auld)
June 17, 1834 June 13, 1909 Evergreen Cemetery, Vinton John Shuck
Marlow, Etta August 1882 July 17, 1907 Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Blairstown John Shuck
Marlow, Jeremiah Lewis Sept. 30, 1856 Jan. 27, 1923 Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Blairstown John Shuck
Marshall, Mrs. 1861 or 1867 Oakwood Cemetery, Shellsburg, Iowa Sheryl Mason Reynolds
Martyn, Blanche
(mar. Bergen)
June 1872 October 1902 Oakwood Cemetery, Shellsburg, Iowa Vern Paul
Martyn, Nancy Rebecca
(nee Harbert)
Apr. 11, 1853 Sep. 21, 1589 Oakwood Cemetery, Shellsburg, Iowa Sheryl Mason Reynolds
Mason, Bessie Edna Aug. 10, 1902 Oct, 1986 Oakwood Cemetery, Shellsburg, Iowa Sheryl Reynolds
Mason, Clara
(mar. Meskimen)
Nov. 23, 1899 Oct. 14, 1985 Oakwood Cemetery, Shellsburg, Iowa Sheryl Mason Reynold
Mason, Connie Marie Feb. 21, 1953 June 4, 1953 Oakwood Cemetery, Shellsburg, Iowa Sheryl Mason Reynolds
Mason, Darwin Lee Oct. 11, 1951 Jul. 7, 1994 Oakwood Cemetery, Shellsburg Iowa Sheryl Mason Reynolds
Mason, Earl L. February 23, 1923 October 8, 2005 Oakwood Cemetery, Shellsburg Iowa Sheryl Reynolds
Mason, Ellen Colleen July 24, 1948 July 24, 1948 Oakwood Cemetery, Shellsburg Iowa Sheryl Mason Reynolds
Mason, Orlie Russell July 24, 1896 Oct. 20, 1958 Linwood Cedar Rapids, Iowa Sheryl Reynolds
Mason, Richard "Dick" Faye March 14, 1928 Nov. 25, 2002 Oakwood Cemetery, Shellsburg, Iowa Sheryl Mason Reynolds
Mather, Amy
(mar. Bickell)
(mar. 2 Barr)
Oct. 11, 1839 June 6, 1917 McBroom Pioneer Cemetery Martha Long
Mather, Keturah E.
(mar. Strawhecker)
Jan. 20, 1901 Sept. 20, 1994 Oakwood Cemetery, Shellsburg, Iowa Sheryl Mason Reynolds
Mauller, Mary Priscilla Catherine
(mar. Myers)
April 3, 1850 Jan. 18, 1905 Oak Hill Cemetery, Belle Plaine, IA Todd Myers
Maxon, Ruth Angaline
(nee Wilcox)
(mar. 2 Quinn
March 26, 1852 May 1918 McBroom Cemetery, Benton Twp, Benton Co. Martha Long
Maxson, Catherine I.
(mar. Moore)
May 10, 1908 April 20, 1983 Oakwood Cemetery, Shellsburg, Iowa Sheryl Mason Reynolds
Maxson, Judith Ann
(mar. Lint)
Jan. 6, 1941 Oct. 13, 2012 Rippey Cemetery, Rippey, IA Sheryl Mason Reynolds
Maxson, Lula Birdie
(nee Hite)
Nov. 8, 1869 July 28, 1930 Oakwood Cemetery, Shellsburg, Iowa Sheryl Mason Reynolds
Maxson, Laura Virginia
(nee Hughes)
(mar. 2 Bixby)
1934 Oakwood Cemetery, Shellsburg, Iowa Sheryl Mason Reynolds
Maxwell, Elizabeth Lillian Aug. 15, 1893 March 3, 1977 Oakwood Cemetery, Shellsburg, Iowa Sheryl Mason Reynolds
Maxwell, Genevieve I.
(mar. England)
June 21, 1922 Sept. 9, 2002 Oakwood Cemetery, Shellsburg, Iowa MHurren
Maxwell, Helen
(nee Lubbock)
June 13, 1920 Sept. 10, 2009 Oakwood Cemetery, Shellsburg, Iowa Sheryl Mason Reynolds
Maxwell, Isabella
(nee Anderson)
Sept. 16, 1856 Oct. 28, 1950 Oakwood Cemetery, Shellsburg, Iowa Sheryl Mason Reynolds
Maxwell, Joseph T. Aug. 30, 1884 Oct. 10, 1968 Oakwood Cemetery, Shellsburg, Iowa Sheryl Mason Reynolds
May, Isabelle
(mar. Springer)
Mar. 14, 1858 Jan. 8, 1920 Oak Hill cemetery, Belle Plaine John Shuck
Mayhew, Alta Augusta
(mar. DeWitt)
Feb. 21, 1891 Oct. 30, 1919 Tingley, IA Cemetery John Shuck
Mayhew, Clarissa J.
(nee Miner)
June 24, 1866 May 29, 1936 Mound Cemetery, Watkins John Shuck
Mayhew, Eldo H. May 21, 1897 October 1945 John Shuck
Mayhew, Emma May
(nee Leonard)
August 14, 1870 April 25, 1925 Pleasant Hill cemetery John Shuck
Mayhew, Helen
(mar. Noeller)
March 9, 1913 Feb. 20, 1988 Evergreen Cemetery, Vinton, Iowa Connie Ellis
Maynard, Laura Ann
(mar. Meyer)
Sept. 18, 1873 Oct. 5, 1950 Evergreen Cemetery, Vinton John Shuck
Mazek, Joseph 1873 Jan. 1, 1886 Oak Hill Cemetery, Belle Plaine John Shuck
McAllister, Eleanor Mae
(nee Senft)
(mar. 2 Mundorf)
Sep.t 8, 1926 Jan. 1, 2006 Oakwood Cemetery, Shellsburg, Iowa Sheryl Mason Reynolds
McBride, Roy L. Feb. 2, 1914 April 1, 1998 Oak Hill Cemetery Wendy Smith
McCalley, Vivian Sue
(nee DeFoe)
Dec. 15, 1897 April 14, 1966 Oakwood Cemetery Shellsburg Benton County Iowa Sheryl Mason Reynolds
McCandless, Lillian May April 1, 1903 Nov. 25, 1921 Oak Hill Tim McCandless
McClenahan, Winfield Edward (Ed) May 19, 1874 July 6, 1961 Delta, Iowa John E. McCarty
McClintock, Mildred
(mar. Malacek)
March 23, 1908 Dec. 12, 1957 Oakwood Cemetery, Shellsburg, Iowa Sheryl Mason Reynolds
McClintock, William Walker Jan. 11, 1872 1956 Oakwood Cemetery Shellsburg Benton County Iowa Sheryl Mason Reynolds
McCormick, Joseph N. Sept. 13, 1864 John Shuck
McCoy, Albertus none listed Feb. 28, 1883 Mt. Pleasant Cemetery Martha Long
McCoy, David Wesley Dec. 11, 1875 1956 Sheryl Reynolds
McCoy, Mary Ann
(mar. Stauffer)
Dec. 7, 1840 July 26, 1927 Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Blairstown John Shuck
McCoy, Wealthy J.
(mar. Lusk)
May 18, 1822 Sept. 23, 1907 Benton Co. IA Big Grove Cemetery Dale E Miller Jr
McCune, David Reid Jan. 4, 1858 Jan. 19, 1927 Oak Hill cemetery, Belle Plaine John Shuck
McDowell, Rasan
(mar. Ranhouser)
1841 May 28, 1889 Prairie United Brethren Cemetery Thom Carlson
McFarland, Sarah Ann
(mar. Nabholz)
1851 1919 Oakwood Cemetery Shellsburg Benton county Iowa Sheryl Mason Reynolds
McGranahan, William Wallace Oct. 31, 1888 Oakwood Cemetery Shellsburg Benton County, Iowa Sheryl Mason Reynolds
Mc Ilrath , Bernard April 29, 1908 Oct. 11, 1983 Oakwood Cemetery Shellsburg Benton County Iowa Sheryl Mason Reynolds
McIlrath, Esther J.
(nee Barkdoll)
June 2, 1900 Feb. 23 1968 Oakwood Cemetery Shellsburg Benton County Iowa Sheryl Mason Reynolds
McKee, George March 27, 1879 Jan. 26, 1927 Oak Hill cemetery, Belle Plaine John Shuck
McKeen, John 1908 Oakwood Cemetery, Shellsburg, Iowa Sheryl Mason Reynolds
McLaughlin, Emma
(mar. Haines)
1861 May 1929 Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Blairstown John Shuck
McLaughlin, Marjorie E.
(mar. Becker)
Sept. 25, 1900 Dec. 10, 1987 St. Michael's Cemetery, Norway Nancy Montague
McNeal, Art Feb. 6, 1878 April 8, 1967 Evergreen Cemetery James McNeal
McNeal, Jimmie Ray "Jake" May 8, 1947 Jan. 27, 2003 Garrison Cemetery, Garrison, IA Rich Farmer
McNeal, Mary Ethel
(mar. Bergstrand)
April 3, 1915 Sept. 15, 1988 Evergreen Cemetery James McNeal
McNee, Lena
(nee Newton)
April 11, 1875 Nov. 16, 1955 Mound Cemetery, Watkins, IA Nancy Montague
McNee, Norman Malcolm Dec. 17, 1866 May 1949 Mound Cemetery, Watkins, IA Nancy Montague
McVay, Ella
(nee Freeman)
August 20, 1850 July 26, 1912 Mt.Pleasant Cemetery, Canton Twp, Benton Co., Ia Martha Long
McVay, George Sept. 12, 1845 Nov. 27, 1914 Oakwood Cemetery, Shellsburg, Iowa Sheryl Mason Reynolds
McVay, James A. Jan. 17, 1850 Feb. 22, 1940 Mt Pleasant, Canton Twp, Benton Co., Ia Martha Long
McVay, Lucinda
(nee Rife)
Dec. 20, 1851 Nov. 19, 1918 Oakwood Cemetery, Benton Co, Iowa Martha Long
Mead, Frank Oscar March 17, 1898 Dec. 10, 1974 Oakwood Cemetery, Shellsburg, Iowa Sheryl Mason Reynolds
Mead, Opal
(mar. Groth)
May 22, 1905 May 15, 1994 Oakwood Cemetery Shellsburg Iowa Sheryl Mason Reynolds
Medd, Elizabeth
(mar. Yerkes, Roberts)
Aug. 20, 1813 Jan. 21, 1890 Prairie United Brethren Cemetery Thom Carlson
Meeks, Ida Bell
(nee Lint)
August 13, 1931 October 21, 1991 Oakwood Cemetery Shellsburg Iowa Sheryl Mason Reynolds
Meeks, Malinda
(nee Grimm)
April 10, 1867 August 29, 1931 Garrison cemetery John Shuck
Meier, Anna
(mar. Thoman)
March 26, 1871 Sept. 28, 1970 St. Michael's cemetery, Norway. Dwayne Thoman
Meier, Joseph Feb. 2, 1828 July 31, 1908 St. Michael's cemetery, Norway Dwayne Thoman
Merriman, Charles B. Jan. 20, 1839 March 30, 1920 Pleasant Hill cemetery John Shuck
Merritt, John L. Dec. 17, 1891 July 28, 1914 Linwood Cem. Marengo, Iowa Co. IA. Kaye Sanchez
Merritt, Richard Nov. 7, 1851 July 1, 1918 Linwood Cem. Benton Co IA Kaye Sanchez
Meredith, Marie
(nee Pease)
April 3, 1894 Mar. 1, 1968 St. Michael's Cemetery, Norway Nancy Montague
Meskimen, Clara Rebecca
(nee Mason)
Nov. 23, 1899 Oct. 14, 1985 Oakwood Cemetery, Shellsburg, Iowa Sheryl Mason Reynold
Meskimen, Jeanette
(mar. Glime)
1856-1858 July 27, 1916 Oakwood Cemetery, Shellsburg Pat Sheldon
Meskimen, LaVonne Marie
(nee Butler)
Jan. 15, 1921 Jul. 5, 2003 Oakwood Cemetery, Shellsburg, Iowa Sheryl Mason Reynolds
Meskimen, Lincoln 1920 Oakwood Cemetery, Shellsburg, Iowa Sheryl Mason Reynolds
Meskimens, James May 20, 1803 Dec. 29, 1886 Crawford Cemetery Martha Grenzeback
Messenger, Wallace C. Feb. 28, 1882 May 1929 Oak Hill cemetery, Belle Plaine John Shuck
Metz, Mary C. Nov. 27, 1882 Jan. 28, 1910 Oak Hill Cemetery, Belle Plaine John Shuck
Meyer, Albertina April 1905 Mt. Pleasant Cemetery in Canton Twp in Benton Co., Iowa Martha Long
Meyer, Conrad Nov. 23, 1828 Oct. 11, 1889 Mt. Pleasant Martha Long
Meyer, Ernest Peter Oct. 19, 1883 June 27, 1919 Keystone cemetery John Shuck
Meyer, Laura Ann
(nee Maynard)
Sept. 18, 1873 Oct. 5, 1950 Evergreen Cemetery, Vinton John Shuck
Meyer, Nancy
(nee Sparrenberger)
March 8, 1872 July 22, 1961 Raetz Cemetery Brian Erland
Meyer, William March 25, 1854 Oct. 13, 1915 Mt Pleasant Cemetery in Canton Twp, Benton Co., Iowa Martha long
Meyers, Albertina
(nee Hauser)
Jan. 18, 1835 April 9, 1905 Mt. Pleasant, Canton Township Martha Long
Meyers, Della
(mar. Sanders)
Jan. 8, 1858 May 25, 1914 Mt. Pleasant Cemetery Martha Long
Meyocks, Colleen Rae Oct. 3, 1950 Dec. 12, 1950 Urbana Cemetery MHurren
Michael, Mildred Marie
(mar. Spickner)
July 10, 1929 July 4, 2001 Oakwood Cemetery, Shellsburg, Iowa Sheryl Mason Reynolds
Michael, Nicholas June 1, 1819 April 1, 1907 St. Mary's Catholic Cemetery Mary George
Michael, Virginia Clara
(mar. Thoman)
April 30, 1926 Jan. 4, 2012 St. Michael's cemetery, Norway Dwayne Thoman
Miller, Clarice Lucille
(nee Graham)
Sept. 6, 1901 Jan. 1, 1995 Urbana Cemetery volunteer
Miller, Hannah M.
(mar. Greenwood)
May 7, 1847 April 4, 1919 Oakwood Cemetery Shellsburg Iowa Sheryl Mason Reynolds
Miller, John W. 1850 1916 Oakwood Cemetery, Shellsburg, Iowa Sheryl Mason Reynolds
Miller, Lea Mae
(nee Casner)
Sept. 15, 1898 Jan. 29, 1922 Urbana Cemetery, Urbana, Polk Twp., Benton Co., IA Joyce Schultz
Miller, Nancy A.
(mar. Gieskieng)
Oct. 7, 1840 Dec. 22, 1909 Pleasant Hill cemetery, Blairstown John Shuck
Miller, Ray B. Dec. 2, 1900 March 29, 1920 Pleasant Hill cemetery John Shuck
Miller, Susan
(nee Chambers)
(mar. 2 Greaser)
July 4, 1827 Dec. 6, 1906 Mt. Pleasant Cemetery Martha Long
Mills, Lydia
(nee Possehl)
Aug. 3, 1894 Feb. 4, 1950 Watkins Cemetery John Shuck
Milne, Clarence (Dutch) March 17, 1899 April 20, 1972 Rampton Cemetery Martha Long
Milne, James M. March 20, 1871 Aug. 30, 1961 Rampton Cemetery Martha Long
Milversted, Margaret E.
(mar. Roberts)
May 18, 1860 Sept. 15, 1920 Oak Hill Cemetery Ann Archer-Cogan
Milverstedt, Johanna
(nee Muselmann)
Dec. 16, 1833 Nov. 19, 1907 Kostza cemetery John Shuck
Miner, Alfred Allen Nov. 11, 1875 June 28, 1952 Oak Hill Cemetery, Belle Plaine John Shuck
Miner, Clarissa
(mar. Anderson)
Oct. 15, 1843 April 18, 1923 Sheridan Cemetery, Auburn, Nebraska John Shuck
Miner, Clarissa J.
(mar. Mayhew)
June 24, 1866 May 29, 1936 Mound Cemetery, Watkins John Shuck
Miner, Hiram Aug. 2, 1837 Sept. 20, 1913 Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Blairstown John Shuck
Miner, James July 12, 1877 August 26, 1931 Oak Hill cemetery, Belle Plaine John Shuck
Miner, Mary A.
(nee Anderson)
Dec. 10, 1841 Jan. 9, 1923 Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Blairstown John Shuck
Minott, Louisa
(nee Stephen)
Dec. 15, 1840 Aug. 5, 1900 Oak Hill Cemetery, section 61, Lot 7 Linda Kocher
Moeller, Laura
(mar. Kimm)
May 8, 1887 June 28, 1920 Mound Cemetery, Watkins John Shuck
Moeller, Martha
(nee Mohrman)
April 7, 1844 August 18, 1919 Pleasant Hill cemetery, Blairstown John Shuck
Mohrman, Martha
(mar. Moeller)
April 7, 1844 August 18, 1919 Pleasant Hill cemetery, Blairstown John Shuck
Moir, Alexander C. June 22, 1842 June 4, 1918 Oakwood Cemetery, Benton Co., Ia Martha Long
Moir, Rhoda
(mar. Kellogg)
Sept. 19, 1895 Feb. 20, 1985 Oakwood Cemetery Shellsburg Iowa Sheryl Mason Reynolds
Monbeck, Elizabeth
(mar. Kanouse)
Mar. 19, 1833 July 14, 1907 Bear Creek Cemetery, Benton Co., IA Theresa Postel Payne
Montague, Blanche
(mar. Williams)
Dec. 31, 1884 Dec. 27, 1968 Linwood Cemetery, Norway, IA Nancy Montague
Montague, Ernest Archie Oct. 6, 1882 April 9, 1965 Linwood Cemetery, Iowa Co., IA Nancy Montague
Montague, Ernest K. Aug. 29, 1912 Dec. 7, 1973 Linwood Cemetery, Norway Nancy Montague
Montague, Henry H. Mar. 12, 1895 April 25, 1965 Oak Hill Cemetery, Norway, IA Nancy Montague
Montague, Nina Melissa
(nee Brown)
Feb. 21, 1881 April 7, 1957 Cedar Memorial, Cedar Rapids Nancy Montague
Montague, Nora Grace
(mar. Barker)
Nov. 12, 1878 Sept. 24, 1942 Linwood Cemetery, Iowa Co., IA Nancy Montague
Montague, Walter Byron Mar. 15, 1873 Feb. 12, 1960 Cedar Memorial Cemetery, Cedar Rapids Nancy Montague
Montgomery, Dorothy
(nee Jarmon)
April 17, 1909 June 10, 2003 Oakwood Cemetery shellsburg, Iowa Sheryl Mason Reynolds
Montgomery, John William Potter June 1859 July 19, 1926 Oakwood Cemetery, Shellsburg, Iowa Sheryl Mason Reynolds
Moody, Anderson Craig Oct. 27, 1854 Feb. 28, 1918 Oakwood Cemetery, Benton Co.,Ia Martha Long
Moody, Jay H. May 11, 1880 July 12, 1940 Oakwood Cemetery at Shellsburg, Iowa Martha Long
Moore, Catherine I.
(nee Maxson)
May 10, 1908 April 20, 1983 Oakwood Cemetery, Shellsburg, Iowa Sheryl Mason Reynolds
Moore, Dudley Nov. 8, 1877 Sept. 8, 1950 Lander, Wyoming John Shuck
Moore, Lucy Amber
(nee Wilson)
Sept. 19, 1905 Oct. 6, 2000 Oak Hill Cemetery, Belle Plaine, IA Ann Archer-Cogan
Moore, Ora Kenneth May 7, 1918 Sept. 20, 1919 Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Blairstown John Shuck
Moore, Pheobe Ann April 22, 1828 Sept. 12, 1907 Kisling Cemetery Volunteer
Moore, Richard Evan Aug. 20, 1843 Sep. 10, 1900 Oakwood Cemetery, Shellsburg, Iowa Sheryl Mason Reynolds
Moore, Thomas Wiley Jan. 30, 1874 Jan. 16, 1943 John Shuck
Morey, Jessie Frances
(nee Amburn)
August 5, 1864 February 4, 1945 Mt. Auburn cemetery John Shuck
Mosnat, Jacob J. September 28, 1849 June 19, 1903 Oak Hill Cemetery, Belle Plaine John Shuck
Mossman, Fred Hugh Dec. 7, 1866 Dec. 29, 1896 Claquato cemetery, Chehalis, Washington John Shuck
Mossman, Mary
(nee Hyland)
May 14, 1867 August 17, 1948 St. Mary's Cemetery, Vinton, IA John Shuck
Mullinex, Anita M.
(mar. Hamilton)
Feb. 12, 1918 Feb. 6, 2005 Oakwood Cemetery Shellsburg Iowa Sheryl Mason Reynolds
Mullinex, Edward Edmund March 9, 1859 April 8, 1926 Oakwood Cemetery, Shellsburg, Iowa Sheryl Mason Reynolds
Mullinex, Glenn E. May 28, 1889 June 1984 Oakwood Cemetery, Shellsburg, Iowa Sheryl Mason Reynolds
Mullinex, Lulu Mae
(nee Pruett)
1891 Jan. 13, 1985 Oakwood Cemetery, Shellsburg, Iowa Sheryl Mason Reynolds
Mullinex, Mary Ann
(nee Deyo)
Aug. 5, 1863 1947 Oakwood Cemetery, Shellsburg, Iowa Sheryl Mason Reynolds
Mullinex, Nealey Jan. 6, 1917 May 9, 1966 Oakwood Cemetery, Shellsburg, Iowa Sheryl Mason Reynolds
Mummey, Ellen
(mar. Weston)
1839   Lenee Bingham
Mundorf, Eleanor Mae
(nee Senft)
(mar. 1 McAllister)
Sep.t 8, 1926 Jan. 1, 2006 Oakwood Cemetery, Shellsburg, Iowa Sheryl Mason Reynolds
Munger, Mary Jane
(mar. Kinney)
1836 Oct. 10, 1911 Fairview Pioneer Cemetery in Bruce Twp, Benton Co.,Ia Martha Long
Munson, Clara Iowna March 23, 1914 Dec. 29, 1921 John Shuck
Murphy, Luella
(nee Baird)
Dec. 1, 1848 May 27, 1933 Evergreen Cemetery, Vinton ,Benton Co. , IA Brenda Baird Magee
Murray, Edna
(mar. Senft)
1940 Oakwood Cemetery at Shellsburg Martha Long
Murray, Edwin March 2, 1843 Dec. 29, 1915 Oakwood Cemetery, Shellsburg, Iowa Sheryl Mason Reynolds
Muschaweck, August Jan. 9, 1865 Jan. 30, 1955 McBroom Pioneer Cemetery in Benton Twp, Benton Co. Martha Long
Muschaweck, Ina
(nee Nead)
Nov. 21, 1888 Nov. 3, 1961 McBroom Pioneer Cemetery in Benton Twp, Benton Co. Martha Long
Muschaweck, Mary Jane May 19, 1956 Feb. 26, 1957 McBroom Pioneer Cemetery in Benton Twp, Benton Co. Martha Long
Muselmann, Johanna
(mar. Milverstedt)
Dec. 16, 1833 Nov. 19, 1907 Kostza cemetery John Shuck
Mussman, Loren Dec. 2, 1917 Sept. 7, 1919 Keystone cemetery John Shuck
Myers, Benjamin F. Nov. 24, 1851 April 9, 1929 Oak Hill Cemetery, Belle Plaine, IA Todd Myers
Myers, Daniel Nov. 13, 1843 Sept. 28, 1920 Ann Archer-Cogan
Myers, Mary Priscilla Catherine
(nee Mauller)
April 3, 1850 Jan. 18, 1905 Oak Hill Cemetery, Belle Plaine, IA Todd Myers
Myres, Gladys
(mar. Harrison)
May 29, 1913 May 8, 1997 Urbana Cemetery Kathie Harrison

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Deceased Date of Birth Date of Death Cemetery Submitter
Nabholz, Alma Neva
(mar. Kaiser)
February 18, 1896 August 4, 1996 Wilson Cemetery, Independence, Buchanan Co, IA Stacey J Smith
Nabholz, Florence E.
(nee Staub)
Dec. 30, 1909 Sept. 18, 1994 Oakwood Cemetery, Shellsburg, Iowa Sheryl Mason Reynolds
Nabholz, Jay W. 1906 May 8, 1989 Oakwood Cemetery, Shellsburg, Iowa Sheryl Mason Reynolds
Nabholz, Sarah Ann
(nee McFarland)
1851 1919 Oakwood Cemetery Shellsburg Benton county Iowa Sheryl Mason Reynolds
Nabholz, Vivian E.
(mar. Smith)
June 21, 1937 October 26, 2006 Oakwood Cemetery Shellsburg SHERYL REYNOLDS
Nance, Lucy M.
(nee Freeman)
(mar. 2 Newton)
Sept. 21, 1847 Dec. 17, 1932 Oakwood Cemetery Shellsburg Benton County Iowa Sheryl Mason Reynolds
Nead, Ina
(mar. Muschaweck)
Nov. 21, 1888 Nov. 3, 1961 McBroom Pioneer Cemetery in Benton Twp, Benton Co. Martha Long
Neal, Beula
(nee Lint)
Aug. 18, 1937 Dec. 5, 1994 Oakwood Cemetery Shellsburg Iowa Sheryl Mason Reynolds
Neal, Elizabeth   June 3, 1871   Mark Engledow
Nelson, Earl Fred Nov. 17, 1906 Oct. 8, 1936 Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Blairstown, IA Debra Nelson Cline
Nelson, Mary Katherine
(nee Smyth)
August 14, 1866 August 16, 1943 Pleasant Hill Cemetery Blairstown, Iowa Debra Nelson Cline
Newton, Jennie April 25, 1869 Dec. 11, 1949   John Shuck
Newton, Lena
(mar. McNee)
April 11, 1875 Nov. 16, 1955 Mound Cemetery, Watkins, IA Nancy Montague
Newton, Lucy M.
(nee Freeman)
(mar. 1 Nance)
Sept. 21, 1847 Dec. 17, 1932 Oakwood Cemetery Shellsburg Benton County Iowa Sheryl Mason Reynolds
Newton, William Dec. 1, 1880 Sept. 7, 1946   John Shuck
Nichols, John D. July 22, 1834 June 20, 1909 Evergreen Cemetery, Vinton John Shuck
Nieland, Mary Dorothea
(mar. Nieland)
Oct. 4, 1847 1927   Arlene Schultz Shogren
Nicodemus, Margaret E.
(nee Timulty)
Sept. 27, 1888 March 1983 Oakwood Cemetery Shellsburg Iowa Sheryl Mason Reynolds
Nielsen, Paul March 29, 1891 1945 Evergreen Cemetery John Shuck
Nieremeyer, Anna
(mar. Ridge)
August 5, 1868 October 1945 Evergreen Cemetery John Shuck
Nisley, John K. abt. 1840 Mar. 3, 1930 John Shuck
Nissen, George Feb. 3, 1914 April 7, 2010 John Shuck
Noble, Charles Augustus July 9, 1875 Jan. 14, 1910 West Lawn cemetery, Carroll Co John Shuck
Noe, Ira Payne Oakwood Cemetery Shellsburg Benton County Iowa Sheryl Mason Reynolds
Noel, Katherine "Kay"
(nee Flatt)
(mar. 1 Harris)
Oct. 13, 1914 Nov. 17, 2009 Oakwood Cemetery Shellsburg Iowa Sheryl Mason Reynolds
Noeller, Frank F. May 8, 1868 January 21, 1950 John Shuck
Noeller, Helen
(nee Mayhew)
March 9, 1913 Feb. 20, 1988 Evergreen Cemetery, Vinton, Iowa Connie Ellis
Nolan, Joseph Jan. 8, 1910 International cemetery, Luzerne John Shuck
Nolte, Jennie May 2, 1895 June 10, 1978 St. Michael's Cemetery, Norway Nancy Montague
Norris, Roy Nov. 11, 1876 June 25, 1950 Evergreen Cemetery, Vinton John Shuck
Northland, Linda Sue
(nee Achenbach)
Sept. 12, 1944 Dec. 26, 1991 Oakwood Cemetery Shellsburg Benton County Iowa Sheryl Mason Reynolds
Norwood, Nadine Sept. 26, 1908 Aug. 20, 1913 Evergreen Cemetery John Shuck
Nowotny, Mary A.
(mar. Zalesky)
1859 June 29, 1883 Oak Hill Cemetery, Belle Plaine John Shuck

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