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Benton County, Iowa Obituaries

Ed. Mullinex dies; Funeral Next Sunday
Edward "Johnie" Edmund Mullinex

Shellsburg, April 8 Following a long illness from complications resulting from a paralytic stroke eight years ago, Ed Mullinex 67 years old died at 9:25 a.m. today at his home here. Funeral will be held Sunday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock from the Baptis church the Rev. H. A. Esset presiding. Interment Oakwood cemetery.

Ed Mullinex was born in New York state March 9 1859. When six years old he came to Illinois with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mullinex. Fourteen years later he came to Benton County. He was married July 26, 1858 (I think thats what it says) to Caroline Kale, who survies him. Eight years ago Mr. and Mrs. Mullinex retired to town from their farm in the vicinity. There is one son Glenn, a daughter Mrs. Anita Wilt both of Shellsburg and six grandchildren.

Other relatives living include five sisters and five brothers. A brother William lives at Walker and Dick and Dewitt Mullinex brothers reside here.

Submitted on 05-Oct-2011 by
Sheryl Mason Reynolds,

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Glenn E. Mullinex

Glen E. Mullinex 95 died Tuesday at Virginia Gay Hospital. He was a retired farmer..

Survivors are three sons, Willis E. of Cascade, Idaho, and Dale and Dean, both of Grand Lake, Colo.; two daughters, Mardell Hamilton of Vinton and Betty Carver of Cedar Rapids; a stepson, John Fish of Shellsburg; four stepdaughters, Elizabeth Kepler of Clutier, Mary Pahl of Cedar Rapids, Deve Ford of Waukon and Elvina Knox of Minneapolis; 17 grandchildren; 15 step-grandchildren; 32 great-grandchildren and 16 great-great-grandchildren. Services: 10:30 a.m. Friday at Oak Grove Christian Church, rural Shellsburg. Burial Oakwood Cemetery, Shellsburg. Visitation after noon Thursday at Phillips'.

Submitted on 04-Oct-2011 by
Sheryl Mason Reynolds,

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; Jan. 13, 1985
Lulu Mae Mullinex

Lulu Mae Pruett Mullinex, 94 died Thursday at St. Lukes Hospital in Cedar Rapids.

She is survived by two sons, Thurley G. of Shellsburg and Duane E. of Waterloo; four daughters, Evadean Derifield of waterloo, Imogene Shoemaker of Cedar Rapids, Norma Coy of Shellsburg and June Breedlove of Tulsa, Okla., 14 grandchildren 24 great-grandchildren, five great-great grandchildren; and one sister, Peral Worthen of Cedar Rapids.

Services 10:30 a.m. Monday at Phillips', Vinton...Monday Burial: Oakwood Cemetery Shellsburg.

Submitted on 05-Oct-2011 by
Sheryl Mason Reynolds,

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Mrs. Mary Mullinex
Mary Ann Mullinex

Mrs. Mary Mullinex,83 widow of John Mullinex died at 6:25 p.m. Friday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Roy Lint, Ely route 1, where she had been this last three weeks. She was born at Polo, Ill. Aug 5, 1869.

She is survived by seven children Charles of Iowa City, Porter of Shellsburg, Tom F. of Cedar Rapids, Earl of Palo, Russell of Waterloo, Mrs. Blanche Flecher of Eagle Grove and Mrs. Lint; three sisters Mrs. Emma Zigler of Sterling, Ill., Mrs. Janie Bellows of Polo, Ill., Mrs. Janie Bellows of Polo, Ill., and Mrs. Belle Franklin of Milledgeville, Ill.; a brother Moses Deyo of Colorado; 13 grand-children and nine great-grand-children.

Services will be held at 2 p.m. Sunday in the Federated church at Shellsburg. Friends may call at the Beatty chapel until noon Sunday

Submitted on 05-Oct-2011 by
Sheryl Mason Reynolds,

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N. Mullinex, 49, Dies at Elma
Nealey Mullinex

Elma- Nealey Mullinex, 49 former Shellsburg resident, died sunday at Elma following a long illness... He was born Jan 6, 1917, at Shellsburg, a son of Tom and Lulu Mullinex. He was a veteran of World War II. Surviving are his widow, Mildred; one daughter, Mrs. Raymond Kelley of Charles City; his father, Tom Mullinex of Cedar Rapids; his mother, Lulu Mullinex of Waterloo; four sisters, Mrs. John Derefield of Waterloo, Mrs. Imogene Floyd of Cedar Rapids, Mrs. William Coy of Shellsburg and Mrs. Duster Breedlove of Haysville, Kan. Funeral services will be held at 1 p.m. Wednesday at Grace Trinity church in Shellsburg.

Submitted on 04-Oct-2011 by
Sheryl Mason Reynolds,

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