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Benton County, Iowa Obituaries

Des Moines Register; Wed 25 Dec 1935 pg4 Col 2
Lacher Rites Are Thursday Laurel Hill Burial for Woman Born in Ohio
Mary Ann (Schneider) Lacher

Services for Mrs. Mary Ann Lacher, 77, who died Monday at her home at 609 S. E. Fourteenth St., will be held at 3 p.m. Thursday at Hamilton's Funeral home.

Burial will be at Laurel Hill cemetery.

Mrs. Lacher was born in Ohio, and came to Iowa when she was 7. Besides her husband, John A. Lacher , she is survived by one son, Jesse C. Lacher, and a daughter, Mrs. Maude Losee, both of Des Moines.

Three sisters live at Marengo, IA. She also has 18 grandchildren and 24 great-grandchildren.

{Submitter comment: Parents are Greorg (George) Schneider and Maria Regina Rothenberger. Sisters marriage Kimm and and Bausch}
Submitted on Aug 21, 2005 by
Chris Petersen,

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