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Benton County, IAGenWeb Project
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Benton County, Iowa Obituaries

Mrs. Jas Maxson Dies at Urbana; Burial Tuesday
Lula Birdie Maxson

Benton County News

(Special) to Daily times)

Urbana, July 28-Mrs. James Maxson, 60 years old, who had been ill six months, died Sunday night at the family home in Urbana. Funeral will be held Tuesday afternoon at 2:00 O'clock in the Urbana Methodist church. Burial will be in the Shellsburg Cemetery. The Maxson family came here from Shellsburg about four years ago.

Lula Birdie Hite Maxson, daughter of the late Mr.and Mrs. Jacob Hite of Vinton, was born Nov. 8, 1869, on a Benton county farm. She was married to James Maxson on Dec 12, 1888. Mrs.(?) E. Railsback. Mrs Sherman Richart, and Dick and Clyde Hite, all of Vinton, are sisters and brothers of the deceased.

Surviving are the husband and following children; Mrs. Ethel Elson of Barron, Wis., Mrs. Merl Montgomery of Missouri Valley, Ia. Earl Maxson of Shellsburg and Catherine Maxson of Urbana. There are four grandchildren.

{Submitter comment: Clipping by Martha Long
Birth: Nov. 8, 1869
Death: July 28 1930 }

Submitted on 15-Mar-2010 by
Sheryl Mason Reynolds,

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