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The Vinton Eagle; Friday, January 24, 1919
Mrs. Will Lyons Dies after Long Illness
Mrs. William C. Lyons

Mrs. William C. Lyons died yesterday morning at 4 a.m. at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ludden after an illness of ten years with tuberculosis from which she has been an invalid for nearly three years.

Sarah Florence Lyons was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ludden and was born Feb. 15, 1885, in Shellsburg. She was married Sept. 29, 1903 to William C. Lyons and to them four children were born. They are Bernice, Lavonnne, Glenn and Hames Howard.

The deceased has spent all of her life in and near Vinton and was a true christian woman having professed her faith when a girl of thirteen and she has been a memeber of the United Brethern church, which she joined with her parents about nine years ago. In speaking of her faith her pastor said that she had lived a faithful life and as her death grew near she bid her children boodbye [typo in original] by saying, "Children, be good, Lord receive my spirit," and quietly passed away. Besides her parents and children she leaves three brothers, Clifford of Waterloo, Leon, of Vinton, and John, of Independence, and two sisters, Mrs. Mary Powers of Madison, Minn., and Mrs. Alice Crisman, of Vinton.

Funeral services will be held at the Ludden home Saturday morning at 8:30, being conducted by Rev. A. W. Phillips and the burial will be in the family lot at Shellsburg.
Submitted on Wed Dec 27 11:38:49 2000 by
J. Jay Lash,

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