Cedar Valley Times; August 8, 1958
Carrie V. Likens Dies at Brandon; Set Rites Sunday
Carrie Viola Likens
BRANDON - Carrie Viola Likens of Brandon died of a heart ailment this morning at 6:45 a.m., at the Brantz nursing home in Brandon. She had been ill for six months.
Mrs. Likens was born July 26, 1888, in Benton county near Brandon, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William E. Allerding. She was married in 1903 at Brandon to Delmer Lewis Likens who died in 1950.
Surviving are the following children: Mrs. Viola Kaiser of Garrison, Mrs. Charlotte Shook of Cedar Rapids, Mrs. Hilda Mullane of Vinton, Mrs. Luella Keith of Vinton, Lyle L. and Robert R. of Brandon, one sister, Mrs. Harry Zimmer of Garrison and a brother, Jacob Allerding of Brandon.
Five sisters proceeded her in death.
Also surviving are 18 grandchildren and 25 great-grandchildren.
Funeral services will be conducted Sunday afternoon at 2:30 p.m., in the Church of Christ at Brandon. Ray Rasar will officiate. Burial will be in the Bear Creek cemetery.
The body is at the Fry and Holland funeral home in Vinton where friends may call after noon Saturday and until 10:00 a.m., Sunday when the body will be taken to the church.
Cedar Valley Times; August 11, 1950
Delmar L. Likens Dies at Brandon
Delmar Louis Likens
Brandon, Aug. 11 - Delmar L. Likens died at his home in Brandon last night of a heart ailment after an illness of four years.
Delmar Louis Likens was born at Lincoln, Neb., Aug. 18, 1882, a son of Mr. and Mrs. William Likens. He married Carrie Allerding at Brandon on Dec. 2, 1903. He lived most of his life the Brandon community where he was a construction worker. He was a member of the Church of Christ.
Surviving are his widow; six children - Mrs. Vilola Kaiser of Garrison, Mrs. Hilda Shook of Cedar Rapids, Mrs. Lucille Keith of Atkins, Lyle L. Likens and Robert R. Likens of Brandon; 16 grandchildren; three great- children and a half sister, Mrs. Mary Anderson. A son, William, died in 1923.
Funeral services will be held in the Brandon Church of Christ Sunday afternoon at two o'clock. Burial will be in Bear Creek cemetery.
Cedar Valley Times; September 1925
Mrs. Mary Likens.
Mary Rosette Likens
Mrs. Likens died at her home in Vinton, last Thursday night evening at 10:30 after an illness of nearly ? (unreadable).
Mary White, daughter of the Mr. and Mrs. Ozias White was born in Benton county, April 16, 1855. She was married to Wm. R. Likens in October 1876. Three children were born to this union, Cora Likens, who care for her mother during her sickness, Del Likens of Brandon, and one child that died in infancy. There also three step-children, two a?ted children, six brothers and sisters, who survive.
Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon from the home, at ? o'clock, Rev. C. S. Kieckner, of the Christian church in charge. Burial was in Bear Creek.
Independence Conservative; Wednesday, September 10, 1930
Perry Likens Run Down By An Auto On No. 11. Stepped Directly in Front of Car Which Was Approaching.
Perry Likens
Perry Likens, aged 65, an inmate of the County Farm, was run over and seriously injured Monday afternoon about four fifty o'clock when he darted across the road in front of a car on Highway No. 11 eight miles south of this city. Likens, we are informed had run away from the farm Monday morning. According to the testimony of the driver who knocked him down, the man was near a bridge on the right side of the road. Instead of waiting for the car to pass, Likens darted across the highway in front of the oncoming car and before the driver could put on his brakes the old man was knocked down. R. A. Arnold, of Norwalk, Iowa was the driver of the car that injured Likens. His friend H. R. Wilson of Davenport, who was driving in his car ahead of Arnold, met the man first, but swerved in time to escape hitting him. He testified that Arnold was not to blame. Likens was taken immediately to the People's Hospital. Both the bones in his ankles were broken, and the bones half way up between his feet and knees were injured. The right femur was also broke and the left hip put out of joint. He also received a bad cut on his forehead. There was little hope for his recovery, because of his age, according to Dr. C. W. Tidball, one of the attending physicians. It was thought the man may have intended committing suicide.
Cedar Valley Times; January 26, 1923
William Likens
Following an illness covering a number of months, the last three of which were spent in the University hospital at Iowa City, William Likens, the fifteen year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Del Likens, died Tuesday afternoon at one o'clock. The body was brought to Vinton Tuesday night in the Funeral car and prepared for burial and was taken to the family home yesterday, and internment was in the Bear Creek cemetery.
William was the oldest of six children, and his death is a sad blow to the parents and the brothers and sisters. He was a grandson of Mrs. Mary Likens of this city.
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