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Benton County, Iowa Obituaries
Cedar Valley Times;
Grace Evelyn Kolsrud

Grace Evelyn Kolsrud, 78, died Thursday, Aug. 30, 2001, in her son's home in Shellsburg following an extended illness. Services: 2pm Sunday, at Phillips Funeral Home Chapel, Vinton, by the REv. mark Lockband. Burial: Oakwood Cemetery.

Evelyn was born Aug. 8, 1923 in Shellsburg, to Albert and Leons Sanders Lint. On Nov. 3, 1939 she married Earl H. Kolsrud in Cedar Rapids. Earl and Evelyn lived all of their lives in Shellsburg and he preceded her in death on Nov 1, 1968.

Eveyln retired from Wilson Packing in 1982 after 32 years with the company. She was a member of the Zion Lutheran Church in Shellsburg.

Following her husband's death, she spent three months of each year at her son's home in Georgia.

Survivors include three sons, Jerry Kolsrud and wife, Marilyn of Shellsburg, Larry Kolsrud of Atlanta, Ga., and Michael Kolsrud and wife, Frances of Atkins; eight grandchildren; and nine great-granchildren.

In addition to her husband and parents, she was preceded in death by a sister, Lucille Bascom.

{Submitter comment: picture with obit
Submitted on behalf of Sheryl Reynolds and Marilyn Kolsrud. Email: }

Submitted on 12-May-2009 by

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