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Benton County, IA
Posted Queries for June 1997

HAPPEL posted by David Barnoske on Monday, June 2, 1997

HAPPEL, Carl (Son of George C. Happel)

HOLLENBECK posted by Cyndy Irvine on Monday, June 2, 1997

HOLLENBECK, Adolph "William", died in Montana 1927 at approx age of 55, came from Iowa late 1800's; his daughter's middle name was Denman & we have a photograph of "Uncle Moses Denman, Vinton, Iowa" along with some other photos from 1870's & 1880's. Hollenbeck is my great-grandfather & I would appreciate any info about him. Thank you.


FERGUSON, John Henry and Thomas John. These men among first settlers in Benton Co. Thomas John md. Elizabeth FERGUSON the sister of John Henry. John H. md. (2) Nancy BUNTIN. Others who md. into these families were; JEWELL, BRAMMER, ABBE, LEDGER, DENNISON, WYMAN, OYLER, YERKES, HOWARD, LYTLE, POWERS, only to name a few.Looking for others to share info with.

OSBORNE, ROUSE, WILSON posted by Sherry Wiesen on Friday, June 6, 1997

I am looking for a death (or a divorce) of Hannah OSBORNE ROUSE and Joseph ROUSE. I find them married within the year of the 1850 census. I find Joseph ROUSE married to a Catherine WILSON by 1880 in Nebraska. I have yet to search 1860 but I know that Joseph ROUSE, first son William H. ROUSE, was born in Iowa (in 1858 and his mother is listed as Catherine WILSON ROUSE) either in Benton Co. or Tama Co. I can't find record of birth to know which county. I would also like information on the marriage of Joseph ROUSE and Catherine WILSON ROUSE.


Researching HOLST, KNOKE, WARNER, CARSTENS, DITTLEMUTH, NISSEN, BRIEHOLZ, and NIEMAN, all from Germany and settled in the Keystone area.

BENNETT, DAVIS, FULLMER, RAABE, ROBERTS, SMITH, WILSON posted by Judith Sandage Murphy on Saturday, June 7, 1997

Seeking information on parents (especially the mother's surname) of Charlotte and William BENNETT. They were born in Indiana (Jefferson or Scott Co) and they both died in Belle Plaine, Iowa. Charlotte married #1 Ben ROBERTS, and #2 Fred FULLMER. The name of William's wife may have been Myrtle. They had a daughter, LoVerne who married Paul RAABE and had a son, Richard. I believe all of Charlotte's and Bill's siblings and possibly the parents, moved to the Belle Plaine area. I would like to find out the grandparents' names and birth/marriage info of siblings. I've been told that Charlotte and Bill's mother's name was Kate and her surname was either DAVIS, SMITH, or WILSON. Kate was possibly born in Indiana and married in Scott or Jefferson Co, IN. Thank you

RICKETTS posted by James Ricketts on Sunday, June 8, 1997

Looking for RICKETTS of Benton County, Iowa

DEXTER, KIMPORT, REIFENSTAHL posted by Sally Dexter Heath on Tuesday, June 10, 1997

KIMPORT, Martin b:1846 PA; spouse - REIFENSTAHL, Augustine b: abt 1851 IL, Married: 9 Dec 1868 Vinton, Benton, Ia. This may be my great great grandparents. Would love info. I believe their daughter, Emma KIMPORT married my Great Grandfather, John DEXTER m:11 Apr 1890.

REED, SCHMITZ posted by Sandy Frykholm on Wednesday, June 11, 1997

Seeking any info on Walter Harrison REED, b. 1883 and his wife Anna Marie SCHMITZ b. 1883 - both in Benton Co. W.H. REED's father David REED moved to Benton Co. after Civil War.

ADAMS, BUTCHER, DANIELSON, GRAY, HERRON, MIRACLE, MURPHY posted by Charla Hardesty on Tuesday, June 17, 1997

Looking for descendants of Luallen ADAMS and Emeline HERRON. Luallen was a school teacher and farmer in Vinton in the 1860's and 70's. There were 17 children in the family. Mahala was a student at the School for the Blind. Looking for ADAMS, MURPHY, BUTCHER, DANIELSON, MIRACLE, GRAY descendants of this couple.

LARUE, TWOGOOD posted by Don Watson on Saturday, June 21, 1997

LARUE, Dr. Jesse Lafayette, MD, and TWOGOOD, Harriett, Benton County IA, he a grad of Univ of IA, born 1847, served as Private in Civil War, moved to Booneville AR area around 1875, practiced medicine AR and Indian Territory (later OK), had office in Webers Falls OK, died 1915 in Ione (old Belva) AR. I have huge history of his ancestry all the way back to France, the Netherlands, Germany, in the 17th century, and arrival of his ancestor in New World in 1678, Abraham LaRue. Will appreciate any info about the remarkable Dr. LaRue and his wife, Harriett, in Benton County IA 1847-1875.

AVERY, TRIPP posted by Pat Weber on Monday, June 23, 1997

AVERY, Thompson and Jemima TRIPP buried Mt. Auburn, Benton County Iowa Cemetery. Looking for anyone related to this couple. Thompson died 1876 and Jemima 1891. Believe they came from Illinois. Would like info on parents names and what relationship was to William AVERY of Benton Co.

AVERY, TRIPP posted by Pat Weber on Monday, June 23, 1997

AVERY, William and Sarah ???? Benton Co. Iowa 1878. Trying to find Sarah's maiden name. Possibly TRIPP. Buried next to Louisa and J. M TRIPP in Mt Auburn Cemetery. William was in Illinois 16th Cav Co. H from Somonauk, Dekalb Co, Illinois. Was farmer in Benton Co. section 25, Mt. Auburn. Would appreciate any info about this family.

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