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Benton County, Iowa Obituaries

unknown; unknown
Anson P. Bixby

Near Shellsburg, on Saturday morning Aug. 6, 1881, Anson P., only son of Albert and Sarah A. Bixby, aged 8 years 6 months and 17 days

Anson was a bright little boy, and was the pride and joy of the household. He was taken away very suddenly, and at a time when his fond parents seemed least prepared to part with him. Their grief seems almost more than they can endure, but they have as a consolation the cheering faith that their little son has gone to a better, brighter world, where they can again be with him in the "sweet bye and bye." The "Record" extends to the grief- stricken parents the sincere sympathy of this entire community

The funeral exercises took place at the Baptist church in Shellsburg on Sunday morning at 11 o'clock, when the church was filled to its utmost capacity with sympathizing friends

The following lines were written by Rev. J.W. Thompson:

Our darling one his race has run,
And reached the goal in heaven's portals,
But while he's glad our hearts are sad,
At this, the common lot of mortals
Oh, how we miss his good night kiss,
And then again the morning greetings;
And yet it seems that in our dreams,
We have again those happy meetings
His little voice makes us rejoice,
And home's again a bright elysian;
But when we wake-ah, sad mistake;
Our joy has only been a vision
O, darling pet, we'll ne'er forget
The sadness of our daily story;
Yet in our grief there is relief,
That by and by we'll meet in glory.

{Submitter comment: This is from an original newspaper clipping. The name of the newspaper and date of publication are unknown. }
Submitted on Feb 15, 2003 by
Stacy Nesvik,

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The Vinton Eagle; Sept. 29, 1896
Death of Anson P. Bixby
Anson P. Bixby

At his home in Canton township near Shellsburg, Wednesday morning, September 23rd, 1896. Anson P. Bixby son of Joel and Sylvia M. Bixby, aged 82 years 1 month and 11 days.

The subject of this sketch was born in Clinton county, New York and was the eldest of eight children. The illness of his mother rendering it impossible for her to give him proper care. The first six years of his life were spent with a French family in the Dominion of Canada. Returning to his parents in New York a little later at seventeen years of age he began work in one of the lumber camps then abounding in that state. Doubtless the severe toil of that arduous labor did much to fix upon him the habit of active industry so marked a trait of his character in later life. His was a busy life.

In 1844 he moved to Wisconsin settling in Dodge county. The following year became acquainted with Miss Electa Bruce, and in November 1845 they were united in marriage. The union thus formed was happily continued for more than fifty years, until broken by the hand of death. To him were born four children, three boys and one girl. Two, the daughter and one son passed before the father to the “spirit world.” Two sons remain to mourn a father’s loss.

I come to speak of that which is of greatest importance. In 1874 he was converted and in the same year he became a member of the Shellsburg Baptist church. He was active for many years, giving freely of his time and money for the construction of its house of worship.

He was long connected as an honored member with the Order of Odd Fellows.

Since 1869 he has been a resident of Canton township living near Shellsburg.

For the past four or five years he has been in failing health, and yet he was never willing, unless absolutely compelled to do so, to abandon the active pursuits of his long life.

At last the summons came to the aged pilgrim, “Child come home." The aged. dimmed eyes closed upon the scenes of earth to open in "The paradise of God.”.

He has entered into rest. How comforting in the hour of bereavement, the words of Holy Writ: "There remaineth therefore a rest for the people of God.".

The funera service was conducted by his former pastor Rev. A. T. Shortess of Hedrick, assisted by Revs. Geo. L Culp and J. M. Smith of Shellsburg.

{Submitter comment: not related}

Submitted on 29-Jan-2022 by
John Shuck,

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Mrs. Ida Mae Bixby dies in Cedar Rapids
Ida Mae Bixby

Benton County News

Shellsburg, Feb 17- Funeral services will be held here tomorrow afternoon at 1:30 at the Federated church for Mrs. Ida Mae Bixby of Cedar Rapids, a former Shellsburg resident. Burial will be in the Shellsburg Cemetery. Mrs. Bixby died in St. Luke's hospital in Cedar Rapids Monday morning after a brief illness.

Ida Mae Johnson was born in Shellsburg May 14, 1885, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. K. Johnson. She lived here until 1941 when she moved to Cedar Rapids.

She leaves five daughters. Mrs. Reuben Senft of Shellsburg; Mrs. Merl Weir of Mr. Auburn; Mrs. Howard Williams of Shellsburg. Mrs. Harold Inman of Grimes and Mrs. Richard Radeke of Ed Cajon. Cal; one son. Kirk Bixy of Marion; a sister Mrs. Mattie Johnson of Shellsburg 21 grandchildren. A nephew and an Aunt, Mrs. Nellie Long of Seattle, Wash., also survive. Mr. Bixby preceded her in death. Mrs. Bixby was a member of the Shellsburg Presbyterian church.

The body is at the Turner chapel in Cedar Rapids...

{Submitter comment: Clipping Feb 1948
Clipping by Martha Long }

Submitted on 27-Mar-2010 by
Sheryl Mason reynolds,

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Times; March 14, 1934
Death Claims Early Settler of Shellsburg
Laura Virginia Maxson Bixby

Benton County News

Special to Daily Times

Shellsburg- Mrs. Laura Bixby, 73 the widow of Wallace Bixby, a resident of the Shellsburg community 75 years, died at her home here Tuesday after a lingering illness.

Funeral rites will be held Friday afternoon at 2 o"clock in the Federated church. The services will be conducted by the Rev.L W.Inman. Burial will be in the local cemetery. Mr.Bixby died seveal years ago.

Mrs. Bixby's first husband John Maxson to whom she was married on Nov. 27, 1873, died in 1916.

Five of the nine children born to this marriage are living; Mrs. Nellie Abbe of Center Point, Charles Maxson of Reno, Nev., Simeon Maxson of Minneapolis, Minn., Mrs Lora Harbert of Shellsburg, and Chester Maxson of Belle Plaine.

The family includes nine grand-children and five great grandchildren.

{Submitter comment: clippings by Marilyn Kolsrud and Martha Long}

Submitted on 17-Mar-2010 by
Sheryl Mason Reynolds,

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The Vinton Eagle; Feb. 5, 1895

Loren A. Bixby

Died. — After an illness of two week, with pneumonia, Mr. Loren A Bixby passed away Sunday morning, Feb. 3,1895. Mr. Bixby was born in Reading, Windsor county, Vermont, in 1830. He bad lived in Vinton for 35 years. For 10 years be worked for Frank Young in his mill. For several years he bad been night watchman at the college for the blind. He had never married and made his home with relatives his home at the time of his death being at his nephew’s Ab. Holden. A brother, Mr. Warren Bixby lives in Cedar township, and a sister, Mrs. Mary Holden lives in Vinton. The deceased was a man of quiet disposition and excellent character and was beloved by all with whom he was in friendship. The funeral was held yesterday afternoon and was in charge of the Odd Fellows, the deceased being a faithful member of that order for many years.

{Submitter comment: not related}

Submitted on 29-Jan-2022 by
John Shuck,

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