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Benton County, Iowa Obituaries
Vinton Eagle; January 1921
Christine Lindeman

Mrs. Michael Lindeman, a pioneer resident of this vicinity, died suddenly at the family home five miles northeast of Vinton Tuesday afternoon about 2:30 o'clock. Death came as she was sitting in her chair. Although in failing health on account of her advanced age, there was nothing in her condition to warn that the end was near.

Mrs. Lindeman was past 83 years of age. She was a native of Germany in which she was born November 30, 1837. She came to this country in 1863 and settled in Illinois, where in the spring of 1865 she was united in marriage to Michael Lindeman. In the fall of that year they came to Benton county and settled in Polk township, and this county has been their home since.

Mrs. Lindeman was the mother of six children. One child died in infancy, and a daughter, Mrs. Ida Belle Keller, died in 1911. The surviving children are Mrs. Mytilda Noller, of Mt. Auburn; Mrs. Anna Haymaker and John Lindeman of Vinton, and Mrs. Catherine Leibsch, of Urbana. There is also a step-daughter, Mrs. M. A. Floyd, of northwest of town. The aged husband, who is in his 91st year, also survives.

For some time Mr. and Mrs. Lindeman had lived in a house which adjoins that of their son, John, on the farm northeast of Vinton, where they lived in quiet and contentment.

Mrs. Lindeman united with the church in Germany when a small child, but in 1890 she united with the Primmer M. E. church. She lived a devout christian life and was loved by all for her many good qualities.

Funeral services will be held at the Primmer M. E. church this afternoon at two o'clock, conducted by Rev. J. A. Young, pastor of the Vinton M. E. church, and interment will be in the Cox cemetery.

Submitted on May 26, 2007 by
Anonymous Volunteer

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Vinton Eagle; December 12, 1890

Lizzie Lindeman

Miss Lizzie Lindeman, who died at her father's residence five miles northeast of Vinton, on Thursday Dec. 18th, 1890, will be missed and mourned by a large circle of friends. She had been employed for many years at the College for the Blind, where her fidelity and gentle ways had drawn closely both teachers and pupils and all her associates. Nearly two years ago she was compelled by failing health to give up all local active service, and has been since that time a patient invalid, slowly wearing away till she was released from suffering and gently fell asleep. She loved the Lord and had professed her faith in connection with the Presbyterian church of Vinton. A great concourse of loving friends thronged the "Primmer" church at her funeral last Saturday morning. The services were conducted by Revs. E. H. Avery and A. T. Shortess.

Submitted on May 26, 2007 by
Anonymous Volunteer

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Vinton Eagle; January 25, 1922

Michael Lindeman Passes Away, Aged 93 Years
Michael Lindeman

Michael Lindeman, a resident of Benton county since 1850, passed away Friday afternoon at 5:20 o'clock, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. George Haymaker, north of Vinton. He was ninety-three years of age, and had been ill for four months preceding his death.

Mr. Lindeman was born in Germany November 1, 1829, and grew to young manhood there. He was married to a Miss Kersten, and they came to the United States and Benton county in 1850. His first wife died and later he was again married, the second wife dying January 28, 1921.

During all of his active life Mr. Lindeman was engaged in farming, and it is largely due to such sturdy pioneers as he that this section has developed into the garden spot of the world.

Mr. Lindeman is survived by four daughters and one son: Mrs. M. A. Floyd, Mrs. Tilda Noeller, Mrs. Anna Haymaker, Mrs. Kate Liebsch and John Lindeman. Three daughters preceded the father in death.

Mr. Lindeman was a member of the Methodist church and served a number of years as trustee and steward. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at the Primmer church, conducted by Rev. J. Arthur Young, and interment was in the Cox cemetery.

Submitted on May 26, 2007 by
Anonymous Volunteer

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