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Query Queries
Benton County, IA
Posted Queries for February 2001

WILSON posted by Margo Boyd on Thursday, February 1, 2001

WILSON, James E. (Tama Jim)

MCNAMARA, MICHAEL posted by John l Michael on Wednesday, February 7, 2001

I'm looking for information about my grandfather Nicholas A MICHAEL.he was born May19 1872 died April 7,1948 in Iowa .he was married to Bridiget MCNAMARA.they had 3 children Clarence ,Mary,an my dad William my dad died in 1968. iam interested any information dad was born in Benton co.i think Nicholas was to.

HENDERSHOT, VARNEY posted by Barbara Cornia on Wednesday, February 7, 2001

VARNEY, Nathan Hawkes born 19 Oct 1833 Topshaw, Maine. Died 28 Oct 1915 Long Beach California. NH Varney moved from Maine to Big Grove, Benton, Iowa for a period of about 30 years from 1865-95 before moving to Long Beach California where he died. His wife was Emily Shelly Varney b. 1831 in Connecticut. Children: 1. Herbert Aruthur b. 1857 in Maine and married to 1. Louisa Fisher and had children, Wayne, Frank, Stella, John and Ella Pearl all born around Benton Co. Iowa. 2. Mary Pokasty from Quarry, Iowa. They had children Glen, Cliff, Nate and LeRoy all born in Big Grove except LeRoy. 2. Eliza F. b. 22 Jan 1866, married to Charlie HENDERSHOT in 1888. They had one son, Elmer Hendershot b. 1880 in Big Grove and then Eliza Varney Hendershot died in 1892 in Vinton, Iowa. 3. Willie Madison VARNEY b. 1869 in Big Grove 4. Emery VARNEY b. ? We don't know if Emery was born in Big Grove, Benton, Iowa or Maine. Can anyone help me with information on them? Thanks. Barb

ALBERT, BIEBESHEIMER, HAUCK, KROELE posted by Julie Porter on Wednesday, February 14, 2001

Looking on any information on my Great-great-Grandfather's family. George Adam BIEBESHEIMER was born 1 May 1851 in New York, New York. Sometime later either he or his family (father: Heihnric BIEBESHEIMER mother: Caroline KROELE) moved to Vinton, Iowa (Benson, County). According to family record George Adam was a cement contractor. He married Margaret ALBERT (father Mike ALBERT mother Margaret HAUCK of Brandon, Iowa). She was born 1 April 1853 and died in 1903 in Vinton. Among their children: George Allen, Goldie, and Carrie (Catherine). I am particually interested in birth/death records and gravesites. Please feel free to email me.

ASHOFF, MICHAEL, STRANG, THILL, WENGERT posted by Brian Michael on Friday, February 16, 2001

MICHAEL, Nicholas; Polk Twp., Benton County, Iowa; b. April 1836 d. 10/19/1919 in Independence, Iowa. Wife Margaret ASHOFF (b. 2/11/1842 in PA.). Children: Peter, Philip, Nicholas, John, George, Martin, and three daughters (last names THILL, STRANG, WENGERT).Lived in Benton county in 1880-1900. I am looking for information on his (and her) parents and ancestors. I am his g-g-grandson.

ARNOLD, LEHMAN posted by on Saturday, February 17, 2001

George Oliver ARNOLD was born in Jackson T., Benton Co., Iowa about 1877. I am searching for information on where the homesite is located. George's parents were Franklin Daniel ARNOLD, born about 1836 in Defiance Co., Ohio, and Mary LEHMAN. Mary was born about 1841, in Defiance Co., Ohio. The first two children were born in Ohio. The next eight were born between 1866 and 1883 on the homestead in Jackson T., Benton Co.

BIXBY, RADEKE posted by Tracy Gardner on Tuesday, February 20, 2001

Looking for any information on the BIXBY family, Ida Mae and Gordon, had I think 6 children, including my grandmother, Mary Louise BIXBY. (Other children are possibly Frances, Lucille, Ellen, Bernadine, and Kirk) Also looking for info on the RADEKE family, Frederick RADEKE, father of Richard Frederick George RADEKE, who married Mary BIXBY.

MEYERS, MYERS posted by Jerald F. Dirks on Wednesday, February 21, 2001

MYERS or MEYERS, Phebe Olive, born 1/1/1854 or 1/1/1855 in Benton County, Iowa. Her father (first name unknown) may have been born in Pennsylvania, and her mother (name unknown) may have been born in Indiana. She was my great-grandmother, and I would appreciate any and all information regarding her, her parents, and her siblings.

MCDOWELL, MINER posted by Sally Miner Wenger on Tuesday, February 27, 2001

Looking for Alfred MINER b.1833 Ill m. Rhoda MCDOWELL 1857 Benton Co. 4 children Jesse, Caroline, Edith and Ellen. 5th child, Alfred Jr. b. in Lane Co., Oregon 1872. Would like info on wagon train they left on and from where and parents of Rhoda MCDOWELL.

RICE posted by Phyllis on Tuesday, February 27, 2001

Looking for information on the following: Mary E. or J. RICE b. 1848 in Ohio James RICE b. 1851 in Ohio Father is Edmund Andrew Rice (1824-1902) Mother is Electa Goodrich Step-mother is Esther Swab Lived in Benton Co, from abt. 1860-1880. Any information would be appreciated. Thank you.

BYERLY posted by Lawrence D. Byerly on Wednesday, February 28, 2001

Looking for any information on Rubin BYERLY who was married to "Nettie" and had children Etta, Albert, Roy, Maletus, Claud, Fay, Flossie Alice, Hazel. Roy BYERLY my grandfather left Benton, IA in 1915 for settlement in Montana.

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