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Benton County, IAGenWeb Project
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Benton County, Iowa Obituaries

Kaye Ellen Lint Shaw Dennis

Kaye Ellen Lint Dennis, 42, died Saturday, Feb. 13, 2010, at University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics in Iowa City following a sudden illness. Funeral Services: 11 a.m. Saturday at Phillips Funeral Home.. Committal Services will be held at Oakwood Cemetery, Shellsburg...

Kaye was born July 17, 1967, in Cedar Rapids to Melvin “Keith” and Marian (Bremer) Lint...

She is survived by her children, R. J. Dennis, Dan Buchanan, and Jeni (Craig) Buchanan Mason, all of Cedar Rapids; her grandchildren, Zak, Chloe and Nate Mason; her sister, Debra (Don) Hiepler of Vinton; her brothers, Terry Lint of Garrison, and Kevin (Judy) Lint of Vinton; several nieces and nephews; and ...Dan Harris.

She was preceded in death by her parents; her son, Michael; and her husband, Richard Shaw.

Submitted on 15-Mar-2010 by
Sheryl Mason Reynolds,

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