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Benton County, IAGenWeb Project
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Query Queries
Benton County, IA
Posted Queries for January thru March 2006

DERBY posted by Teresa Derby on Monday, January 2, 2006

Lester Albert DERBY. Born May 19, 1901. Died November 9, 1902, Benton county, Iowa. Lester has brother named Johnnie who is also burried in Benton county cem. They are my dad's brothers. My dad's name was Everett DERBY he died when I was 2 on Sep 25, 1966, buried Mt. Hope Cem. Looking for more information.

BLOMKER posted by Adam Appel on Tuesday, January 3, 2006

I come from the BLOMKER family from Kattenvenne. Any contact would be greatly appreciated. My Great-Grandmother was a BLOMKER. I do know some about this side of the tree. But, have had problems with it.

BAKER, GROVE posted by Bill Saunders on Monday, January 9, 2006

I am looking for the death dates and where for Leona M. GROVE and if her husband Paul T.GROVE is buried next to her. Leona is buried next to her parents (Frank and Edna BAKER) in the Evergreen Cemetery Vinton,Benton,Iowa. Would appreciate any help that you could give me.

LONG, WADDELL posted by Pat J. on Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Woodson LONG b. 23 Sep. 1823, IN; d. 1907 Benton Co. and Anna WADDELL b. 1821 KY; d. 1890 Benton Co. They were m. 10 Sep. 1844 in Bartholomew Co., IN. They had 8 children: Nancy Jane b. 1845, Cornelius P. b. 1848, John b. 1850, William J. b. 1851, Margaret b. 1853, Oliver b. 1857, Albert b. 1861/62 and James b. 1865. Woodson remarried before 1900 to ___________?

BEDELL posted by Peter Mooney on Thursday, January 26, 2006

Hello. I am searching for Edmund/Edward BEDELL, a Civil War veteran who served in Co. K,55th Pa. Inf. as a Lieutenant. Lived in Vinton,Benton Co., Iowa. May have died there in 1917. Any help in locating information about him,or his family truly appreciated. Pete.

MCLEOD, OBRIEN posted by Bonnie Grimmius on Monday, February 13, 2006

Looking for information on Keitha MCLEOD who taught country school in Tama Co. in 1928 - 1929 and Benton Co. 1930-35. I have an undated news clipping announcing she married Wm. O'BRIEN in Englewood, Colorado and gave birth to a daughter, Kathleen Keitha O'BRIEN Oct 4.

RUSSELL posted by Rhonda Hibben on Thursday, February 23, 2006

I am looking for the obituary for William RUSSELL. He was born in 1821 in Scotland. Died in Florence, Benton, Iowa. I'm not sure what year he passedbut it would have been after 1862. He had a daughter Jessie born in Canada that year.

DUMMETT posted by Robert Noyes on Thursday, February 23, 2006

I would like to know if there are any death/cemetery/funeral records for my 3great-grandfather Henry James DUMMETT who died in Big Grove Township in 1889. I would appreciate any help.

GORMAN, ROSEBERG, WILSON posted by Joey Stark on Saturday, February 25, 2006

"Fairfield Ledger", Fri., Feb. 16, 1968, Pg. 2, Col. 8 BATAVIA.

Carl A. ROSEBERG, professor of fine arts at the College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Va., and a native of Vinton, was honored at Richmond, Va., Feb. 1 by the Virginia Chapter of the American Institute of Architects.

He is married to the former Virginia GORMAN of Batavia, who is administrative assistant on the public relations staff of Colonial Williamsburg. Her sister, Mrs. Alberta LaPoint WILSON, also a former Batavian, makes her home with the ROSEBERGs and is employed at the College of William and Mary as secretary to the Dean of Women.....

[Also posted to the Jefferson County, Iowa Documents board]

*Transcribed for genealogy purposes; I have no relation to the person(s).

HANCOCK posted by Deborah Hancock Junker on Sunday, March 12, 2006

I am looking for obituaries or death records of the following people who lived in the Benton County area:
John J. HANCOCK 1843 - 1901
Charlotte Munn HANCOCK 1852 - 1934
Robert L HANCOCK 1885 - 1945 (dentist in Belle Plaine)
Alice Elliott HANCOCK (wife of Robert, died about 1969 or so in Arizona)
I am very anxious to prove my ancestry for DAR.

HATHAWAY, SUMMY posted by Nancy Webster on Thursday, March 23, 2006

SUMMY,Royal E. born in 1879 Bruce Twp., Benton Co., IA. 1880 Census he is living with the O.C. HATHAWAY family in Bruce Twp., Benton Co., IA. Does anyone have any further information on Royal? Is he a possible grandson of Benjamin and Mary Summy who are buried in the Dysart Cem.

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