August 1, 1861 or possibly 1867
Sudden Death
Mrs. Marshall
A Mrs. Marshall, resident at Shellsburgh, in this county, died at that place very suddenly some three or four days since, from the effects of cloroform which had been administed to her for the purpose of easing the pain attendant upon the extracton of a tooth. the tooth was drawn, and as the phrase is, she was parialy "brought to" by the physician, in which sates of recovery and and remained out a(?) moments before going into convulions, which quickly terminated her life.
{Submitter comment: I don't have her name yet but will let you know when I find it out sorry...Possibly Abbie Rathburn Marshall but I need someone to check it out I don't have ancestry. the article says 8-1 1861 but Abbie was married to Daniel but the last child was born 1867 possibly who ever wrote the article and made a note of 1861 should have said 1867? the article is also hard to read.}
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