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Benton County, Iowa Obituaries
Benton County Times; April 16, 1908
Sister of James Brown Dies at Home in Missoula Montana. Former Benton County Resident
Catherine Lash

The burial of Mrs. Katherine Lash took place in the Kisling graveyard near the James Brown residence not far from Urbana last Tuesday.

The funeral was held from the Brown residence.

The deceased was a sister to James Brown, a prominent Polk township farmer, and it was to the brother's home that the remains were taken following there conveyance from the depot at Vinton.

Mrs. Lash died in Missoula, Montana, from Bright's disease. She was 54 years old and had lived at Urbana with her family until about fifteen years ago when she accompanied her husband and children to their new home in Montana.

Besides the husband, Mrs. Lash is survived by three children, all grown. The children are Henry and Bert, and daughter Mrs. Carrie Emrich. The husband and children accompanied the remains here.

Mrs. Lash is remembered as a good woman, one who enjoyed the love and friendship of a great many people in the vicinity of her old home.

Mr. Lash and children returned to Missoula this week.

Submitted on Aug 17, 2007 by Volunteer

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