Death Due to Peritonitis
Lillian May McCandless
May McCandless Passed Away at Cedar Rapids Hospital Where She Had Submitted to Operation.
Lillian May McCandless, only daughter to Samuel A. McCandless passed away Friday at Mercy Hospital in Cedar Rapids where she had submitted to an operation for appendicitis. She had been stricken on Armistice Day and was hurried to the hospital where the operation was performed. Following the operation her condition seemed most favorable and high hopes for her recovery were entertained. However, peritonitis set in and her condition became alarming and the family were sent for. The end came Friday morning.
The funeral service was held Sunday afternoon from Christ Methodist Episcopal church and was in the charge of Rev. Roy V. Porter her pastor. The service was largely attended and gave evidence of the loving esteem in which she was held in the community. Burial was in Oak Hill.
Lillian May McCandless was born on April 1st, 1903 and passed away on November 25th, 1921 at the age of 18 years, 7 months and 24 days. She attended the rural schools and in 1920 graduated from the Belle Plaine High School. Following her graduation she taught in the rurals schools and was in charge of the public school at Luzerne. Struck down in the flower of her young womanhood, her untimely death is mourned by the father, mother and brother, in the immediate family and by a large number of friends for her kindly spirit captured the friendship of everyone whom she came into contact with. She was a faithful member of the Methodist Episcopal church and active in the Elsworth League. The family have the sincere sympathy of friends in their hour of bereavement.
{Submitter comment: Amongst the clippings from her gowns, the entries from her classmates, and photographs of friends and family, her obituary was the last entry in the 1921 Belle Plaine H. S. "Girl Graduate" book of Lillian May McCandless, my great aunt.}
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