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Benton County, Iowa Obituaries

Waterloo Daily Courier; July 26, 1950
Iowa Deaths
Bert Anderson

Vinton - Rites will be Thursday at 1:30 p.m. in the Beatty chapel at Cedar Rapids for Bert Anderson, 47, formerly of Vinton, who died suddenly Sunday of a heart attack; born Apr. 18, 1903, at Vinton to Mr. and Mrs. William Anderson; grew to manhood here; employed by the Rock Island railroad company for 32 years; married Mabel Welch in Cedar Rapids; leaves widown and the following brothers and sisters: Russell, dowagiac, Mich.; Max, Vinton; Lawoton, Cedar Rapids; Mrs. Alice Zerfoss, Onawa; Mrs. Helen Parkhouse, Waterloo; and Mrs. Dorothy Merrill, Dowagiac, Mich.; his parents and a sister and brother preceded him in death; burial in Linwood cemetery at Cedar Rapids.

{Submitter comment: Not related}

Submitted on 01-Jun-2008 by
John Shuck,

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Nemaha County Herald; April 27, 1923
...Mother of Thirteen Children, all of Whom Reached Maturity
Clarissa Anderson

The death of Mrs. F. M. Anderson, who had been in failing health for some time, occurred on Wednesday evening, April 18th at 8:30 p.m., her age being 79 years, 6 months and 3 days.

The mother of a family of thirteen children, all of whom grew to maturity, made her life one of patience, constant vigilance, and of sacrificing service and labor, that her children might be properly cared and provided for. That all of her children living were at her bedside during her last moments is mute testimony of a mother's love that gripped the hearts of the children, and held them in an indissoluble bond even to the last. Hers was a Christian faith that trained her children to honor their parents and to have regard for God. Character became inwrought through a mother's training, and principles of strong manhood and womanhood moulded her children into splendid fathers and mothers and good citizens.

In her early womanhood she was school teacher, and throughout her life her interest in school work never abated. She was a reader of the best literature, and instilled into her family a love for the same.

Clarissa Miner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Miner, was born October 15, 1843, at Galva, Illinois. At the age of eleven she moved with her parents to Blairstown, Iowa. Here she was married to F. M. Anderson, September 7, 1865. To this union thirteen children were born, all of whom are living, with the exception of Harry A. and Fred W. Anderson, who preceded their mother in death. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson moved to Nebraska in 1881 and located on a farm near Nemaha, where they lived until 1903 when they moved to Auburn. Mrs. Anderson had been a member of the Church of Christ for many years holding membership in the local congregation.

The funeral took place from the Church of Christ in Auburn on Friday, April 20th, at 2:30 p.m., conducted by Rev. J. W. Sapp of Nemaha, assisted by Rev. B. F. Hall of Auburn. Music was furnished by a quartet consisting of Mrs. H. M. Kraybill, Mrs. Chris Sorenson, Walter Andrews and Sam Bixby. She was laid to rest in the Sheridan cemetery.

The deceased is survived by her husband, eleven children, Mrs. J. W. Gates, Ord, Nebr.; Mrs. W. L. Bradfield, Blackwell, Okla.; Mrs. R. C. Williams, Peru; Dr. S. T. Anderson, Lincoln; Mrs. W. C. Martin, Atlantic, Ia.; and Mrs. J. I. Dressler, Mrs. W. G. Hughes, Ray Anderson, Floyd L. Anderson, Bessie Anderson and Mrs. H. L. Feistner of Auburn; one sister Mrs. Isabelle Coats of Ord, Nebr., thirty-three grandchildren, all of whom, together with many friends, mourn the loss of a loving wife, a devoted mother and a true friend.

Besides the children and sister mentioned above, other relatives who present at the funeral were Mrs. Alice Mettler, Mrs. Ozander Mayhew and Miss Mabel Miner of Blairstown; Mrs. W. A. Greer and Mrs. S. C. French of Omaha; Mrs. L. K. Pettit, Bethany, Nebr.; Mr. and Mrs. John Argabright, Cambridge; Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Martin, Shenandoah, Ia., and W. Carey Martin of Atlantic, Ia.

Mrs. Isabelle M. Coats, the only sister of deceased living at Ord, Nebraska, was unable to be present. She is quite aged, being in her eighty-second year, and was ill at the time of the funeral.

{Submitter comment: Son of Samuel Worthington Anderson and Matilda Tipton}
Submitted on Jul 2, 2006 by
John Shuck,

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Vinton Eagle; Dec. 17, 1901
To His Final Rest.
David Anderson

From Blairstown Press: After an illness of several weeks duration, David Anderson finally passed away from this life on Thursday morning, December 12th at the home of his daughter, Mrs. May Conklin. The direct cause of his death was cancer of the stomach.

David Anderson was the son of Samuel W. and Matilda Anderson; born in Harrison county, Ohio, February 4, 1837, making him 64 years, 10 months and eight days old at the time of his death. With his parents he came to LeRoy township, Benton county, Iowa, October 22, 1855, and has passed the majority of his days in and around this vicinity. He was one of a large family of children, most of whom are still living, and six of his brothers and sisters were with him during the latter part of his illness. The funeral exercises will be held from the M. E. church this afternoon at 1:30 o'clock and the remains will be placed in the Pleasant Hill cemetery.

Besides the brothers and sisters of Mr. Anderson, there are two daughters left to grieve over the passing away of a kind father. One of these, Mrs. Henry, is now living in Chicago, while the other, Mrs. Conklin, still resides at Blairstown. Their many friends extend to all the bereaved relatives their expression of sympathy and comfort at this sad hour that of certainty comes to each of us at one time or another.

{Submitter comment: His wife's name was Mary not May.}

Submitted on 08-Sep-2013 by
John Shuck,

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probably Nemaha County Herald;
Frances Marion Anderson, Eighty-four Years of Age Goes To His Last Reward After an Operation From Which He Failed to Rally, Leaving Many Relatives
Francis Marion Anderson

Having lived a Christian, useful life, filled with kindly deeds and parental affection for his family, for over forescore years, Frances Marion Anderson of West Central avenue went to his eternal reward Tuesday, August 19. His death was the result of an operation performed on Monday by which he had his left foot amputated at the ankle as a result of an infection of the foot and owing to his advanced age he succumed to the shock. For some weeks prior to his death he had been able to get around the house with the aid of a crutch but gradually grew worse until an operation was deemed necessary as a last resort.

Frances Marion Anderson was born at Cadiz, Harrison county, Ohio, March 22, 1840 and at the time of his death was eighty-four years; five months and twenty-seven days old. When he war fifteen years of age he moved with his parents to Blairstown, Iowa. At the commencement of the Civil war Mr. Anderson enlisted as volunteer and served three years, taking an active part in a number of battles.

He was united in marriage September 7, 1865 to Miss Clarissa Miner and to this union were born thirteen children. Two of them, Harry A. and Fred W. Anderson preceded their parents in death.

March 1881 Mr. Anderson moved his family to Nebraska locating on a farm near Nemaha where they resided until 1903 when they moved to Auburn.

Mr. Anderson is survived by eleven children, all of whom were with him during his last illness. They are Mrs. J. W. Gates, Ord, Nebr.; Mrs. W. L. Bradfield, Blackwell, Okla.; Dr. Thomas Anderson, Lincoln; Mrs. W. C. Martin, Atlantic, Iowa; Ray and Floyd Anderson of Nemaha; Mrs. R. C. Williams of Peru; Mrs. J. L. Dressler, Mrs. W. G. Hughes, Mrs. H. L. Feistner and Miss Bessie Anderson of Auburn. He also leaves thirty-four grandchildren and five great grandchildren.

Two brothers also survive, William Anderson of Auburn and Daniel Anderson of Oklahoma, together with two sisters, Mrs. Sarah Green of Omaha and Mrs. Bettie Lundeberg of Galva, Iowa.

The funeral services were held at 2:30 o'clock Thursday afternoon and conducted by the Rev. J. W. Sapp of Nemaha. Hymns appropriate to the occasion were sung by a mixed quartet consisting of Mrs. Harold Craybill, Mrs. Chris Sorenson, Frank Grant and George Codington with Harlan Smedley at the piano. The pallbearers were grandsons of the deceased, Archie and Albert Hughes, Orla and Delbert Anderson, Cecil Williams and Earl Gates.

Besides the many warm friends from Auburn who called to pay their last earthly respects were the following from out of town.

Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Bradfield and daughters, Jovce and Gertrude from Blackwell, Okla.; Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Gates, daughter Bessie and son Earl, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Washburn and. little son from Ord: Dr. Thomas Anderson of Lincoln; Mrs. Sarah Greer, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Reimer of Omaha; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miner of Blairstown, Iowa; Mrs. Bettie Lundberg of Galva, Iowa; Mrs. W. C. Martin of Atlantic, Iowa and Albert Hughes of Beatrice.

Burial was made in Sheridan cemetery and another member of Carley post, G. A. R., was laid to rest upon the hilltop from which so many noble souls are making their last bivouac.

{Submitter comment: Son of Samuel Worthington Anderson and Matilda Tipton}
Submitted on Jul 2, 2006 by
John Shuck,

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Waterloo Courier; March 28, 1851
Mary A. Anderson, Independence, Dies
Mary A. Anderson

Independence, Ia Mary A. Anderson, 80 died at People's hospital, Independence, Tuesday at 11:35 p.m.

She was born March 17, 1871, at Marysville, Ill., the daughter of William and Mary Curtis Likens. She lived in Cedar Rapids for 40 years before moving to Brandon, Ia 40 years ago.

Although records of her marriage date are not available, she was the mother of seven children. Survivors include Mrs. Ida Brody, Cedar Rapids, Joseph Likens, Council Bluffs; Mrs. Zofa Maldenshard, Davenport; Mrs. Lela Carroll, Quasqueton; Floyd Pilcher of Missouri and Leonard Stewart, Denver, Iowa. She was preced in death by her husband and three children.

Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Thursday at the Swan funeral home, Independence, with burial in Bear Creek Cemetery at Brandon

{Submitter comment: Bear Creek Cemetery is in Benton County not Buchanan County, Brandon.}

Submitted on 10-Nov-2010 by
Martha Long,

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Waterloo Sunday Courier; December 22, 1945

William M. Anderson

Vinton — Funeral services for William M. Anderson, 70, died at his Vinton home Thursday following a heart attack, were here Saturday; born Feb. 19, 1870, to Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Andersen, in Taylor township, near Vinton: on Feb. 12, 1897, he was married in Vinton to Mabel L. King, who preceded him in death in 1944; leaves seven children. Bert L. Anderson, Cedar Hapids; Mrs. Alice Zerfoss, Spirit Lake; Russell K. Anderson, Cedar Rapids; Max W. Anderson, Vinton; Mrs. Helen Parkhouse, Waterloo; Lawton K. Anderson, Vinton. and Mrs. Dorothy Merrill of Dowagiac, Mich.; one brother, Lawton Anderson, and a sister, Mrs. Emma Thiher, both of Vinton; was section foreman for the Rock Island railroad and retired in 1941 after 48 years of service.

{Submitter comment: Not related - newspaper extract}
Submitted on Aug 20, 2005 by
John Shuck,

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