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Benton County, Iowa Obituaries
Cedar Rapids; Nov 9, 1997
Maxine Lint Easterday

Maxine Lint Easterday, 79, died Saturday, Nov 8, 1997, in Living Center West, Cedar Rapids, following a brief illness. Services: Tuesday Phillips FUneral Home, Vinton. The Rev. Paul Miller will officate. Burial: Oakwood Cemetery.

She is survived by three sons, Larry Horning, and wife Barbara of Las Vegas, Garth Horning and wife Genger, and Craig Horning, all of Cedar Rapids; grandchildren and great-grandchildren, Garth D. Horning and wife Jaylene and their son Garth Daniel of Corvallis, Ore., and Greta Horning-Ingram and husband Rich and daughter Curstie of Cedar Rapids; a brother, Irvin Lint and wife Thelma of Hiawatha; and three sisters, Dorothy Cook of Cedar Rapids, Arbutus Wahnert of Philadelphia, Penn., and Jane Rothfuss of Indianapolis, Ind.

She was preceded in death by her parents, Glenn E. and Mary Corporon Lint and infant siblings, Loren, Betty and Mildred Lint.

Born May 1, 1918, east of Shellsburg, she graduated as valedictorian from the Shellsburg High School in 1936...

{Submitter comment: picture with obit
Submitted on behalf of Sheryl Reynolds and Marilyn Kolsrud. Email: }

Submitted on 04-May-2009 by

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