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Benton County, Iowa Obituaries

Vinton Semi-Weekly Eagle; Dec. 6, 1892

Blanche Irene Lewis

Died - At her home near Garrison of croup, Blanche Irene, aged 3 years, daughter of S. R. and Harriett Lewis. Funeral was postponed until next Sunday at 10:30 o'clock at the church, Garrison. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis will receive the sympathy of their friends in their deep affliction.

{Submitter comment: not related}

Submitted on 06-Jun-2020 by
John Shuck,

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Cedar Valley Times; Dec.21, 1961
Linda Lou Lewis, Young Vinton Girl Dies at Her Home
Linda Lou Lewis

Linda Lou Lewis,14,daughter of Mr.and Mrs. Marvin C.Lewis,died at her Vinton home last night at 8:30 following an illness of three months, She was born Feb.11,1947, at the Vinton hospital

Besides her parents,Linda Lou is survived by one brother,Johnny 13 and her grandparents, Mr.and Mrs. John Scheel of Vinton

Linda Lou came to Vinton with her parents from Dysart 11 years ago.She was a member of the Methodist church, the freshmen class of Washington high school and the Junior Auxiliary of the American Legion

Services will be held Sunday at 2:00 p.m., at the Methodist church in Vinton with the Rev. Robert P. Phillips in charge. Burial will be in the Dysart cemetery, Friends may call at the Fry and Holland Funeral home after Saturday.

{Submitter comment: Classmate}
Submitted on Feb 12, 2003 by
Rich Farmer,

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