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Benton County, IAGenWeb Project
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Benton County, Iowa Obituaries
Waterloo Daily Courier; February 16, 1945

Susie Catherine Mack

Vinton — Mrs. Susie Catherine Mack, 83, at the Vinton hospital following a year's illness from complications of age; born at Beloit, Wis.; 63 years ago she was married to Hugh Mack, who died Nov. 30, 1943; a year ago she moved to Vinton from her Estherville, Ia., home, where she lived for 43 years of her married life; leaves following children: Howard, Vinton; Merl, Montley, Minn.; John, Peoria, I11.; Hiram, in California; Albert, Verndale, Minn.; Mrs. Ella Johnson, Estherville, Ia., and Robert, Fairmont, Minn.; 17 grandchildren and 14 great grandchildren.

{Submitter comment: Not related}

Submitted on Jun 2, 2007 by
John Shuck,

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Waterloo Daily Courier; October 23, 1945

Ralph Mack

Vinton - Funeral services were Sunday afternoon at Groton, N.Y. for Ralph Mack, 63, former Benton county resident; Mr. and Mrs. Mack arrived Thursday afternoon at the Albert Grebe home in Cedar Rapids from Groton and Mr. Mack died suddenly that evening of a heart attack; born in Benton county, Oct. 6, 1882 to Mr. and Mrs. John Mack; attended Tilford academy in Vinton and Cornell college at Mt. Vernon; on Feb. 12, 1907, he married Carrie Davis near Garrison; lived in the Pratt Creek community until 20 years ago, when he moved to New York; leaves widow, and the following children: John A., of Ithaca, N.Y.; Bruce D., of Groton; Mrs. Gertrude Dans, Freeville, N.Y., and Mrs. Eleanor Fairbank, Ithaca; one brother, Samuel E. Mack, Jesup; a brother, Ray, preceded him.

{Submitter comment: Not related}

Submitted on 20-Jul-2008 by
John Shuck,

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