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Benton County, Iowa Obituaries
Vinton Eagle; October 13, 1911
Mrs. Kinney is called Home
Mary Jane Kinney

Mary Jane Munger was born in Geneva, New York, in 1836, and died in Vinton, October 10, 1911, being 75 years and 15 days of age at the time of her death. She came with her parents when but a child to Kalamazoo,, Michigan, and remained there until her marriage to Miles H. Kinney in 1862. They spent some years in Illinois, before coming to Benton County, Iowa,in 1877, where she resided until her death.

She was the mother of nine children, six of whom, with their father have preceded her to the home beyond.

Three sons: Hart, of Crook, Colorado; Albert, of Waterloo, Iowa, and Charles of Kalamazoo, Michigan, are left to mourn the death of a kind and indulgent mother. She also leaves two brothers and two sisters.

Mr. Kinney was a member of the U.B. Church, of Fair View while living on a farm near that place. After moving to Vinton, she was united with the Presbyterian church and remained a member of that body until U.B. church, of Vinton was organized, of which she was a charter member.

Mrs. Kinney passed through severe trials while in this life, having been called to part with five of her children at one time with that dreaded disease, diptheria, and in August 1900 with her husband. But through all these, she never lost sight of her blessed Master, and only looked forward to a happy reunion in that better country.

Truly a good mother has gone to her reward. May the bereaved sons follow in her foot steps and meet her where parting is no more.

Submitted on 13-Jul-2010 by
Martha Long,

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Vinton Eagle; August 24, 1900
Niles H. Kinney

Niles H. Kinney was born in Kalamazoo, Michigan, September 12, 1838 and died in Vinton, Iowa August 21, 1900. He was married and in 1878 came to Iowa and settled on a farm near Garrison. Last April Mr. and Mrs. Kinney left the farm in charge of a son and moved to Vinton on account of the former's failing health. The end came early Tuesday morning and Wednesday afternoon his body was laid away in the cemetery near the old home. The funeral services was conducted by Rev. Corkey, of Garrison, in the United Brethren church.

Mr. Kinney was a public spirited man and highly esteemed in the community. Many friends and neighbors will sympathize with Mrs. Kinney and her three sons in their great affliction.

Submitted on 21-Nov-2010 by
Martha Long,

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