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Cedar Valley Daily Times; April 14, 1921
Chas. Worthen Dies of Pneumonia; Funeral Service Friday
Charles Worthen

Following an illness of two weeks from bronchial-pneumonia, Charles Worthen died last evening at 8:10 at the family home in Vinton. Mr. Worthen had been a resident of Vinton nearly all his life. He was 72 years old. He worked as a day laborer

The funeral will be held at the residence Friday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock. The Rev. Long of the United Brethren church will officiate. Interment in Evergreen cemetery

Chas. Worthen was born October 2, 1848, at Rutland, Vermont. He was married to Emma Lapham on Dec. 25, 1869 in Vinton. The widow and seven children survive. The children are Charles Worthen,Jr., Owen Worthen, Mrs. Frank Lyons, Ernest Worthen and Carlos Worthen of Vinton. Ray Worthen of Mercedes, Cal., and John Worthen of Omaha. Two children preceded the father in death. Of his immediate family there are three sisters and one brother living, as follows: Mrs. Della Lukens, Bloomfield, Ill., Mrs. Lucinda Robinson, Wapeton, N. D., Mrs. Vint. Edsill, La Porte City, and Emery Worthen of Frazee, Minn

Submitted on Jul 31, 2002 by
Connie Westcott,

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Cedar Valley Daily Times; June 6, 1934
Death Removes Mrs. E. Worthen City Hospital
Mrs. E. Worthen

Mrs. Emma Worthen, 83, the widow of Chas. Worthen, died at 11:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Vinton city hospital after an illness of three months with cancer of the stomach. Mrs. Worthen had lived in Benton county all her life. She was a member of the Methodist church

Funeral rites will be held at 3:00 o'clock in the United Brethren church, with the Rev. S.S. Smick in charge. Burial will be in Evergreen cemetery

Mrs. Worthen was born Jan. 12, 1851, at Aurora, Ill., and came to Benton county with her parents. She was married Dec. 26, 1869, to Chas. Worthen at Mt. Auburn. He died April 10, 1921. The surviving children are Charles, Owen and Corliss Worthen of Vinton, Roy Worthen of Waterloo, Ernest Worthen of Cedar Rapids, and Mrs. Bertha Lyons of California. In her family there are fifteen grandchildren and eight great grandchildren

Friends wishing to see the body may call at the Hite & Alcorn funeral parlors this evening from 7 to 9 o'clock.

{Submitter comment: Corliss Worthen of Vinton should be Carlos Worthen. Also mariage records at Benton County courthouse say marriage for Chas. Worthen and Emma Lapham was in 1870 not 1869.}
Submitted on Aug 5, 2002 by
Connie Westcott,

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The Vinton Eagle; September 30, 1924
John Worthen

John M. Worthen passed away at the local hospital about midnight Sunday night following an operation performed Tuesday night for ulcers of the stomach. He had been ill for some time, and his condition was such that peritonitis had set in, and medical skill was unable to save his life

John Worthen was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Worthen, and was born December 9, 1882, in this city. His life was lived in Vinton until he went to Omaha some fifteen years ago, and he lived in that city for about ten years. He then returned to Vinton and was united in marriage to Hazel Lindsey on September 16, 1922. He is survived by his widow and a son, John LaVern, who is about one year old. During the past year the family had lived at Mt. Auburn

For a number of years Mr. Worthen played ball with various Vinton ball teams, and also with teams in other towns. He had a number of friends and acquaintances throughout his community who regret his death

Funeral services will be held at the home of the mother, 606 East 11th street, this afternoon at two o'clock, conducted by Rev. W. J. Coulston, of the Baptist church, and interment will be in Evergreen cemetery

Submitted on Aug 5, 2002 by
Connie Westcott,

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